Pregnancy planning: how to conceive a child? Video
Not all women start their journey to motherhood with planning. Often, the child becomes, though pleasant, but a surprise. If you have wondered about planning a healthy pregnancy and childbirth in advance, this will help you to minimize all risks while carrying a baby.
Planning a pregnancy: how to conceive a baby
First of all, the woman and the partner need to be fully examined by the doctors. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the state of the reproductive system, but also to diagnose the whole organism. Be sure to pay attention to hereditary diseases. Fortunately, there are special tests that give a more complete picture than a regular survey of relatives. It must be remembered that during pregnancy the body will behave differently, so it is worthwhile to get rid of pathologies in advance that may prevent you from carrying your baby normally. Women with diabetes and hypertension should be especially careful. Try to find a good doctor ahead of time. Mutual understanding with your doctor will help you more effectively choose the best period for conception.
Carefully check the condition of your teeth: during pregnancy, any infection in your body can cause irreparable harm to the baby
Do not rush to quickly conceive a child
If you were using hormonal contraceptives before planning, you should stop using them. Doctors believe that from the end of the admission to the onset of pregnancy, it should take from 4 to 6 months. This will eliminate the risk of hormones affecting the formation of the baby’s body. Use condoms from the moment you stop taking pills to avoid pregnancy before the body is cleansed.
Make sure that your partner does not undergo X-rays three months before the time of the expected conception, so as not to damage the sperm
Analyze how your lifestyle matches your plans for having a baby. Give up all bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are not only harmful during pregnancy, but they also increase the risk of sudden death syndrome after childbirth. Start taking vitamins, do any light sport that will help strengthen your immune system and will be enjoyable. In general, try to enrich your life with useful and enjoyable habits as much as possible.
When planning a pregnancy, you need to adjust your diet. Train yourself in advance that many products that have become firmly established in your life can be harmful, and it is advisable to refuse them in advance. Love to eat right. Pay attention to your weight too. If you are overweight or underweight, you will have to bounce back. It is difficult for very thin women to become pregnant because the body lacks the resources necessary for bearing. It is difficult for obese women to endure pregnancy and childbirth, since the weight is constantly increasing, edema begins, and the child may begin to have hypoxia. So take care of yourself in advance.
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Train yourself to think that you will soon become a mom. Fantasize about what a wonderful baby you will have and what character he will have. Thoughts are material. Having prepared according to all the rules, you yourself will choose the best period to get pregnant. And do not deny yourself the pleasure of dreaming.
Next, read about a baby’s runny nose.