Pregnancy with a negative test – in what cases
A pregnancy test is the most common way to find out about a pregnancy before the cycle is delayed.
Can there be pregnancy with a negative test?
But there are times when the test may be wrong and pregnancy still occurs. Can the test be negative during pregnancy? What are the reasons that affect the veracity of the test?
The principle of the pregnancy test is to determine the amount of the hCG hormone, which is produced in large quantities during pregnancy. There are several types of tests:
Test cassette.
Electronic device.
Inkjet device.
- Test strips with reagent.
It should be noted that all tests give an answer upon direct contact with urine (the method of use and designations are indicated on the package). In most cases, home pregnancy tests are reliable. The accuracy of this method, according to the manufacturers, reaches 99%.
A false negative pregnancy test can be a reason for going to a doctor, for this reason, you need to carefully consider the testimony of the test and your own feelings. If fertilization has occurred, and the test is negative, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and exclude pregnancy pathologies in the early stages.
Improper test performance
Why can I get a negative pregnancy test?
If the test is carried out too early, the result may be negative, the reason for this lies in the structure of the female body.
At the very beginning of pregnancy, the hCG hormone has very low rates, so it is advisable to carry out a pregnancy test only 12-14 days after the estimated time of conception.
If after 14 days the test remains negative, the cause may be a missed menstrual cycle. In this case, you should consult a doctor or retest a little later.
Another reason for a negative test can be a shift in the timing of ovulation. In some cases, there may be a shift in the timing of ovulation at the beginning of the menstrual cycle or at the end.
Most often, ovulation shifts towards the end of the cycle, and therefore, by the estimated beginning of menstruation, the hormone level is still quite low and does not appear on the test.
Negative pregnancy test margin
In some cases, pregnancy with a negative test may not manifest itself due to negligent testing. Quality tests sold in pharmacies are always accompanied by detailed instructions for use.
If these conditions are not met, the test shows a negative result or does not show it at all. It is important to remember that you must follow the instructions exactly and verify the data within the allotted time frame.
Improper storage conditions of the test can also affect the final result of the test performed. A test stored in a humid place, subjected to severe temperature changes or expired will not give an accurate result.
The quality of the dough also plays an important role. Poor quality tests can show both correct and false results. A pregnancy test strip must be purchased from a specialized pharmacy.
Diseases associated with the excretory system of the body
In diseases associated with the genitourinary system, the test result may also be false. This may be due to several factors:
In kidney disease, the hCG hormone does not rise within the prescribed time frame, therefore, in some cases, the test may turn out to be false-negative.
A large amount of protein in the urine will also cause the data to be unreliable.
The urine for the test should not be stored for more than 48 hours, otherwise the tests may not be accurate. In this case, all the collected urine should be stored in the refrigerator, since a favorable environment for the development of bacteria is formed in the warmth.
Pathologies during pregnancy
A negative pregnancy test with delay may also be associated with fetal developmental abnormalities. With the normal development of pregnancy, the chorion secretes a large amount of the hCG hormone (its definition is the principle of the test).
If a significant developmental delay occurs during fetal development or the fetus stops developing (frozen pregnancy), this can lead to a hormone deficiency and a negative test result. If it is reliably known about pregnancy, and the test is negative, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Ectopic pregnancy is another reason for delayed menstrual periods and false results. If the ovum does not reach the uterus and is fixed in another place, an ectopic pregnancy (fetal death) may occur, while the first signs of pregnancy are observed.
It is important to remember that the pregnancy test should be done several times. This will help avoid unnecessary problems and worries.