Pregnant at work, stopping is not the only solution!

Pregnant at work: work stoppages are increasing

The number of pathological pregnancies continues to increase : 1 in 5 currently. Three main causes: women are having children later and later, the progress of assisted reproduction leads to more multiple pregnancies, and the global environment is deteriorating, both in terms of pollution and socio-economic conditions. The researchers looked at the work stoppages and the outcome of the pregnancy.

A misconception is circulating: working would be bad for the baby! On the contrary, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm) observed, based on data from the latest national perinatal surveys, the risk of prematurity is higher (6%) among unemployed women than among the active (5,1%). Obviously, the former face social isolation and significant stress. But for working women who stop before the 3rd trimester, we also observe a poorer pregnancy outcome than among those who work until maternity leave.

« The sick leave can cause significant discomfort in some. In terms of the health of the baby, it is sometimes better to continue working. Indeed, being in activity allows to maintain a minimum physical activity, while in stop, the mother-to-be will have less opportunity to walk. It also saves him loneliness and greater anxiety. Finally, when we stay at home, we are also more tempted to snack, but also to smoke. Prejudicial conduct for the rest of the pregnancy », Comments Professor Deruelle.

Pregnant: work in good conditions

These data are essential in a country where two children are born per woman and where the employment rate of expectant mothers is one of the highest in Europe. Companies do not sufficiently inform expectant mothers about the risks associated with their work, according to the first results of the PremUp * Foundation survey.

If women took more precautions and if companies promoted good practices, we could drastically reduce pregnancy complications. In the workplace, information on the risks associated with pregnancy and their consequences is almost non-existent. Thereby, 95% of pregnant women have not received any information from their company. More seriously, 7 out of 10 women admit that they behaved then “ overall as usual “At their workplace rather than taking” multiple precautions ”. However, we also know that certain situations can increase the number of miscarriages, the risk of prematurity or the birth of small babies. This is the case with women who work on vibration machines, who carry heavy loads or who stand for a long time. Other risks are less well known.

Pregnancy and work: clichés die hard

In all these situations, the role of the occupational physician is still minor. “ Companies must do risk prevention. For example, women should have easier access to occupational physicians. But there are not enough of them. As a result, we prefer to “remove” the woman from work, although this is not always the most adequate solution. », Continues Professor Deruelle.

Thus, we observe that job adjustments, although compulsory in labor law, are in fact still very little offered. According to the PremUp Foundation survey, 27% of working women say that limiting business travel is possible in their company, and only 9% of those polled have the possibility of doing business. teleworking. Another difficulty, pregnant women face many prejudices within their company, which emanate from both men and women! For 42% of them and 36% of women: “We don’t know if a woman will come back after her pregnancy”.

40% of men – and 31% of women – consider “that pregnant, women have less head at work”. As a result, for 4 out of 10 women, working pregnant was a difficult time. Moreover, 2 out of 10 women in the 25-34 age group did not hesitate to hide their pregnancy as long as possible to their employer. A very damaging behavior, since by concealing their condition, they cannot benefit fromlegal and contractual advantages – such as absences for medical examinations without reduction in remuneration – or reductions in daily working time, if their condition requires it.

Pregnancy and work: tired employees

On our Facebook page, many Internet users testify to an unpleasant environment, even harassment. “ Pregnant at work? Hell! », Testify Florence and Julie. “ It was about doing more, always more. But what to do when you are tired, anxious and depressed? »Lucie adds:« Me, at work, I had the right to: “Being pregnant is not an illness”. I agree, but hey, when you throw up almost every hour, and you stay up six hours a week, at the end of the day, you can’t take it anymore! »

Marie says: “ In National Education, we cannot really adapt the position: I have kindergartens, I have an audience in front of me, impossible to take a break, i’m up all day, I wear, I bend down, it’s hell! “Sometimes the company shows goodwill, but the furniture does not follow suit, as Émilie says:” It was not easy because my office was not suitable. My big belly was preventing me from reaching my keyboard! »

Pregnancy and work: good practices also exist!

Fortunately, some companies have taken pregnancy into account, as Mélanie testifies: “ I worked in the automotive industry. When I announced that I was pregnant, I got a suitable job the next day, as well as different hours.. “Some companies take the subject of motherhood head-on, such as Mazars, an international company specializing in auditing and consulting:” We wanted more women to step up to leadership positions », Explains Muriel de Saint Sauveur, Director of Diversity, Marketing and Communication for the group for France. “ In our country, there were only 9% of women in the highest positions. I was instructed to understand why. We noticed that women, between 30 and 35, were dropping out of our company on a massive scale. The reason ? Work-related constraints were not adapted to motherhood. »

Taking matters in hand, Muriel de Saint Sauveur decides to publish a “Guide to good practices“, Intended for HRDs and managers, to take into account and support women, before, during and after their pregnancy. Distributed in 73 countries, this guide is a success. Likewise, the PremUp Foundation would like the results of its survey to be the start of a real awareness, both for public authorities and for companies. It is also launching a program called “sweet”, in order to raise awareness of prevention issues in favor of pregnant women and newborn. The Foundation intends to help companies which so wish to implement these support measures. For the well-being of mothers and the good health of babies.

* PremUp / Odoxa survey, “Pregnant woman and professional environment”, April 2015, on 1 French people aged 477 and over.

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