Pregnant, how about trying shiatsu?

What are the principles of shiatsu?

According to the principles of chinese medicine, our body is defined by a network of meridians in which circulates the Ki, or vital energy. The quality and nature of Ki depend on opposing and complementary forces: yin and yang. When the circulation of Ki is unbalanced, disorders or diseases appear.

How does shiatsu work?

By gentle pressure on acupuncture points, But also mobilisations and Stretching, the practitioner, also called shiatsuki, releases tension, removes blockages in the joints and allows energy to circulate again.

What are the benefits of shiatsu during pregnancy?

Heavy legs, back pain, stress, muscle or joint pain, small intestinal problems… Shiatsu acts on many inconveniences. Moms can even practice it before conception to quit smoking or reduce emotional tension. Shiatsu is not a substitute for medical therapy, but rather is a safe kind of “pre-medicine” that acts in a complementary way. He participates in the smooth running of labor by using the breath or by working in positions that favor childbirth. It can also help it get started in a natural way. In any case, this is what a study carried out at St. Michael’s Hospital in England showed. Finally, it allows expectant mothers to get closer emotionally to their baby and to feel more confident.

How does a shiatsu session take place?

The future mother is lying on a futon, a thin cotton mattress placed on the floor. To avoid a drop in blood pressure and repercussions on the baby, lying on your side or sitting is recommended after the 4th month of pregnancy. Large cushions or a ball are sometimes used to support you. Forget about tight clothes, wear a loose and comfortable outfit. Before any gesture, the therapist talks with you in order to detect possible contraindications and allow you to explain your expectations, as well as your feelings of the pregnancy. Then, he listens to your body and exerts pressure with his palm or his thumbs on specific points along the meridians. Faced with certain energy imbalances, he can also practice gentle stretching of certain limbs or parts of the body. The shiatsu massage lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Are there any contraindications?

Shiatsu is contraindicated in fever, inflammation or acute infection, but also if you suffer from bleeding, high blood pressure, certain skin infections, heart or lung problems. If in doubt, ask your midwife or the doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy for advice.

How long does it take to see the benefits?

Shiatsu adapts to each future mother. Some feel a sense of well-being from the first session, while others need more time to correct the dysfunctions. The right pace? From once a week to once a month depending on how you feel.

Can the future dad participate?

Future dads are getting more and more involved during pregnancy. Shiatsu is a good way to get them involved. Thanks to the points learned during the sessions, they can thus relieve the expectant mother at home, or help childbirth, by promoting contractions and relaxation in the delivery room.

Is shiatsu reimbursed?

Not yet recognized in France as “complementary medicine”, shiatsu sessions are not reimbursed by health insurance. However, find out because some mutuals support them. The price varies according to the duration of the session, from 30 to more than 60 €.

Where to find a practitioner and get information?

For the list of professionals (some are midwives) trained specifically in shiatsu during pregnancy, you can contact:

Such. : 0890 710 017


1 bis, Cité Paradis, 75010 Paris

Such. : 0 805 100 700

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