Pregnant: try homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Developed at the end of the XNUMXth century in Germany, homeopathy is based on the principle of similarity. A disorder is treated with a drug containing in a very dilute manner a molecule causing the same disorder. The advantage: the doses are always tiny and do not cause any side effects. The drugs are therefore completely compatible with pregnancy.

What does homeopathy treat?

Nausea, sleep disorders, ligament pain, constipation, acne … all the little ailments of pregnancy can be treated with homeopathy. It also offers solutions for emotional states such as stress or anxiety. And this can be useful on mild threats of premature labor (when the contractions do not really act on the cervix – this is called a false threat of preterm labor). We then use two drugs: Cuprum and Caulophyllum, associated with a field drug, therefore personalized, to act on the cause and not only on the symptom. On the other hand, it remains necessary to have recourse to conventional or allopathic medicine, for example to treat hypertension or diabetes during pregnancy.

Who prescribes homeopathy?

A physician who has completed his training by acquiring skill in prescribing homeopathic medicines.

How is the consultation with a homeopath?

This discipline is personalized. This means that two pregnant women with the same disease will not necessarily have the same prescription. The homeopathic doctor draws up a detailed portrait of the patient during the first consultation in order to give her the appropriate treatment. Treating nausea or a sleep disorder, for example, takes time. A drug that does not immediately correspond to a problem. Homeopaths also take into account the sidelines. For sleep disorders alone, there are around 200 homeopathic medicines. Saying, “I’m not sleeping well,” is not enough. The doctor needs to know whether at the same time you are anxious or not, whether you are sweating or not… The treatment includes granules intended to treat the symptoms and others are used as a basic treatment to stimulate the immune system. The goal: to prevent the reappearance of these same symptoms.

What is the role of homeopathy during childbirth?

Studies have shown that this prepares the cervix by softening it more than just a placebo, and the duration of childbirth is shortened by about 2 hours. A useful solution when you already have a history of cesarean section because at the second childbirth it is better for the dilation to take place regularly and quickly to avoid an emergency second cesarean section. But be careful, when the cervix is ​​very closed, homeopathy does not work. But when all is well, the homeopathic prescription is more standardized. On the program: Actea racemosa, 9 CH (5 granules per day) the last month. To this is added a second treatment to be taken at the start of contractions: Caulophyllum 9 CH, every 15 minutes. A treatment that regularizes the work. Finally, those who wish to give birth to their baby without an epidural can use Chamomilla 7 CH every 15 minutes to reduce the pain.

Are there any precautions to take?

None medically, because homeopathic medicines have no contraindications. This is not the case with many conventional drugs which cannot be used during pregnancy due to potentially dangerous side effects for the baby. Be careful, however, not to “under-medicalize” a disorder under the pretext that it is already treated with homeopathy. Certain complications (diabetes hypertension, etc.) must be taken care of in a more traditional way.

Is homeopathy reimbursed?

Yes, but less than before: since 2003, they have been reimbursed up to 35% by Social Security. Previously, they were reimbursed at 65% by Social Security.

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