Pregnancy ultrasound – what is it about?

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9 months of pregnancy is a real revolution in a woman’s life. Pregnancy ailments and concern for the health of the unborn child are the main aspects that keep the mother to sleep. In order to assess the correctness of the development of pregnancy and the child, an ultrasound scan is performed during pregnancy. How often to do them, what are the types and what is the course of the examination?

What is pregnancy ultrasound?

According to the guidelines of the Polish Gynecological Society, pregnancy ultrasound should be performed at least three times – between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, between 18 and 23 weeks and between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. During the ultrasound examination, the age of pregnancy and, among others, are assessed anatomical structure of the fetustherefore, performing the test exactly in these intervals allows for the most accurate assessment.

Ultrasound examination is a test method that uses ultrasonic waves, i.e. very high frequency sounds that are inaudible to humans. The ultrasounds sent by the ultrasound head reflect the examined tissues, e.g. the internal organs of the fetus. The waves then return to the sensor that the gynecologist moves across the pregnant woman’s belly. Thanks to a special system, the information is converted into a black and white image visible on the monitor screen.

Pregnancy ultrasound before week 11

It is usually performed up to the 11th week of pregnancy Vaginal ultrasound. Only in the second and third trimesters, the examination is performed through the abdomen. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to locate the bearing or the length of the cervixthen the examination is performed vaginally.

In general, an examination performed before the 10th week of pregnancy is not standard procedure, but it is often performed in private clinics. During this period, an ultrasound scan is performed in women who went to the doctor after receiving a positive pregnancy test result. The test is performed with a vaginal probe and its purpose is confirmation of pregnancy and its location. Sometimes the follicle does not nest inside the uterus, but outside it. We are then talking about ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the assessment covers:

  1. location of the fetal egg – it provides information on whether the pregnancy is intrauterine;
  2. yolk sac;
  3. the gestational sac and its position in the uterine cavity, the number of sacs and their shape;
  4. the presence of the embryo, its length andactivity of the work of the heart;
  5. female reproductive organs – the shape and structure of the uterus and cervix, the size of the uterus, its location, assessment of appendages and possible abnormalities.

An ultrasound scan of a pregnant woman performed before the 10th week of pregnancy provides information on whether it has occurred implantation of the embryowhether the pregnancy is developing and whether it is properly located. Sometimes, at this stage, the doctor decides to remove it because the mother’s life is at risk.

Pregnancy ultrasound between 11 and 14 weeks

The obligatory examination, which is performed in all women, is in the first weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy is primarily aimed at assessing such parameters as:

  1. Age of pregnancy. Usually, the doctor who performs the examination is able to assess it with an accuracy of 7-10 days. Age assessment by ultrasound is most often performed in women who had irregular periods before becoming pregnant, as it is not possible to assess the age based on the date of the last menstruation.
  2. Anatomical structure of the fetus. Ultrasound examination allows for a detailed observation of the head, torso, lower and upper limbs and the length of the child from the top of the head to the buttocks. In addition, the monitor screen shows the baby’s bladder, brain, stomach, hearts and spine.
  3. The presence, structure and location of the heart and its beating frequency (FHR). During this period, the FHR should be around 150-170 bpm.
  4. Neck translucency. The incorrect value of this parameter is disturbing, as it may indicate a high risk of chromosomal aberrations. The image results from the accumulation of fluid around the neck of the fetus, which occurs in every child at this stage of development. Usually its width is about 1-3 mm. An amount of fluid greater than 2,5 mm may or may not be a sign of illness.
  5. Blood flow in the venous duct.
  6. Presence of the nasal bone (the absence of the nasal bone may suggest that the baby is born with Down syndrome).

Pregnancy ultrasound between 18 and 23 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound of pregnancy between 18 and 23 weeks of pregnancy is also called half study. Some specialists consider them to be the most important test in the entire pregnancy. Since the doctor performing the examination has to check a number of factors, the examination itself may take up to 45 minutes. During the visit, the doctor determines whether:

  1. the fetus develops normally in relation to the gestational age. It takes into account the child’s weight, length and the absence of visible anatomical defects, undeveloped limbs or organs.
  2. the cervix does not open up, which may herald premature labor;
  3. the placenta is positioned correctly;
  4. the amniotic sac contains the correct amount of amniotic fluid;
  5. heart structure and heart rhythm are normal;
  6. the nasal bone is present and the eye sockets are at the correct distance;
  7. the baby’s neck parameters are correct;
  8. the baby’s upper and lower lips are present;
  9. the structure of the skull bones, nervous system, spine, cerebellum and internal organs develop properly;
  10. all of the baby’s limbs have developed properly.

If, during the examination, the doctor who carries out the examination finds them abnormalities in the development of the child, will certainly order additional tests to confirm or exclude them. The current development of medicine allows in the event of abnormalities in the child’s development surgery in the wombwhich often saves not only health, but also the life of an unborn child. This stage of pregnancy is best for 3D or 4D ultrasound, where parents will pray to see their baby’s face and body structure with greater accuracy.

Pregnancy ultrasound between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy

This is the last of the mandatory pregnancy ultrasound examinations. This examination is performed to finally confirm the absence of any developmental and anatomical defects in the child. Like the previous ones, it allows you to assess the age of pregnancy, but thanks to it, the doctor can give you more accurately the expected date of delivery. The doctor will also re-evaluate the structure of other organs and the work of the child’s heart.

It is worth remembering that at this stage of pregnancy, the baby is already so large that its total length cannot be assessed. Determining the correctness of its development and the age of pregnancy is possible thanks to measuring the length of the femur, measuring the baby’s head and abdomen.

With this test, the doctor assesses the baby’s mobility and breathing movements. The placenta is also subject to gradual evaluation and qualification – at this stage of pregnancy, the placenta, according to shall Grannuma should be qualified to the second degree of maturity. Placenta in the third stage of maturity means that it is fully mature and that it can go to birth at any time.

How to prepare for a pregnancy ultrasound examination?

Pregnancy ultrasound does not require any special preparation. In early pregnancy, the patient should only empty the bladder before the examination. The ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman is practically painless and takes about 15-20 minutes, with the exception of the half-time examination, which may last 30-45 minutes. It is possible to record an ultrasound film (you must have your own DVD).

On the day of the ultrasound examination, it is worth choosing a comfortable, airy outfit that will not restrict your movements and will allow you to quickly reveal the pregnancy belly for examination.

Pregnancy ultrasound and the sex of the child

The gender of the child with ultrasound is sometimes possible already during the first examination. The condition, however, is that the toddler will position himself properly so that his sexual organs are well visible. During the second ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine the sex in up to 80%. With the third test, the chance is already 95 percent. However, possible mistakes must be taken into account.

Types of pregnancy ultrasound

Various pregnancy ultrasound scans are currently available. The classic examination is ultrasound with the use of 2D apparatus, which gives a flat, black and white image. During the examination, the child is visible in motion and, moreover, thanks to the 2D method, its internal organs can be assessed.

3D ultrasound (three-dimensional) allows you to clearly see the baby’s hands, face and belly. It is called three-dimensional because it gives an image in three dimensions. For some women, seeing a child on a 3D ultrasound can be shocking and very realistic. Both during 3D ultrasound and 4D ultrasound adequate amount of amniotic fluid is necessary. It should be emphasized that they are of less diagnostic importance than 2D examination. Some parents decide to make it in order to keep a memento of their child’s appearance in his fetal life.

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