- Resolution 1: I request a seat in transport
- Resolution 2: I take care of my comfort at the office
- Resolution 3: I exercise a little
- Resolution 4: I listen to my body
- Resolution 5: I don’t let myself be intimidated
- Resolution 6: I impose my rhythm
- Resolution 7: I have fun at the table
- Resolution 8: I take the right positions
Resolution 1: I request a seat in transport
If you wait for someone to stand up, you risk taking root. And stomping around in a crowded train, there is nothing worse for the little one you brood, other than maybe the department stores on Christmas Eve. So in public transport, ask for a seat, you have priority. In case, CAF even issues cards on purpose so that you can prove it.
Resolution 2: I take care of my comfort at the office
Behind a computer, sit with your back well supported in your chair in front of the screen, your elbows raised. Get up regularly to take a few steps and stimulate your blood circulation. If you are working while standing, avoid stomping and stand with your legs slightly apart, feet ‘in 10:10’ in order to distribute your body weight over both legs. If you have to carry or lift loads, get help. As for climbing on a chair or getting on all fours under a desk to grab something, it’s simple: forget it.
Resolution 3: I exercise a little
Even pregnant, physical activity is recommended because it increases resistance to stress, reduces anxiety and soothes nervousness. So if you can, go to work on foot, or failing that, take the time, once or twice a week, to go for a brisk walk after your lunch, for about twenty minutes. Go to the swimming pool: in the water your body and mind relax. You float, relieved of the laws of gravity, and your whole body, including your brain, benefits. Another particularly recommended activity is yoga, which also helps improve blood circulation and prevent back pain. However, avoid skiing, horseback riding and any other sport involving the risk of falling.
Any other ideas?
Resolution 4: I listen to my body
And I rest. Rule n ° 1: learn to decompress. When you start to get nervous, inhale deeply by placing your hands on your round stomach, you will immediately take a step back … Then, respect your sleep rhythm. In the evening, go to bed as soon as you feel the urge. If you resist, you will then have to wait for the next cycle, 1 hour and a half later. During the day, if you feel very tired, close your eyes for a lightning nap. You will see, it can be learned very …
Resolution 5: I don’t let myself be intimidated
There will always be jealous people, stressed people, in short, people around you to interfere with your little happiness? Forget them. Hormones boost your morale and you should take advantage of it. If you feel too exhausted, ask for an appointment with the occupational physician or simply with your general practitioner.
Resolution 6: I impose my rhythm
Stress and endless days are incompatible with a healthy pregnancy. In the office, be firm: no meetings at 18 p.m., with some exceptions. When you feel the tension building, step away for a few moments to go for a walk in the hallway and take a deep breath. At home, you still set your schedules: do you need to go to bed early? Get everyone to dinner at 19 p.m. Solicit your spouse, and be pampered by family and friends.
Resolution 7: I have fun at the table
During pregnancy, we do not eat for two, of course, but there is no question of going on a diet for fear of gaining weight. Apart from a few foods to avoid (raw milk cheeses, raw meat if you are not immune to toxoplasmosis), meals should remain a pleasure. Listen to your desires, this is what will allow you to feel good in this body which is gradually changing. If necessary, you can even consult a dietician to glean some wise advice.
Resolution 8: I take the right positions
In the car, for example: take the time to position the headrest correctly, so that it serves you well to rest your neck. When you are forced to travel, stop at least every hour to take a few steps and stretch. To get in or out of your vehicle, be sure to pivot the pelvis. In front of the TV or at the movies, take the time to find the position that suits you: not always easy with a big belly, or for those who have blood circulation problems. Ironing, telephone or peeling potatoes: learn to practice your usual activities while sitting. Avoid pants and socks that are too tight, baths or waxing too hot.