The small inconveniences (nausea, mood swings, etc.) of the first months have disappeared: it’s full form!
Your mind is teeming with projects, from furnishing your baby’s room to the trousseau of the future unborn treasure …
But be careful, be careful, especially so as not to increase the risk of premature birth:
Especially no big jobs or moving : heavy loads strictly not recommended!
If you want to repaint Baby’s room at all costs, beware of toxic products and above all, avoid climbing a ladder or stepladder, and in general, to expose yourself to any risk of falling.
Prefer quieter activities
For example, think of all those photos waiting to be sorted and stored in an album : you have to make a little space in anticipation of those of your future kid! Or, put yourself at the couture, embark on a cross stitch alphabet to decorate the future baby’s room, become an outstanding cook….
If your form allows it, take the opportunity to go out in love and see girlfriends : when Baby is here, you will certainly have less time to devote to restaurant or cinema evenings …
Start doing baby shopping (clothes, soft toys, etc.), but also for you : since your belly demands it, treat yourself to new dresses and also think of the special breastfeeding bra, if you have decided to breastfeed!
If you are more of the cinephile type, in the evening quietly watch your DVDs, your legs stretched out on your sofa, this is an activity that will suit you very well!
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