Pregnancy test. Price and types of pregnancy tests

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The pregnancy test is the first occasion to verify the presumed pregnancy. There are several types available on the market, and you can buy them in pharmacies and drugstores, including online. How much does a pregnancy test cost? Here is a brief analysis.

When to do a pregnancy test?

A pregnancy test should be used when a sexually active woman suspects that she may be pregnant. The first symptom is a late period. Note that its cause is not always pregnancy, although this scenario is very likely. You should do a pregnancy test at the earliest on the day you expect your next period.

Importantly, a pregnancy test is not always reliable, so it is always worth visiting a gynecologist for a detailed examination. Only in the doctor’s office will it be possible to dispel all doubts.

Pregnancy test – price at the pharmacy

One of the places you can purchase a pregnancy test is in the pharmacy. Certainly, most pharmacies have at least a few companies’ pregnancy tests on their shelves. Purchasing a pregnancy test at a pharmacy is a guarantee that the packaging is intact and that the test is properly transported and stored.

Depending on the manufacturer, the prices of pregnancy tests in pharmacies may range from PLN 4,50 to even PLN 16. Platelet, stream, and cassette pregnancy tests are available immediately, as well as quickly detect and indicate the week of pregnancy.

You can also buy pregnancy tests on Medonet Market. We also recommend a home test kit for women planning a pregnancy.

Price pregnancy test at drugstore

Due to the fact that drugstores focus mainly on cosmetics, they may have a very poor supply of pregnancy tests. This is especially true of brick-and-mortar stores. The advantage of drugstores is that they provide more comfort and anonymity when buying than pharmacies.

Various types of pregnancy tests can also be found in drugstores, but the number of manufacturers is very limited. In addition, they offer cheap private label tests that specialize not only in the production of pregnancy tests, but in the general range of cosmetic products. Therefore, it is worth being skeptical of them. Interestingly, the prices of pregnancy tests in chain drugstores are higher. They start from PLN 6 and end at even PLN 20.

At Medonet Market you can now buy the Diather hCG plate pregnancy test at an attractive price. The test kit for the expectant mother – home cassette tests contains as many as 6 such tests, 3 ovulation tests and one test for intimate infections. We also recommend the Test kit for couples planning a baby – home cassette tests, which in addition to the pregnancy and ovulation tests also include a male fertility test.

Blood pregnancy test – price

A blood pregnancy test is an alternative to a urine test that you can do yourself at home. It is analyzed in a laboratory and consists in taking the blood of a woman who suspects she is pregnant. Importantly, you do not need to be fasting. The result is known only after 48 hours, but it is extremely accurate and, thanks to the analysis of the hCG content in the blood, it can precisely indicate the week of pregnancy. The blood pregnancy test does not require a prescription and can be done at your nearest health center. The price is about PLN 25 – PLN 35.

Pregnancy test that determines the week of pregnancy – price

It is also possible to determine the week of pregnancy with a home urine test. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or drugstore. It is distinguished by high sensitivity to hCG, which informs about the advancement of the development of the fetus in the womb. However, it is worth remembering that it will not be as precise as the blood pregnancy test. It costs about PLN 25 to PLN 30.

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