Pregnant: our tips for overcoming the heat

La heat causes a lot of inconvenience in future mothers. You have tripled in volume while you are careful about your diet, you can no longer bear any clothes and you sweat constantly… Blame it on these excessive temperatures that everyone enjoys, except you. In the long list of small discomforts, we find the sensation of “heavy legs”, the ankles swelling, the fingers sticky.

Circulatory disorders, with the occurrence of varicose veins, may also appear. Why ? Heat causes blood vessels to dilate, the blood stagnates and circulates less well in the veins. As a result, the legs become heavier. This phenomenon is accentuated in pregnant women whose body temperature is naturally higher. The metabolism increases during pregnancy: it takes more energy to make the baby!

The other risk: it is the Dehydration. Temperatures are rising and you don’t remember to drink enough. A little discomfort quickly arrived. Not to mention the possible arrival of urinary disorders and the occurrence ofhemorrhoids.

Heatwave: preventing heavy legs

Le swelling of the hands and feetspares few pregnant women. It appears especially in the second half of pregnancy and is accentuated during periods of high heat. To some extent, this type of reaction can be prevented. If your legs are heavy, do not hesitate to wear compression stockings. There are now more “glamorous” models in pretty colors.

Other advice:

  • In the office, try to change position frequently.
  • Sitting, you can also elevate your legs to facilitate blood circulation.
  • Avoid very tight boots, as well as too high heels.
  • Walking remains the best exercise to fight against swelling of the legs.
  • In the evening when returning home, it is also advisable to take a lukewarm bath to relieve you.
  • Likewise during the day, run your wrists under cold water to cool off.

Strong heat: drink again and again

We cannot say it enough: during pregnancy, you must to drink frequently, especially in summer. Don’t skimp on the water bottle: 1,5 liters is good, 2 liters is even better. Pregnant, you eliminate more water. And drinking a lot is the best way to prevent urinary tract infections. It is also, with a suitable diet, the ultimate remedy to fight hemorrhoids. However, avoid smoothies and other cocktails that are too sweet, which, due to a lack of sufficient hydration, may weigh heavily on the scale.

Dress lightly during a heatwave

If there is one advantage of being pregnant in summer, it’s that you can dress lightly. Fashion for pregnant women is more and more attractive. Opt for comfortable outfits in natural like linen, cotton. The little empire dress is the best ally of flirtatious mothers-to-be, it highlights your pretty belly and lets the body breathe.

Stay in the shade during hot weather

Who says heat, says sun … and pregnancy mask! To take no risk, avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours. Your pretty face might not get over it. And do not ignore the total screen, at least on the face. The pregnancy mask does not only happen to others!

On the baby side, there is nothing to fear. If there is one who does not suffer from the heat, it is him, comfortably installed in your belly.

Pregnant, how do you get to sleep when it’s very hot?

During a heat wave, getting to sleep is not easy for anyone. But when you’re pregnant, it’s worse! In addition to the difficulties of falling asleep due to the heat, there are those relating to the pregnancy itself. Tips and information to get to sleep (a little). With Dr Frédérique Aussert, general practitioner and member of the French Society for Research and Sleep Medicine.

Whatever the temperature, when you are expecting a baby, sleeping is never easy, especially at the end of pregnancy. In addition to the physical transformations, which cause difficulties in finding a comfortable position to sleep, pregnancy is also a time when the psychic, anxieties and worries can upset the nights. While the 1st quarter is marked by a natural and physiological increase in sleep time of about 30 minutes, and by drowsiness during the day (it is progesterone, the hormone of early pregnancy, the responsible), at 2rd quarter, things are going pretty well. But to 3rd quarter, it is often more difficult to find the right position for sleep well. Nighttime sleep is more fragmented and restless. “Not only does the baby take up more space, but he hasn’t necessarily understood the day / night rhythm,” notes Dr Aussert.

And as pregnancy is marked by a constant rise in body temperature … the pregnant woman can quickly be overwhelmed by the summer heat. So in the event of a heat wave, it can quickly become very complicated to get to sleep!

Pregnant, our “special heat wave” advice for sleeping well

We cool off before going to bed

To decrease body temperature, we recommend taking a lukewarm shower or bath before falling asleep. It will refresh and relax you at the same time. 

We spray our face before falling asleep

Use and abuse mineral water misters, which you can keep in the fridge for a few hours for better efficiency. More economical: buy a spray that you will fill with water as you go. Spray yourself before bed. Keep close at hand for unwanted awakenings.

We take foot baths

A grandmother’s thing, of course, but ultra efficient to refresh itself ! There are even bubble devices, such as mini-jaccuzzi, “special foot baths”. Super effective to avoid heavy legs, a great classic of pregnancy, especially in summer! 

We protect our room from the heat

During the day, we close shutters and windows. We only open in the evening, when there is no more sun, and in several rooms if possible, to create a draft. You can also hang a wet sheet on your window, it will bring a little freshness. Don’t skimp on fans if the noise does not bother you to sleep.

We prepare our night … during the day  

Because the night is also being prepared during the day, we apply the anti-heat instructions: stay in the shade to the maximum, to drink lots of water, wear light clothes, rather in cotton or linen, a hat wide brim, and avoid going out in the hottest hours …

Other tips for sleeping in hot weather

On dîne light

If you want to avoid spending the night digesting, choose a light meal the evening. But beware, light does not mean without calories. It’s about eating little in volume, but not limiting yourself to a small salad! Favor smaller portions, without skipping starchy foods. Avoid meals too fatty or too sweet, which make digestion more difficult.

We listen to sleep signals

Do you yawn, your eyes itch, your eyelids are heavy, do you lack concentration? It’s a sign that it’s time to go to bed! On average, we feel these sleep signals every 90 minutes, like sleep cycles. “It is better to catch a moment when you feel these signals, rather than going to bed at any time, because that is where you will be able to sleep,” advises Dr Aussert.

We run away from stimulants and screens

To avoid keeping your body on alert, run away from the exciting such as coffee, tea or caffeinated sodas, if possible from 16 p.m. Likewise, avoid using screens (tablet, smartphone, computer…) in the hour before bedtime, because the blue light they emit delays the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Favor them quiet activities : lecture, relaxation, massages…

We find the right position

Doctors advise lie on your left side, because this position frees more the inferior vena cava which returns the blood towards the heart. Conversely, the position lying on the right side is rather not recommended because the uterus compresses the liver which presses on the vena cava and impairs blood circulation. In some pregnant women, this position promotes vagal discomfort. But if you’re not prone to it and prefer this position, don’t force yourself to switch sides! The important thing is to place yourself in the position where you feel best. You can also help yourself with a cushion under the belly and / or another between the knees to stabilize you.

We turn to the plants

Last option, the phytotherapy. Some plants are known to promote sleep. This is the case with passionflower and valerian, which can be taken as an infusion or in tablets. On the other hand, food supplements containing melatonin should be avoided when expecting a baby. 

And if despite all these tips, you can’t sleep a night, catch up on the nap the next day!

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In video: Pregnant, how do you get to sleep when it’s hot?

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