Pregnant fever, what to do?

Are we more often sick when pregnant?

In pregnant women, the immune defenses are lower, hence certain recurrent illnesses – rhinitis, tonsillitis, ear infections, etc. – which sometimes begin with a fever. These viruses are not inherently serious. Fever during pregnancy can be mild, but it can also be a sign of an infection that can be serious for you or the fetus. Some of these diseases can trigger contractions and therefore a risk of premature labor. In all cases, it is necessary to consult.

If you have a fever, what to do?

You have a fever if your temperature is 38 ° C or above. As soon as you notice your febrile state, make an appointment with your doctor, your gynecologist or your midwife. If you can’t get around, call the emergency room or your maternity ward for medical advice over the phone. Do not take any medication. At a minimum, check with a pharmacist, indicating your condition. Unless prescribed by a doctor, do not take aspirin or any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) not recommended while pregnant, give preference to paracetamol, without exceeding 4 g per day.

Is fever dangerous for the baby?

It is not the fever that is dangerous (on the contrary, it is even a sign that the body is fighting well to fight a disease), but what is behind it! If you can handle the fever well and continue with your activities, it may not be useful to take an antipyretic. Fever is a sign of the body’s defense. The latter raises the internal temperature of the body to slow the multiplication of viruses. Systematically lowering it would interfere with this mechanism. On the other hand, if you feel very tired, it is a sign that the fever is not well tolerated and that it should be lowered.

If I have the flu, what should I do?

An intense fever with body aches and cough… it may indeed be the flu! It is one of the respiratory diseases poorly tolerated by pregnant women because it can have serious consequences in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. If you are infected, no need to rush to the emergency room. Your doctor will recommend strict rest at home and treatment with an authorized antiviral, such as oseltamivir, which should be taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. But nothing beats vaccination! The vaccine is 100% reimbursed for pregnant women.

What diseases make you feverish?

Pain in the kidneys with fever, this is the most serious form of urinary tract infection, the pyélonéphrite. You must be on intravenous antibiotics in the hospital for three days, then the treatment is continued at home. On the other hand, a fever with contractions, can be the sign of an infection of the water bag and / or the placenta (chorioamnionitis). In the vast majority of cases, there is rupture of the water bag, with discharge of amniotic fluid. Finally, a sudden fever, without necessarily being accompanied by other symptoms, can be a sign of listeriosis, a serious disease for the fetus. You must take a treatment within three days: so do not wait to consult!

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