After all, nothing and no one forces you to be happy, pregnant. Do not deny yourself to display your moods with people who are close to you, they will know how to comfort you. “Often, expectant mothers feel isolated, even when they don’t. You have to be surrounded at all costs, ”advises C. Antoine. Your man, your friends or your mom will quickly understand that you need to be pampered!
If morale is low, do not hesitate to see a doctor.
“If it is a brief drop in morale during pregnancy, there is no reason to resort to medication,” explains C. Antoine. On the other hand, when the future mother shows signs of depression, it gets complicated! Taking antidepressants is strongly discouraged during these nine months except in exceptional cases (suicide attempt, for example). They represent a real danger for the development of the baby, especially if they are administered during the first trimester.
Nine months is not that long …
As soon as your treasure points the tip of its nose, anxieties and pains will quickly evaporate! In the meantime, don’t forget that it is possible to enjoy life even with a big belly and heavy legs. You may not go around the world or let off steam on a dance floor, but know how to capture the moments of happiness when they arise: feel your baby move, enjoy a good croissant on Sunday morning, bask in a good bath, etc. This pregnancy is yours, so be a little selfish and indulge yourself …
To read :
100 tips that I hate about pregnancy, Kate Konopicky, éditions Marabout.
From shabby gifts to alcohol-free fiestas to Baby’s nocturnal rumbas, the author humorously lists and depicts the little things that annoy future mothers. Something to make you smile while waiting for Baby!