Pregnancy: how to effectively eliminate Down syndrome

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Pregnancy is a magical time. The parents-to-be come up with a name for the future baby, and imagine joint walks in the parks. As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she realizes that she has to take care not only of herself, but also of the health of the unborn baby.

In Russia, there are programs to identify possible health problems in the fetus. Natalia Vetrova, Ph.D., leading geneticist at the Genetics and Reproductive Medicine Center “GENETICO”, will tell you about what screening of the first trimester is and why its results are not always accurate.

– Screening is an examination that all expectant mothers must undergo at a certain stage of pregnancy. The first screening is done at 11-13 weeks of gestation. It includes two studies: an ultrasound scan of the fetus and a biochemical blood test of the expectant mother.

– Indirectly. Based on the results of the first trimester screening, pregnant women are divided into high, medium and low risk groups. And if a woman is in a high-risk group, then most often she is sent for a more serious examination – invasive diagnosis.

– It should be understood that the accuracy of standard screening does not exceed 82%. We often face the fact that women are unreasonably directed to a “puncture” and in the end it turns out that everything is in order with the child. There are also cases when a woman is put at low risk, but a child with chromosomal abnormalities is born.

– Safe screening of pregnant women is a substitute for inaccurate biochemical analysis Prenetiks. The test determines the DNA of the fetus in the mother’s blood. To study a pregnant woman, you only need to donate venous blood. The Prenetics test detects Down syndrome, Edwards, Patau and other chromosomal abnormalities with an accuracy of more than 99%.

More than one million expectant mothers have already trusted the test

– You can complete the study in early pregnancy, starting at 10 weeks, and be calm about the health of your baby. Test results come in 4-10 days after donating blood.

– This service is valid throughout Russia. Find out about taking the test in your city by phone: 8 800 775 61 35 (call within Russia is free). The central office of the GENETICO Laboratory is located in Moscow at ul. Gubkina, 3, bldg. one.

Congratulations, you will have a baby!

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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