Can we be pregnant when we are on fixed-term contracts?
No need to wait until you have landed a permanent contract to have a baby! Indeed, pregnancy and CDD are not sworn enemies … You are pregnant and on a fixed-term contract (CDD). So what ? Don’t panic, your rights and guarantees are the same as if you were on an open-ended contract (CDI). Once you have informed your employer of your pregnancy, you will benefit from a protection against dismissal, authorizations for your absences necessary for medical examinations and a reduction in your daily working time or a change in your workstation.
Being hired on a fixed-term contract during pregnancy
Legally, nothing obliges you to disclose your pregnancy to your employer at the time of hiring and during the fixed-term employment contract. Of course, we do not have a completely peaceful conscience by affixing our signature to the bottom of the contract, whereas, neither seen nor known, we are entering our 3rd week of pregnancy! So it’s up to you to decide if you play transparency or not. However, until you tell her about your pregnancy, you will not be able to enjoy your legal rights or claim maternity leave.
Announce my pregnancy during my fixed-term contract
As with the CDI, you are free to announce your pregnancy whenever you want. To benefit from maternity leave, however, you are required to notify your employer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, accompanied by a medical certificate attesting to your condition, and indicating the expected date of delivery. And don’t worry, the employer does not have the right to terminate your fixed-term contract because of your pregnancy. If your employer does not respect this rule, you can contact the Defender of Rights. However, the term of the contract cannot be extended. So if your CDD ends during maternity leave, nothing obliges the employer to rehire you at the end of the leave.
Take maternity leave when you are on a fixed-term contract
You have the right to maternity leave, like any employee! As long as you work, you will normally receive your salary and when the time for maternity leave comes, Social Security will take over to pay you your daily allowances, calculated on the basis of your last three months of gross wages preceding the leave. So even if your contract comes to an end before the end of your leave, you and your unborn baby are taken care of by Social Security..
The conditions to benefit from it:
– justify 10 months registration on the expected date of delivery
— cease all activity for a minimum of 8 weeks
– have worked at least 150 hours during the 3 months before the date of prenatal maternity leave
– have contributed on a salary equivalent to 1015 times the hourly minimum wage for the 6 months preceding prenatal leave, i.e. 10 euros in 403,75
What compensation after my fixed-term contract?
Salaries, daily social security allowances… and after? If you have worked for at least 4 months, unemployment insurance will take over from your compensation. To benefit from it, you will need to register as a jobseeker with your Pôle Emploi. You will then be obliged to justify an effective search for a new job. So during the interview with your Pôle Emploi contact person, avoid dwelling on the bliss in which you have been immersed since your childbirth and which does not really push you to return to work, especially if you can be compensated! Regarding remuneration, the duration and amount of compensation by the ARE (Return to Work Allowance) vary according to your former salary and your working time.