Pregnant Diary: Myths About Fitness
Do not lift heavy! Do not run, do not jump, do not play sports! No physical activity in an interesting position. Just lie back and watch TV and remember – you are pregnant! Is it really? Should a pregnant woman lead an almost plant-based lifestyle? Today we are finding out the answers to these questions and destroying myths together with TV presenter and blogger Ekaterina Tokareva in her “Diary of a Pregnant Woman”.
In her video diaries, Ekaterina Tokareva completely refutes these clichés. In her opinion, pregnancy is not a disease and not a reason to abandon sports. Regular fitness exercises during pregnancy will help you quickly return to your previous shape after childbirth: “The undoubted plus of physical activity is that thanks to exercise during pregnancy, the recovery process after childbirth is faster! I feel very good, I feel cheerful, even despite the fact that with the advent of my son my daily routine has changed a lot, and now I practically cannot sleep. “
Fitness myths during pregnancy
Armed with the advice of doctors and experienced fitness instructors, Ekaterina will tell you by trimester which exercises are suitable for pregnant women and which exercises should be abstained from so as not to harm herself and her baby. After all, reasonable physical activity is not only not harmful, but also very useful for expectant mothers. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that it is necessary to go in for sports with a professional instructor who will tell you what is possible and what is not, select a training program and be sure to remind you of the basic safety rules.
Even if you are going to study at home, you should definitely attend several classes with a trainer.
Only under the guidance of an experienced coach can you be calm that everything will be as comfortable and safe as possible for you and your child.
Before going to a pregnancy class, be sure to check with your doctor!
He will tell you what you can and cannot do.
Fitness myths during pregnancy
Do’s and don’ts for how long?
First trimester
In the first trimester, it is recommended to reduce the load as much as possible, because at this time all the internal organs of the baby are laid. During this period, the risk of miscarriage is maximal. That is why doctors say that at this time you should limit yourself to simple breathing exercises, strengthening the pectoral muscles and muscles of the thighs. And no press swing! You need to forget about this at all!
Second trimester
This is the safest period for you and your baby, so the load can be increased. It will be useful to pay attention to the legs, pelvis, and abs. All exercises at this stage should preferably be performed in a bandage in order to reduce the load on the spine. However, all exercises that were previously performed on the back should be replaced with exercises on the side. The supine position prevents oxygen from reaching the fetus.
Third trimester
At this time, you should think about exercises that are designed to relax your back and reduce stress on the spine. Lessons in the pool, as well as fitball, are useful. You can pay special attention to exercises for the arms, chest and hips.
At any stage of pregnancy, sports and exercise should be fun for you! If you absolutely do not like this or that exercise, you should cancel it or replace it with something else!
Do not force yourself, it will not do any good, but only harm you and the child.
Remember also that our body is changing, the load on the spine, pelvis and legs increases, so you must definitely keep yourself in good shape, give yourself some relief, and warm up. It is important to breathe correctly during exercise, this will saturate you and your baby with more oxygen.
This type of activity is suitable for pregnant women at any time.
Swimming and exercising in water are indicated throughout pregnancy. This is almost an ideal variant of a sports load. The pool relieves stress from the spine and legs, at the same time, improves endurance, helps to keep the body in good shape and train breathing, which is very important. However, before going to the pool to exercise, consult your doctor about the restrictions and contraindications. Find a good instructor to look after you and make sure you do the exercises correctly! Safety and accuracy are above all!