Pregnancy: the cramps in question

Update on cramps during pregnancy

Like the feeling of heavy legs, cramps are a classic phenomenon in pregnant women. Without health consequences, they usually appear at night and are often painful. Update on this little inconvenience of pregnancy.

What is a cramp?

A cramp is a involuntary muscle contraction, prolonged, intense and transient, often very painful. It most often occurs in the calf, but can also be in the thigh or foot. Generally speaking, cramps are the consequence of poorly vascularized muscle, insufficiently hydrated, or are secondary to prolonged exertion.

Why are pregnant women more prone to cramps?

Pregnant women often suffer fromvenous insufficiency, because of the hindrance of the return circulation exerted by the uterus on the main veins. Blood circulation in the muscles is therefore less efficient. Apart from cramps caused by an abnormal or tiring position, night cramps are thus quite frequent, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

How to get rid of a cramp?

When a cramp does occur, the best way to get rid of it is tostretch the affected muscle. We can advise to walk on tiptoe. Easier: with help, flex your thigh sharply on the abdomen, and ask that your foot be flexed on the leg, until the cramp subsides.

Can we prevent cramps?

If you had cramps before you became pregnant, you are very likely to have cramps during your pregnancy. Your doctor may then prescribe magnesium in prevention, to be taken preferably in the evening before going to bed. Because cramps can be linked to a magnesium deficit. Also think of you hydrate by drinking heavily, and practicing physical activity moderate, but regular, from the start of your pregnancy.

Moms anti-cramp tips and tricks

The future mothers of the Parents forum do not hesitate to give their tips and advice to fight cramps during pregnancy:


“I had a lot of cramps, I told my midwife who advised me to acupuncture. It works great, and in addition, it deflates the legs! ”



 “For my first pregnancy, I had cramps every day, mainly in the calf. For this second pregnancy, no change, I wake up at night with cramps in my calves and feet. Putting my feet on the ground slowly calms me down. This is surely due to a lack of magnesium and poor blood circulation. So I try to eat fruits containing magnesium and I drink a lot of water. ”


“I had a lot of cramps during my 1st pregnancy… Great for the nights! I tried the compression stockings, the raised legs, the jets of cold water at the end of the shower from the bottom to the top. Nothing worked! I spoke to my gynecologist who told me it was a magnesium deficiency. He prescribed me pills, and there, miracle, more a cramp! ”


“I have always had cramps during my pregnancies. I tried everything listening to advice right to left, nothing worked. The only thing I could do was (and still is) get up as quickly as possible, stretch the painful leg behind me while remaining resting on the other leg bent in front (a little bit muscle stretch for warm-up before sport). ”

 little monsters

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