Pregnancy monitoring applications: our selection

More and more applications offer future mothers to follow their pregnancy and the evolution of the baby in their womb. How do I know which one to download? Our advice to see more clearly and make your choice.

Why download a pregnancy monitoring app?

Follow the progress of her pregnancy and that of the fetus until birth

Whether you are at the very beginning of your pregnancy or a few days before meeting your baby, downloading a tracking application can be very useful. This tool allows expectant mothers, who are pregnant for the first time or have already been there, to get information, to explore specific topics, to exchange advice and feedback with other mothers, but also to follow the development of the fetus. Whether at home, in waiting rooms or on public transport, these apps can be consulted anywhere. Which makes them essential allies on a daily basis.

Get informed independently

During her first pregnancy, you don’t necessarily know a lot of things, you are looking for information. And we often prefer to get an idea for ourselves rather than listening to the mothers around them who have already been there. In this case, an app will judiciously supplement the information received during meetings with professionals, who are not always very educational or available to answer the avalanche of questions that a future mother asks herself. Some applications will continue to be of great help for those who have already had children, and even after childbirth, for those who offer postpartum sports or wellness exercises, or even breastfeeding advice. .

Two main categories of applications to monitor pregnancy

Whether on Apple (IOS for Iphone or Ipad) or on Google (Android), there are two main groups of applications designed to support you during your pregnancy: general practitioners and specialists.

General applications: their primary objective is to answer the many questions that pregnant women ask themselves from the start of pregnancy. They provide advice and exercises to keep fit or relax. And make it possible to follow its weight gain and the development of the fetus, sometimes using 3D images for the more sophisticated.

Specialized applications: they focus on specific subjects likely to interest the mother-to-be. For example, they provide advice onfood to monitor weight, provide checklists the last name of to make their choice, learn sign language to sign with baby when he is there (the app Baby sign), explain how to make sport gently, or are specialists in prenatal yoga … Available on the Apple Store, Maternity My peaceful pregnancy offers exercises of meditation in order to relax which will be useful even after the baby arrives.

Be careful, although most are free, their use is interrupted more or less frequently by advertisements, unless you pay for the version without advertising. Some also encourage opening the wallet to access more features.

Which one to choose for her pregnancy follow-up? Our selection of the best apps

To know everything: 9mois & moi

Why download it? Developed by Gallia laboratories, of the Danone group, this pregnancy monitoring application is a gold mine for expectant mothers. Once you have returned for the expected date of delivery, you have access to a lot of information such as monitoring the fetus and the development of its growth, counting the arrival of the baby … Find out everything before D-Day! Among its original features, the possibility of creating a little movie thanks to the assembly of the various photos of the baby-bump taken during the nine months.

Strong points : midwives provide quick and relevant responses 24/24 questions from users. Another strong point of 9months & me: sensory experiences such as the simulation of the baby’s hearing or sight, or even the simulation of his heartbeat.

Flat : frequent bugs reported by its users (difficulties in connecting, reading videos, etc.).

Price : free. Available on Google Play and Apple Store.

To get to the point: Pregnancy by Parents

Why download it? This application is full of health, fitness, beauty advice … in the form ofarticles or videos. It also highlights testimonials, the experiences of mothers on the other side of the world, as well as celebrity information, such as the number of pounds gained by stars during their pregnancy. On the practical side, each day, which opens with a photo of the appearance of the fetus at time T, gives the count until delivery, a reminder of the appointments to be made or the administrative procedures to be done, a medical zoom according to the month of pregnancy, and articles on different topics.

Strong points : easy to use, pleasant to look at, this application has a rich content. We also have an overview of the topics that will be discussed in the following days. Impossible to get bored!

Flat : there are no tools like the “contractometer”.

Price : free and available on Google Play and Apple Store

To visualize the evolution of the baby: Pregnancy plus

Why download it? This mobile application is one of the most popular. If it has tens of millions of downloads to its credit, it is no coincidence! Easy to use, Pregnancy +offers nutritional advice and purchasing recommendations to prepare for the baby’s arrival. It also allows you to keep an appointment book, to follow your weight curve, the evolution of the fetus, to better understand the symptoms of pregnancy … By opting for the The premium version, we can count the baby’s kicks over 30, 60 or 90 minutes, time his contractions, and prepare the birth plan (at home, with or without an epidural…) and his maternity bag.

Strong points :Pregnancy + gives pride of place to 2D images and3D to visualize the size and evolution of the baby day after day, according to the date of the due date. One chooses among the five appearances of fetus proposed the one which corresponds best to his child. Images almost as realistic as an ultrasound!

Flat : the home page is a bit of a mess. And you have to pay attention to the date of the term calculated by the app. It is based on 40 weeks of amenorrhea, according to the international standard, instead of the usual 41 weeks with us.

Price: free and available on Google Play and Apple Store. Premium version: 3,49 euros on Google Play.


To remember nothing: Pregnancy – Pregnancy monitoring by Wachanga

Why download it? Similar to Nine Months & Me, the app Pregnancy monitoring by Wachanga answers the many questions that expectant mothers ask themselves. After indicating the date of the beginning of pregnancy, or that of the theoretical term, we take advantage of advice, exercises, a calendar to follow all his appointments and checklists well designed so that you don’t forget anything as your baby approaches.

Strong points : Complete, colorful and easy to use, this app wins all the votes. His contraction counter allows you to calculate their duration and frequency to get to the maternity ward at the right time.

Flat : apart from the “contractometer” which is free, you have to take out the wallet to access functions such as the baby kicking counter.

Price : free and available on Google Play and Apple Store. Version gold at 3,99 euros to access the shot counter and change the appearance of the fetus in particular.


For basic and fun follow-up: Momly

Why download it? This hassle-free app provides advice on sports exercises to do and those to avoid, foods to favor and those to forget for nine months, medications that can be used without fear. She reminds you of medical appointments, purchases to be made and checklist for the maternity bag.

His strengths: tools are free, such as the contraction counter and the reminder to drink water and stay well hydrated for baby.

Flat : to remove the ads that make the use a little less pleasant, you have to pay € 2,79 per month, € 6,99 per quarter, or € 16,99 all at once. But it’s also a way to support the app if it gets you excited.

Price : free if you don’t mind the ads. Available on Google Play and Apple Store.

To follow a pregnant woman: Preglife

Why download it? If it means in short “life of the pregnant woman”, this application does not stop at childbirth. It can be used until the child has blown out his second candle. The home page is divided into three: Child, Mom and Partner. If the emphasis here is also on the partner, it is because advice for the life of a couple are issued, depending on the time of pregnancy. A good point for this app that makes it stand out. The “articles and tools” section, organized by theme, is also very well designed.

Strong points : we do not get lost in this application very tidy. As a bonus: we have access to original videos on the life of a baby in the womb seen from the inside, based on the photos of the famous photographer Lennart Nilsson. The app also integrates a personal diary to deliver his thoughts and feelings. One can also save the weight and height curves of the baby once he is born.

Flat : there are some videos and articles in English. English speakers will appreciate it, others less …

Price: free and available on Google Play and Apple Store.

For expert advice: Materniteam

Why download it? Pregnancy follow-up, advice files on various topics such as “the prohibitions of pregnancy” or “how to start breastfeeding well” if you are already planning after birth, reminder of appointments to be made or already taken, checklist for maternity, advice Shopping… The particularity of this application is above all to be validated by professionals from 34 maternity hospitals (gynecologists, obstetricians, midwives, psychologists, dieticians, etc.). A pledge of seriousness.

Strong points : the app locates us and indicates how many maternities are nearby: you can then leave your contact details if you wish to be contacted by Materniteam referents.

Flat : the serious side is felt on the aesthetic. It lacks a bit of fantasy.

Price: free and available on Google Play and Apple Store.

To be reassured: Pregnancy monitoring by week, countdown

Why download it? This application offers pregnancy monitoring week by week and allows you to find out what is happening for the baby and the mother as they go. Her symptoms and mood, weight, and baby’s weight and height can be recorded every day after an ultrasound.

Strong points : it is pedagogic and visually original. Instead of showing the fruit that matches the size of the baby, like most apps, it positions the fetus in the fruit, making it easier to visualize its size. It also has a timer to calculate contractions.

Flat : some bugs.

Price: free and available on Google Play and Apple Store.

To see and listen to the pros: Efelya

Why download it? This classic pregnancy monitoring application gives access to more 200 videos produced by practitioners, podcasts, as well as 150 articles created by experienced practitioners. Psychology, sport, sexuality, postpartum… all subjects are discussed. The app also has a passport pregnancy in which symptoms are recorded and all the medical information necessary for follow-up. We also get recommendations for managing problems such as gestational diabetes or hypertension, by evaluating its risk factors.

Strong points : rich visual and auditory content.

Flat : some bugs, especially during registration.

Price: free and available on Google Play and Apple Store.

To stick together: WeMoms

How does she work? This app offers another form of pregnancy monitoring. It was designed so that the 500 moms and more who downloaded it can talk peacefully with each other. Ask questions they might not dare ask their gynecologist, and be reassured by women who are going through the same thing. His slogan ? “Between mothers, we understand each other”. The app is divided into three: I’m trying to have a baby, I’m pregnant, I’m a mom.

After having identified the users who are at the same stage, to the nearest week, it makes it possible to join targeted focus groups such as gestational diabetes, sport, diet, married life … We can also exchange advice on the choice of motherhood, share our feelings about the anxiety of childbirth, share tips, tips for manage nausea in the first few months. No taboo subject!

Strong points : la kindness and solidarity reign in the community. The app will also be very useful after the birth of a baby, for those who encounter difficulties with breastfeeding for example. You can continue to use it even when your baby has become a teenager!

Flat : some bugs and ad pages interrupting discussions.

Price : 100% free. Available on Google play and Apple store.

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