Pregnant, it’s the perfect time to go for a spa
In all cases, you must request a medical certificate to your gynecologist or midwife, as there may be some contraindications. “For example, if the cervix is already a little dilated, if there is a threat of premature delivery or in the event of particular pathologies”, adds Dr Marie Perez Siscar.
What is the right duration for a cure? Several options are available to you. You can opt for two or three days, just to do a little well-being parenthesis. You will have time to do five or six treatments on average. Or you can choose a longer cure five days. This will be an opportunity to test around twenty treatments, but also to take courses in sports activities – aquatic stretching, yoga, etc. – or stress management with sophrology, or even cooking workshops to learn how to compose balanced menus.
“To benefit even more from the marine benefits, consider exfoliating at the start of the treatment. “
Sea water: energizing and invigorating virtues
As we know, the sea water used for thalassotherapy treatments is stuffed withtrace elements and mineral salts : calcium, potassium, magnesium … A ten-minute bath helps the tired body to “recharge” naturally. Water in pools and bathtubs is maintained at 35 ° C. Because heat allows the body to better capture nutrients thanks to a phenomenon of vasodilation of the blood capillaries, which promotes their passage through the pores of the skin.
Still more concentrated in micronutrients, wraps based on mud and seaweed are also available. Relaxing effect as a bonus. And then, the sea air is super invigorating. Know that the first few days, you will certainly sleep more – because the body eliminates all the tensions -, then you will find a boost in tone at the end of the treatment. Punch that even lasts several months afterwards. Stack what you need!
The expert’s opinion
“Having a cure between the 3rd and 7th month is a good idea. Indeed, during this period, the risks of miscarriage are generally ruled out, the new forms of the future mother are not too imposing. And fatigue is not yet too important. »Dr Marie Perez Siscar
Top to relieve ailments!
Trace elements and minerals associated with massages, seaweed or mud wraps, jet baths, etc. relieve pain. back pain and muscle tension, very frequent pregnant. In addition, certain treatments help to improve blood circulation for lighten the legs, damaged during this period. Especially with the increase in blood volume and the poor venous return that sets in. You can try out showers with draining jets, pressotherapy – we put on “boots” which exert pressure on the legs to boost venous return. Or frigitherapy – the legs are surrounded by cotton strips soaked in a preparation for a cooling effect. And then, take time for yourself provides relaxation for the mind and body.
Softness for the skin
Sea water exfoliates the epidermis: the skin softens and better absorbs trace elements and minerals. “Another advantage of marine compounds: they reboost the epidermis and restore elasticity, adds Dr Perez Siscar. A welcome boost because under the effect of hormones, skin fibers are less elastic and may “crack” due to changes in weight, causing stretch marks. But that does not exempt from applying specific creams!
Preparation for childbirth
“Doing a thalasso helps to be better prepared for childbirth, ”says Dr Perez Siscar. Of course, this does not replace childbirth preparation classes! But it is a help for set in motion a dynamic. Aquatic exercises and treatments promote flexibility in the joints, which will be useful at the time of childbirth for the passage of the baby. It is also an opportunity to (re) get involved in sport. Please note, these are adapted physical activities!
Special pregnant women
Seaweed wraps, draining jets, massages… Yes, but not on the stomach!
What precautions should you take when you are pregnant?
All thalassotherapy treatments can be suitable for pregnant women with a targeted program according to your needs. For example, seaweed or mud wraps are possible. Under certain conditions. The application is localized on certain areas where there is tension, such as the lumbar or cervical. And we don’t apply not on the stomach. Likewise, in the case of showers with draining jets, the practitioner does not direct the jets on the stomach. And massages concern all parts of the body, except the stomach. What’s more, essential oils are not used because their strong power of action can have side effects on the fetus. You will be comfortably seated on your side, with a cushion under one of the legs to be even more comfortable.
Finally, be careful with hammams and saunas. They are not recommended because the high temperature increases the heart rate, which can cause discomfort. And the heat also worsens the circulatory problems and water retention. “But if the pregnant woman is used to doing it, she can continue after consulting her doctor or midwife,” warns the doctor. So many precautions for make the most of benefits of the cure.