Qi Gong
What’s this ? A traditional discipline of Chinese medicine, Qi Gong (pronounced “Chi gong”) combines slow movements and work on the breath to help expectant mothers to stay zen, awaken their “Qi” (vital energy), release tension and learn to relax. It also allows to reclaim your body and improve your balance. When the belly is rounded, it is frankly appreciable!
What happens during a session ? “A session combines sequences of movements suitable for pregnant women, self-massage at acupuncture points and a period of meditation”, explains Marie-Céline Leroux, midwife. It takes place in small groups and is open to future dads.
For who ? To fight against the little blues and harmonize body and mind. All mothers, even the less flexible, can benefit from its benefits. Moms with disabilities too, because it can be practiced sitting down.
The opinion of a pro
“Several studies have highlighted the negative role of maternal prenatal stress on the child later. Qi Gong, Tui na massage, or meditation bring relaxation and relaxation to the mother-to-be, and boost the secretion of well-being neurotransmitters. Not only do these Zen practices help to oppose the stress hormone, but in addition, they boost parents’ ability to be in tune with their baby in utero. What positive! “
Marie-Céline Leroux, acupuncturist midwife, specialized in Qi Gong, hypnosis and meditation.
A daddy’s testimony
“I was very apprehensive during the pregnancy. I was especially worried that the delivery would go wrong, that it would end in cesarean section or that there would be complications for my wife or my baby. It was the first and I needed to be reassured. The midwife offered Qigong sessions. We did five with my wife and it really had a beneficial effect on my fears. On D-Day, we arrived at the maternity hospital with peace of mind and the delivery was quick and went well. I really recommend it to stressed dads! “
Thomas, Elvezia’s dad, 2 months old
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga is a great relaxation tool for pregnant women who want reduce psychic and emotional tensions.
What’s this ? A work of postures (asanas), a great tool for relaxation. Perfectly suited to pregnant women wishing to reduce all the physical, psychic and emotional tensions associated with pregnancy.
What happens during a session ? She begins standing, to settle down and take the time to be there. It continues with postures on all fours, then lying down. It ends with yoga nidrâ, combining deep relaxation and awakening of consciousness.
For who ? All future mothers, pro and beginners alike. The Asanas are appropriate for the stage of pregnancy and your abilities. However, “Pregnant, I do not recommend Bikram yoga which takes place in an atmosphere at 40 ° C, as well as forms of yoga that are too dynamic, twists, front bends, and overly demanding balance postures”, explains Nathalie Mlekuz. , yoga teacher, specializing in prenatal and postnatal yoga.
Mindfulness meditation
What’s this ? A thousand-year-old mental practice all in interiority, which consists in focus on the present moment, on what surrounds us and what is happening in oneself and outside of oneself. Mindfulness allows you to cope with stressful situations encountered during pregnancy and childbirth.
What happens during a session ? To several future mothers. Sitting comfortably (cross-legged, on a ball, etc.), the session begins with a breathing period where you concentrate on your breath. Then the therapist vocally guides you towards a finer perception of what surrounds you.
For who ? For all and mainly for those who want to find serenity and inner calm and who lack the tools to cope with a state of stress. Future dads are welcome, and there are no contraindications. You can also mix mediation and more classic prep!
Tui Na massage
What is Tui Na massage? A branch of Chinese medicine where the practitioner uses manual techniques to circulate energy (qi). Tui means “to push” and Na “to grab”. The therapist uses his fingers, palms or arms to gently stimulate certain points along the meridians. Particularly suitable for expectant mothers to relax and relieve tension.
How does a Tui Na session work? Some points are not recommended during pregnancy, so it is better to make sure that the practitioner is specialized in Chinese medicine. During the session, you are alone with the practitioner, lying comfortably on a table. The massage takes place fully clothed in different parts of the body.
The right pace? “At each lunar change”, recommends Marie-Céline Leroux, midwife.
For who ? For future mothers who want a moment of relaxation and well-being. Please note, this is not supported as a “preparation for birth” session. However, some mutuals have an alternative medicine quota, find out more!
Prenatal singing
What is prenatal singing? Need to decompress during pregnancy? Prenatal singing is great! In addition, bass sounds are very well perceived by the baby through his skin. The song turns into a sound massage that allows you to feel your baby move, to rock him… Suddenly, the future dads also find their account there. And here, no need to have been part of a choir!
What happens during a session ? In a small group. “The session begins with gentle stretching and tapping to wake up the body and allow it to receive sounds”, explains Fanny Guilloteau, midwife who leads the prenatal singing sessions at the Dijon University Hospital. Then, guided, we sing vocalizations: vowels for opening and relaxation, low sounds to rock the baby. The session ends with the song of lullabies.
For who ? For all. Performed by a midwife as part of the preparation for birth, 100% supported.
Delphine’s testimony
“I really enjoyed the prenatal singing sessions. It was moments of relaxation first, then, when I sang again what we had learned at home, moments of intimacy with my baby. I had difficulty speaking to this little being, but I sang lullabies to him a lot, as well as quite serious sounds, close to the mantra OM. Dad was communicating with him too. During my first childbirth, I started labor by using these sounds, which really calmed the contractions, then, during my second childbirth, I used them to give birth without an epidural. “
What is this ? A gentle method, ideal for combating stress and fears future mothers. “This psychic preparation combines relaxation, visualizations and positive suggestions, all in a modified state of consciousness to allow us to seek the resources necessary for relaxation”, explains Marie-Céline Leroux, midwife.
What happens during a session ? Hypnosis takes place individually. During pregnancy, three or four one-hour sessions are enough to install the necessary “tools”. You are verbally guided to tap into your own resources and seek out positive visualizations in order to regain confidence. Very useful for childbirth too!
For who ? For future mothers who want to overcome their fears.
In video: After pregnancy: My Yoga routine to reclaim my body
Le Watsu
What is Watsu? Contraction of “water” (water) and “shiatsu” (finger pressure in Japanese), watsu combines rocking, stretching and gentle pressure, in water heated to 34 ° C-35 ° C. “It’s the only aquatic treatment, and to relieve tension, there is nothing better! “, explains Cécilia Jouis, watsu therapist in Nantes. A recent study * has also confirmed these benefits. No need to know how to swim, you have it all.
What happens during a session ? After a period of maintenance, lying down, floaters on your legs, you let yourself be rocked, supported by the therapist. Then the journey begins, a sort of one-hour aquatic dance, during which the therapist gently stretches you, then exerts pressure to release the energies, especially in your back. The pressure drops, your body enveloped and freed from gravity relaxes. Your mind too.
For who ? If your pregnancy is going smoothly, there is no contraindication to watsu. But as a precaution, therapists prefer to avoid the first trimester.
The price ? Between 60 and 100 € per session.
What is sophrology? A personal development tool that allowspositively activate one’s own resources, manage or prevent stress. “20 minutes of sophrology equivalent to 2 hours of nap”, underlines Mrs. Falevitch, midwife, trainer in sophrology. It is the ideal method of relaxation to consider a pregnancy, a childbirth and the following serenely!
What happens during a session ? We alternate static and dynamic relaxation times, guided by the sophrologist, associated with work on breath and sounds.
The objective? Let go of tensions to refocus on body and mind in a state of deep relaxation.
For who ? Any future parent, from the start of pregnancy, who wishes to fully experience this event, to limit stress. Effective during childbirth or after and in difficult situations or history.
* Effects of Passive Hydrotherapy WATSU (WaterShiatsu) in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Results of a Controlled Pilot Study AgnesM. Schitter, 1 Marko Nedeljkovic, 1 Heiner Baur, 2 Johannes Fleckenstein, 1 and Luigi Raio3