Pregnant for the first time: 7 amazing discoveries of the expectant mother

There are no two identical pregnancies, as well as two identical women. Everyone has this incredible time differently. And no matter how much you read clever books, you will certainly not be ready for something.

A journalist shared her experience Gemma Cartwright – the miracle of pregnancy happened to her for the first time. And in the very first trimester, Gemma was surprised so many times that she decided to share her experience with readers. And here are the conclusions she made at the start of motherhood.

1. The term “morning sickness” was coined by someone who has never been pregnant

Morning sickness, or toxicosis, is the first thing that pregnancy is associated with. But how is it shown in the movies? The woman woke up, vomited slightly, rinsed her mouth with tooth balm and went about her business as if nothing had happened.

“I never once vomited in the first 14 weeks. But it got sick almost constantly. The nausea disappeared only if I chewed something, preferably simple carbohydrates. I ate so many fries that I was sure that in the end I will give birth to potatoes, ”says Gemma.

And the most difficult period was not in the morning, but from 5 to 7 in the afternoon. It got to the point that the girl could not understand what was wrong with her: she was sick or hungry. And all this began to decline only by the second trimester.

2. Not drinking is easy

It turned out to be the easiest thing to refuse a glass of champagne or a cocktail in the company. Although Gemma admits: before pregnancy, she was very worried about this, because a glass of wine at dinner was common for her. She loved noisy parties and get-togethers in the bar. It was scary to lose this.

“Due to toxicosis, even the thought of drinking made me nauseous. Then, when the “morning” ailments passed, the desire to drink did not arise. It turned out that having fun in the company and not touching alcohol is very easy, ”says Gemma.

3. Clothes for pregnant women are disgusting

At first it seems that a lot of money will be spent on a pregnant woman’s wardrobe. And then, when you start sorting through things in specialized stores, it turns out that they are not only expensive, but also unattractive.

“I wore my regular clothes as long as I could fit into them. It’s good that I have always loved free things. And then these stripes and floral prints – they only look normal on skinny models with false bellies. It’s impossible to find a stylish thing, ”Gemma complained.

4. Pregnancy has many symptoms that no one will tell about

Even your gynecologist. Seriously, pregnancy is accompanied by so many phenomena that it is impossible to warn about all of them. Gemma, for example, knew about toxicosis, bloating, fatigue, age spots, and accelerated hair growth. But she did not know about the increased salivation, which happens infrequently, but she was “lucky”.

“I woke up in a pool of my own saliva. Or sudden nosebleeds – driving to work and suddenly realizing that I look like Dina from Stranger Things. There is no end to the weird things that happen to the body during pregnancy, ”Gemma wonders.

5. Parents will worry as much as you do.

Expectant mothers tend to worry about each new incomprehensible sensation. And the only ones who will share these experiences as much as possible are their own parents.

“When I was going to the first screening, I forgot to tell my parents that it was in the evening. Dad later said that they had been sitting “like cats on hot bricks” all day. I think these are the only people who will listen carefully to my lengthy stories about the safety of child seats, diaper comparisons, etc., ”says Gemma. She also suggests that your mom will definitely start knitting. It seems that grandmothers have it genetic.

6. Money is constantly being pulled from you

The child has not yet been born, and spending has already begun. You will be advised some vitamins for crazy thousands, although our mothers got along with the banal “Gendevit”. They will recommend a bunch of dietary supplements, start promoting some special food and other nonsense, which has only one goal – to get more money from you. The commercialization of pregnancy and motherhood is very profitable. And you will certainly start buying things for your unborn baby. Just because you can, and they are so cute! Under the influence of hormones, it is generally easy to buy too much, so it is better to try to keep yourself in hand.

7. The first ultrasound can cause panic

“I so wanted to see our baby for the first time and make sure that everything is in order with him, that I almost went crazy with the expectation. I even started to panic. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to get an additional scan early, do so. It is better to pay and calm down than to be nervous and thereby harm yourself and the child, ”advises Gemma.

But at the same time, it is better not to go overboard with additional ultrasound. This procedure is safe, like everything else in this world, as long as we do not exceed the permissible rate.

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