Pregnant Shubskaya showed the perfect body in a swimsuit

For nine months, Anastasia has not recovered at all.

Very soon, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin will become parents for the first time. The lovers signed in the summer of 2016, and a year later, on July 8, on the Day of Family of Love and Fidelity, they arranged a wedding. Since then, there have been rumors about the pregnancy of the model. But they were confirmed only in June of this year, when Nastya herself published a photo, showing a round tummy.

Being in position, the girl began to give preference to long, tight-fitting dresses, emphasizing the changes in the figure. And the other day I suddenly shared a video in a swimsuit. On this act, the star was pushed by the comment of one subscriber, who angrily wrote to Nastya that at 24 she was completely old and looks terrible. Fans bombarded the young mother with words of support. In response, she, in order to thank the fans and at the same time prove that the pregnancy did not spoil her, posted a video in a bikini.

“Plus one hundred kg, but we are not discouraged,” wrote Shubskaya. But no one believed her, because the model’s body is simply perfect.

Plus a hundred kg, but we are not discouraged PS Dear subscribers, I want to say how touched I was by your reaction to the woman’s comment, which I posted in my story! How you began to calm me down and defend how many pleasant words and wishes Thank you! And for those who wrote that I would not pay attention and take it to heart, do not worry, it only caused laughter and, paradoxically, positive emotions.And in general, everything, even negative, should be treated with irony, and for this you need to love yourself and have high self-esteem (not to be confused with self-esteem) # only positive # ovechkin # fur #pregnancy

Publication from Nastasiya Ovechkina (@nastyashubskaya)

Shubskaya was always thin. Still, pregnancy is such an unpredictable period when even slender women gain extra weight. But Anastasia was lucky. The girl looks just gorgeous, on her legs and arms not an ounce of excess, as well as on her face. If not for the stomach, that is, take a picture of Shubskaya from the back, no one would have guessed about her position.

The entire female half of the star’s fans sings her praises and asks in the near future to tell how she managed not to get better and remain as beautiful and sexy.

By the way, Shubskaya is not the only celebrity who knows how to control herself during pregnancy. The model Anastasia Kostenko has not typed at all, and Anna Khilkevich also looks amazing. And as for being photographed in a bikini, being pregnant, in general, none of the stars seems to be shy. In any case, found a lot of stars in the position, who were filmed in swimsuits – scroll through the photo gallery along the arrow to the right!

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