Pregnant: stay on top during the holidays

Pregnancy: 6 tips for a successful New Year’s Eve

During pregnancy, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. But during the end of the year celebrations, it is not always easy to reconcile celebration and balance. Our advice to make the most of it while staying in shape.

D-1: a light meal

On this eve of the holidays, eat balanced. Eat three meals a day, that is, in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Add two snacks: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, to fill up with vitamins. Eating regularly also makes your stomach less full at once. Above all, do not miss any meal – especially breakfast, which is essential – because you might tend to make up for it on D-Day!

D-1: a good night’s sleep

You will need it to hold out on New Year’s Eve. And especially at the beginning of pregnancy, where fatigue, in particular due to the increase in the level of progesterone as well as the formation of the placenta and the vital functions of the embryo, is very frequent. So the day before do not hesitate to go to bed early and elevate your legs at night for maximum relaxation and facilitate blood circulation.

D-day: a little nap

It’s not always easy to have some time to yourself during this festive period, especially if New Year’s Eve is happening at home. Nevertheless, try to take a nap. 20 minutes will be enough to get you in shape. Also prefer a good shower to a bath that would certainly relax you but risk falling asleep.

D-Day: watch out for holiday meals

Foie gras, seafood, log… your table is surely overflowing with delicious dishes. Without depriving yourself, know that certain foods are not recommended for pregnant women such as shellfish, raw milk cheeses, marinated meats, raw fish. To learn more, read our article “Pregnant during the holidays, what can I eat?” “

D-Day: no to alcohol!

You must know it, pregnant, all alcohol is prohibited. Alcohol passes directly into the blood of the fetus, the placenta not blocking it, and compromises the development of the baby. For this occasion you can, if you really wish, dip your lips in champagne. However, a Juice – for its vitamins – orsparkling watere – for its richness in bicarbonate which helps fight heartburn – will obviously be better for your child’s health.

D + 1: return to good habits

If you haven’t been overdoing it, you shouldn’t be too tired. Once the holidays are over, resume your eating habits. And for the brave, think about sport. A little swimming, walking … will do you a lot of good. In a word : oxygenate yourself

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