An organic breakfast
Do we have a big snack for breakfast? Nice, except that during pregnancy, it is preferable that everything is organic! This limits exposure to pesticides or endocrine disruptors which are contained in questionable additives (E123, E510, E513, E527…). Especially tea, which concentrates pesticides. We opt for a good organic müesli with fresh fruit, a crushed organic banana emulsified with first cold-pressed rapeseed oil and almond and sunflower seeds (reduced to powder).
I ventilate the house
The air in our homes concentrates pollutants. It is even more polluted than the air outside! However, we spend more than 75% of our time in closed places (car, office…). The solution ? Open the window wide, morning and evening, 5 minutes, trying to make a draft. It’s free, simple and very effective. If you live in a polluted area (road traffic, industry), ventilate either very early in the morning or late at night. Forget incense, sprays and other “house fragrances”… they add chemical pollutants to the air! It also avoids obstructing window ventilation.
In the shower: artisanal soap!
Many cosmetic manufacturers use many chemicals to perfume, penetrate the product, or keep it in its watery form. Some are nanoparticles that can cross the placental barrier. To protect yourself from it, you can simplify your beauty routine as much as possible by using an artisanal cold saponified soap bar rather than a shower gel full of preservatives. For a soft and silky skin, we prefer products labeled “Ecocert”, “Nature et Progrès”, “BDIH” or “Cosmébio”. We avoid deodorant sprays and even Alum stone which contains aluminum salts, in favor of baking soda, used as a kind of talcum powder under the armpits.
Fashion and safe for 9 months
PFCs, triclosan, phthalates, NPEs are endocrine disruptors found in many textiles, especially those made in China which can also use heavy metal dyes. The golden rule: we always wash new clothes before wearing them. If we want to treat ourselves to maternity clothes, we prefer the second hand. If you prefer new (and have the means), you opt for clothing labeled “Ecocert”, “Ecolabel” or “Confidence textile” (Œko-Tex®100).
Natural products for the home
On the household side, ideally, to avoid breathing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the floor should be rinsed after washing it with chemicals … So, rather than bother, during pregnancy (and after !), we turn to safe products. For example: baking soda, black soap or white vinegar. And equip yourself with several “microfiber” cloths that clean everything… without additives!
To cook, I prefer glass and stainless steel …
On the container side, I prefer glass, porcelain, stainless steel rather than plastic. Fatty foods pick up chemicals from the plastic, which then end up on the plate. As for the kitchen utensils, I forget the Teflon, especially if the pan is old. I prefer stainless steel and iron. Reheat in the microwave? Why not if it’s in glass or porcelain, even if studies are lacking on the impact of electromagnetic fields on the fetus. We are wary of old appliances which may have leaks and… we do not stand by and watch the dish turn!
In the garden, manual work …
I forget the chemical weedkiller, slug killers and the like. I weed by hand! (Or I have my husband do it Honey!) Pregnant, if I have a dog or a cat, I do not treat them and I avoid petting them if they have just been treated! In fact, flea products contain insecticides which enter the body, are stored in fat and act at very low doses without knowing their toxicity.
Good water!
For afternoon tea, the water is heated in a stainless steel kettle and not in plastic. We check the nitrate levels in our town. If we are in a big city, our tap water is very controlled, therefore safe. The fact remains that some pharmaceutical products (antibiotics and synthetic hormones) are often found in minute concentrations in drinking water networks. If in doubt, opt for bottled water (preferably glass) with low mineral content.
Mirror my beautiful mirror …
Make-up (pencils, eye shadow, etc.) may contain heavy metal residues. The usual hair dyes or nail polish contain endocrine disruptors, substances potentially dangerous for the fetus. Either you skip all that for 9 months, or you turn to products respecting the “Cosmébio” or “BDIH”, “Nature et Progrès” charter… Or you switch to ecological water-based varnishes such as Kure Bazaar, Namaki, Zoya… For the lips, opt for a lipstick made from 100% natural vegetable oils without silicones or synthetic dyes (Weleda).
The cigarette, we forget!
The many chemicals present in cigarette smoke (arsenic, cadmium, tar, etc.) cross the placental barrier and persist for a long time in the ambient air. If we succeed, we quit smoking, or we get help from Tabac Info Service to find motivation. And the future dad is also forbidden to smoke in the house!
I sleep in nice sheets!
We spend about 8 hours in the room. Problem, the mattress and sheets, if they are new, release some of their chemicals. The rule: I skip anti-dust mites, stain-resistant treatments… on textiles; I find a mattress in 100% natural latex or in wool certified “Ecolabel”, “Confiance Textile” or “Oeko-Tex®100”. For the sheets, I prefer organic cotton and I wash them before sleeping in them. l
*International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics opinion on reproductive health impacts of exposure to toxic environmental chemicals » Gian Carlo Di Renzo. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 2015-12-01
Do you want more information on the right actions to protect yourself from pollutants?
If you want to create the healthiest possible interior for your baby, the WECF experts, who are the voice of women to move towards an ecological transition, give you advice through their “Nesting” workshops.
Expert: Emilie Delbays, Head of Environmental Health Education at WECF France