Pregnancy – what should you know about it? The most important questions about pregnancy symptoms, calendar and tests

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Pregnancy is a unique condition that can completely change the lives of a woman and her partner. Many mothers-to-be wonder not only how the embryo and then the fetus develop, but also how her body will change. Therefore, we decided to answer the most current questions about pregnancy. We check what symptoms may accompany a woman at the beginning of pregnancy, and what tests should be performed during the nine months.

Pregnancy – how does fertilization occur?

Fertilization occurs when a female egg and sperm fuse in the fallopian tube. The new cell – the zygote – that has arisen, is implanted in the woman’s uterus. Then the hormone chorionic gonadotropin begins to be released, which stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone.

  1. What are the norms of progesterone in pregnancy?

A woman excretes gonadotropin in the urine, which is detected during a pregnancy test, which is one of the first steps taken by a expectant mother.

How long is pregnancy?

Gestation lasts 40 weeks, or 280 days. Due to the difficulties in calculating the time of pregnancy, the first day of the woman’s last menstruation is conventionally assumed. The age of the fetus is determined only during the first ultrasound examination. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters (90 days each). Two weeks before the planned delivery and two weeks after the planned delivery (38-42 weeks) are normal.

The due date is determined on the basis of the Naegelli test (pregnancy calculator).

Pregnancy calculator – how to calculate your due date?

The pregnancy calculator, also called the Naegelli method, after the name of the German gynecologist who developed it, is not always reliable due to the assumptions made, i.e. a 28-day cycle, 30-day months and 40-week duration of pregnancy. However, due to the aforementioned inaccuracies in determining the exact date of fertilization, it can only adopt the expected date of delivery (PTP).

  1. Check what is prenatal testing?

If a woman comes to a gynecologist in an advanced stage of pregnancy, the date of conception, and thus the date of delivery, is determined on the basis of the baby’s first perceptible movements (around 19-20 weeks of pregnancy). However, this method does not always work.

The most effective way is to have an ultrasound scan up to the 10th week of pregnancy.

How to recognize early symptoms in pregnancy?

The most frequently mentioned symptom of pregnancy is the lack of a period at the expected date, however, it should be borne in mind that spotting from the genital tract (confused with menstruation) may appear even within 2 months of conception. For this reason, it is worth taking a pregnancy test and going to the gynecologist for a follow-up visit (if you suspect pregnancy). In addition, let’s pay attention to symptoms such as:

  1. Dizziness and fainting;
  2. Breast tenderness;
  3. Increased body temperature (noticeable especially among women who monitor their temperature during the cycle);
  4. Frequent visits to the toilet (the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which makes us urinate more often, and constipation may also appear);
  5. Change the color of the mucus from white to a blue purple;
  6. Hypersensitivity to odors;
  7. Fatigue and excessive sleepiness;
  8. Morning nausea;
  9. Headache and back pain;
  10. A change in taste (so-called cravings);
  11. Cramps in the abdominal area.

However, it should be remembered that not every woman has all of the above symptoms. There are cases of expectant mothers who do not have any symptoms of conception.

Pregnancy calendar – how to use it?

The pregnancy calendar is a detailed description of changes in the following trimesters of pregnancy. They mainly concern what the fetus looks like in particular weeks and how the woman’s appearance changes. The pregnancy calendar allows you to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the upcoming changes.

The body of a pregnant woman – how does it change?

The first noticeable change that occurs in the body of a pregnant woman is weight gain around the abdomen. It is assumed that the expectant mother can gain weight from 9 to 14 kilograms in 9 months, but this rule is only conventional.

Weight during pregnancy should be carefully monitored as excessive changes may be caused by gestational diabetes, intake of too many calories during the day, or a malfunctioning of the placenta. Groin pain may also be associated with weight gain in the abdomen (the discomfort increases before the time of delivery).

Often, pregnant women also complain of back pain in the lumbar region, which is also caused by sudden weight gain, as well as enlarged breasts, which affects the change in posture.

  1. Learn How To Fight Back Pain When Pregnant?

Urinary incontinence in pregnancy is one of the most noticeable changes that can worsen a woman’s mental state. To avoid or minimize pain, and to prepare your body for childbirth, it’s best to do exercises for pregnant women. In this case, you should consult not only a gynecologist who will check whether you can exercise, but also a trainer – he will determine the appropriate training.

Spotting During Pregnancy – Is It Dangerous?

Spotting in pregnancy always causes fear in the mother-to-be, who is afraid that blood means a miscarriage, but this is not always true. With each disturbing change, a woman should see a gynecologist, but it is worth knowing that pregnancy spotting may occur with:

  1. Embryo implantation;
  2. Ectopic pregnancy;
  3. Erosions of the cervix;
  4. Polyps;
  5. Rupture of the uterus;
  6. Placenta detachment;
  7. Genital tract infections.

Excessive stress and exercise may also be responsible for spotting in pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – how to deal with them?

Physiological changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, especially an increase in venous pressure, overproduction of progesterone and constipation, increase the risk of haemorrhoidal disease. Therefore, if you experience discomfort around the anus, itching, burning, and you notice blood in the stool and mucus in the anus, you should visit a gynecologist.

Most often, the only symptom that can be dealt with is constipation. For this reason, it is worth checking if we eat properly. A diet during pregnancy is very important, which should include not only folic acid, but also low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. In addition, you should remember about proper hydration of the body.

Worth knowing

Usually, the haemorrhoidal disease disappears after childbirth, and during its treatment, ointments are used to reduce the troublesome symptoms.

Colds in pregnancy – what can we do?

The infection of the upper respiratory tract is very troublesome because a pregnant woman cannot take any medications without consulting the attending physician. Unfortunately, the risk of catching a cold in pregnancy increases in the fall and winter, so you should take care of your immunity especially at this time. A common cold in pregnancy can be identified by its characteristic symptoms, including fatigue, fever, cough, runny nose, headache, and sore throat.

When treating a cold in pregnancy, medications are primarily used to alleviate symptoms. You can take paracetamol, and you can also help yourself with home remedies that can help:

  1. Consuming honey;
  2. Drinking ginger tea;
  3. Performing inhalation;
  4. Resting;
  5. Airing the apartment.

Headache in pregnancy – how to reduce it?

A headache in pregnancy can have many causes. In the first trimester, it may be primarily associated with hormonal changes taking place in the female body. It is also the cause of colds and flu. Migraine definitely makes everyday functioning difficult. However, due to the inability to take medications, future mothers are most often recommended:

  1. Cold compresses;
  2. Massage of the temples;
  3. Yoga;
  4. Massage of the cervical spine and shoulders;
  5. A warm bath;
  6. Rest.

Toothache in pregnancy – is it possible to go to the dentist?

A toothache during pregnancy can be very troublesome, but you should not be afraid of visiting a dentist. Many women are afraid that dental treatment may harm their baby. However, if we inform the dentist about pregnancy, he will select the anesthesia so that it is safe. A toothache during pregnancy cannot be taken lightly.

  1. Check how the condition of the mother’s teeth affects the development of pregnancy?

The most frequently mentioned causes of ailments include softening the gums by overproducing hormones, as well as softening them by acids. The most frequently repeated myth is the harmfulness of anesthesia administered during treatment. However, there are types of anesthesia that are completely safe for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, root canal treatment may be the most burdensome, as usually an X-ray is needed. In this situation, the technician will cover the belly with a special apron.

Birthing school – is it worth going to?

Birthing school is a special program prepared for mothers-to-be and their partners, during which special exercises for pregnant women are shown. In addition, you can learn how to prepare for birth and how to care for your baby after birth.

Before choosing a suitable birthing school, prospective parents should take into account the program, price, and meeting dates.

The classes in the birthing school should start around the 30th week of pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy – do we have anything to worry about?

Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy) means that the embryo implants outside the uterus – in the fallopian tube, ovary or cervix. Characteristic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and sweating.

Ectopic pregnancy has a high risk of miscarriage. In this case, the most important thing is diagnostics as soon as possible. There are cases in which an ectopic pregnancy disappears by itself, but it can also be a threat to a woman.

Multiple pregnancy – what should you pay attention to?

A multiple pregnancy is defined as when more than one fetus is developing in the womb. Most often we deal with a twin pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies are diagnosed on ultrasound, but there are two indications that we will give birth to more children. These include genetic predisposition, as well as the use of drugs to stimulate ovulation.

  1. Twins and triplets. Where does a multiple pregnancy come from?

With multiple pregnancies, preterm labor is much more common, most often performed by caesarean section.

Sex during pregnancy – safe sex positions

Sex during pregnancy is not forbidden. Partners can practice it by choosing safe positions (most often those in which the partner is turned her back to the partner), so that there is no pressure on the abdomen. In the event of spotting or a threat of pregnancy, expectant parents should refrain from intercourse.

Diet during pregnancy – how should a mother-to-be eat?

There are many myths to deal with in the context of diet in pregnancy:

  1. The expectant mother may have cravings for glucose products (e.g. sweets). However, it should be remembered that simple sugars should not replace meals;
  2. Pregnant meat can be eaten, but white meat is better than red meat;
  3. Due to the risk of infection with toxoplasmosis or listeriosis, it is better to give up eating raw meat, raw fish and seafood;
  4. It is worth choosing vegetable oils;
  5. You should enrich your diet with various fruits and vegetables, but you should be careful about fiber, which may cause problems with the digestive system;
  6. During pregnancy, you can drink milk and eat dairy products (except raw milk and cheese);
  7. You don’t have to give up salt;
  8. It is worth reducing the amount of coffee you drink during the day.

Find out what the maximum safe dose of caffeine is in pregnancy

What tests should be performed during pregnancy?

The type of test depends on the week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth keeping an eye on the deadlines. We present a short cheat sheet for expectant mothers:

  1. Up to the 10th week of pregnancy – blood group, RH factor, blood count, urinalysis, dental tests, tests for HIV, hepatitis C, rubella, syphilis, vaginal bacteriology, fasting glucose level;
  2. 11-16. week of pregnancy – ultrasound examination, urinalysis;
  3. 15-20. week of pregnancy – urinalysis, morphology, vaginal bacteriology;
  4. 21-26. week of pregnancy – glucose loading test, ultrasound, urinalysis, tests for toxoplasmosis;
  5. 27-32. week of pregnancy – general urine tests, ultrasound, morphology, immune antibodies;
  6. 33.-37. week of pregnancy – morphology, tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, culture for beta-hemolytic streptococcus, vaginal bacteriology;
  7. 38-39. week of pregnancy – general urine tests, morphology.

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