The future mother danced so incendiaryly that her husband joined her, and then doctors and nurses.
Contractions … What is it, every woman who has given birth remembers. Yes, the pain is quickly forgotten as soon as you take the baby in your arms. But before that, you still have to give birth.
There are many tips on how to painlessly survive the contractions. Someone jumps on a ball, someone prefers a bath and a lumbar massage. We propose to take an example from Alicia Exanthus. The video, in which a young American woman dances incendiaryly in the corridor of a medical hospital, instantly went viral on social networks.
Alicia is a Florida teacher and a young mom. Almost seven months ago, she became the mother of adorable little Tatum. As she herself admitted on her Instagram page, both she and her husband Miller love to dance, and in general they are a very cheerful couple. So before the birth of their daughter, they could not resist.
“This dance was part of my birthing plan,” says Alicia. “I am very glad that both my husband and the staff of the hospital where I gave birth supported me.”
It is hard to imagine that in this video the future mommy is dancing with an opening of three centimeters. But it is so! Alicia dances so incendiaryly that both her husband and nurses join her.
“Our dance was the beginning of a 30-hour work,” recalls the young mother.
Alicia with her newborn daughter
Yes, Alicia gave birth to Tatum for over a day. But she calls the experience incredible thanks to the support of those who were with her at that moment. So take note, this is also possible! And even necessary – you can recall the experience of the Brazilian obstetrician Fernando Guede da Cunha. He danced with his patients when the contractions began. According to him, this helped a lot to speed up labor: women gave birth in a maximum of eight hours.
And on this link you can find a whole collection of “pregnant” dances in the hospital. And not a single case ended badly! Firstly, because the circular motion of the pelvis helps to improve blood circulation and labor. Secondly, because the women were under the supervision of doctors.