Pregnancy: how to manage the daily life?

Hair coloring

Can I get tinctures during pregnancy?

Elisa – 15 Auriac

A priori, the n’y a no particular contraindications to give color to your hair, even if, it is true, it can be weakened during pregnancy and therefore more sensitive to aggressive products.

Sport and pregnancy

Pregnant, can I continue to exercise?

Kristinna – 92 170 Vanves

Yes of course ! You can continue sport being pregnant, adapting your activities to the stage of your pregnancy. Opt for swimming (on the back, it’s excellent!), Walking and the gym, syears you run out of breath or exceed your limits. Leaving aside for a while the games of tennis, running, combat sports (that goes without saying!) … too many shakes for Baby!

Water retention

I do water retention. How quickly will I get my beautiful legs back?

Benhelene – 44 Nantes

Rest assured, it will only take 36 to 48 hours of additional patience after childbirth for the effects of water retention to wear off. A word of advice: if you also have heavy legs, do not hesitate to wear compression stockings.

Hair loss

I am almost 4 months pregnant and I am losing my hair a lot! I’m afraid of going bald …

Macora – 62 300 Lens

Once again, it is a blow of hormones which, during the first months of pregnancy, undergo great upheavals. A word of advice: avoid washing your hair every day and use a suitable shampoo. If the fall persists, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Aquamaternity course

Do aquamaternity courses have to be given by a midwife?

Ada92 – 92300 Levallois-Perret

Yes, nothing like a real pregnancy professional to follow your movements in the water! To be safe, the midwife will take your pulse and blood pressure before and after each session in the pool. And, depending on your form, she is also free to accept or refuse you during aquamaternity… for your good and that of Baby!

Driving hours

I am 7 months pregnant and have to start my first hours of driving. Is this really reasonable?

Olilodi – 83 200 Toulon

If you are in great shape, why not take hours of driving, but your round belly may still get in the way. Note also that the car is contraindicated if your collar is already a little open. But are you really two months away? …

Smoking cessation

I would like to quit smoking. Can I wear patches during pregnancy?

Les3pommes – 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq

Of course, you can wear quit smoking patches during your pregnancy! Bravo for this approach! Check with your maternity ward. Tobacco consultations are often provided free of charge to expectant mothers to optimize follow-up before, during and after childbirth.

Stressed future mom

I am very stressed by nature. Is it harmful for Baby?

Marsyle – 22 Saint-Brieuc

The fetus feels the stress, of course, but to say that it is harmful for him… Don’t forget: Zen mom, cool baby! So why not indulge in yoga classes for pregnant women?

Take the boat

I am 5 months pregnant and have to take the boat. Are there any particular risks?

HappyAudrey – 50 100 Cherbourg

No, you don’t risk anything if you take the boat pregnant, apart from seasickness! However, regardless of the mode of transportation, it is important to take precautions before embarking on a trip during pregnancy.

Concerts and pregnancy

I am over 6 months pregnant. Can I continue to go to concerts?

Babyonway – 84 000 Avignon

It all depends on which ones! If this is a concert where you are sure you are seated and relatively “quiet”, no problem. Otherwise, better to avoid. It is never very good to remain standing for a long time, with the risk also of receiving a bad blow in the stomach …

Gender and pregnancy

Is sex dangerous for the baby during pregnancy?

AdelRose – 75004 Paris

Sex during pregnancy is absolutely safe for Baby. Being pregnant does not prevent you from having a fulfilling sex life. There is nothing wrong with doing yourself good!

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