Pregnancy of a fat woman: what it looks like, photo

Pregnancy of a fat woman: what it looks like, photo

Society is always ready to shame women whose parameters differ from the model ones. And if she is pregnant, then also scare.

Any gynecologist will say that being overweight is a risk factor when carrying a child. And it is more difficult for overweight women to conceive than for more slender mothers. Psychologists say: overweight women often live with a constant sense of guilt. For your weight, for your appearance, for the risk to the child. After all, nowhere in the advertisement will you see a pregnant woman in the body. Only slim women with beautiful round bellies. And if you flip through Instagram, it’s time to go completely crazy. Women demonstrate ideal bodies only when they step off Rakhmanovka.

Портал CoffeeMom decided to launch a project designed to relieve obese women from feelings of guilt for their bodies. For this, pregnant women, who have never been thin, were invited to the studio, photographed and told their stories. We will quote some of them.

Photo Shoot:
CafeMom / Leah Cooper

She tried to conceive successfully for a long time. But even when it worked out, the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Doctors said that her weight was to blame. But she’s not particularly fat. Kate was treated for years for infertility, but all these funds only led to the fact that she was even more recovering. In the end, the woman managed to find a doctor who was able to distract from her weight and find the real cause of the problem. Kate was cured and gave birth to a wonderful healthy son.

2.Sarah Jane Applegate, 40

Photo Shoot:
CafeMom / Leah Cooper

Sarah has two children and, unlike Kate, has always been fat. As for the weight, she was not particularly complex and perfectly understood that each pregnancy would reward her with a couple of extra pounds. But the shape of her belly was depressing to the woman. It was not round. In profile, he looked like the letter B. However, Sarah believes that you should not get too hung up on how others perceive you. The main thing is to be happy. Sarah does it quite well.

3. Jennifer Rosato, 36 years old

Photo Shoot:
CafeMom / Leah Cooper

And this woman still had to lose weight in order to solve her fertility problems. Jennifer lost an incredible 50 kilograms, was treated for infertility. As a result – IVF. After eight years of trying to conceive naturally. Jennifer is expecting twins and is constantly listening to her body. After losing weight, she left a lot of excess skin. Therefore, her stomach does not look like everyone else’s. Jennifer is gaining weight again, but within normal limits. And she likes the changes in her body.

Photo Shoot:
CafeMom / Leah Cooper

She always had to live under the sidelong glances of passers-by. Jennifer is really a pretty big woman. During her first pregnancy, she even wanted to explain to everyone who looked at her with surprise, bewilderment and even dislike: “I’m not that fat! I’m just pregnant. ” Now Jennifer is wearing a third and has learned to cope with excess attention. She is sure: no matter how much you weigh, as long as you are healthy.

Photo Shoot:
CafeMom / Leah Cooper

Meet, this is the author of the project “Pregnancy plus-size”. Lauren first time pregnant. She is now at 24 weeks. She admits: at first she experienced unpleasant feelings, some kind of hellish mixture of guilt, insecurity and self-loathing. She had no one to rely on – all Lauren’s girlfriends giving birth were thin. Perfect tummies, lovely babies. Lauren is not like that. “Then I realized that my body is not a burden. This is a vessel in which a child grows up, this is a person who knows how to love and loves. The body is a part of me, but it is not me. The fact that I am fat does not mean that I have to reproach myself for it all my life. By understanding this, I was able to enjoy the precious moments of my pregnancy. “

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