“Pregnancy. Conscious motherhood ». The perfect mom is a loving mom

Only mom knows what a heavy piece of bread motherhood is. From the moment she is born, the woman is no longer alone. She gets a debut role – one of the most important casts in her life – becomes a mother. It does not have to be perfect, but loving, and most importantly, it is important that it is. The «Pregnancy. Conscious Motherhood », aimed at educating and supporting pregnant women. The MedTvoiLokony website has also joined the project.

On July 19, another edition of the educational campaign of the Warsaw Press Publishing House “Ciąża-Conscious Motherhood” was launched. In the next, third edition, experts from the most prestigious institutions honored their presence.

The campaign has been officially sponsored by prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosław Wielgosia, the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw and the President of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, who willingly supported the initiative of the Publishing House, which is to expand the knowledge and awareness of each future mother. The professor’s statement on responsible motherhood and appropriate physical and mental preparation for the birth of a child into the world introduces the reader to the whole content-related content. Another patron was the Institute of Mother and Child. Dr. Marzena Jurczak Czaplicka from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and dr. Krystyna Polak from the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Therapy spoke about tests and preventive vaccinations. The campaign is again accompanied by the Food and Nutrition Institute. Magdalena Siuba-Strzelińska, dietitian and deputy head of the National Center for Nutrition Education, presents the Healthy Mother Applications and addresses the issue of gestational diabetes. The topic of hypertension in pregnancy is discussed by prof. dr hab. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań. Pre and postnatal counseling was provided by the Żelazna Medical Center. Małgorzata Gierada-Radoń, M.Sc., senior midwife specialist at the Specialist Hospital of St. Zofia presents childbirth as a cooperation of partners, and Paulina Juszczakiewicz, a midwife representing the same institution, advises how to take care of yourself after childbirth.

The campaign is also supported by the MedTvoiLokony platform – the publisher and head of reporters of Onet Woman Agnieszka Sztyler-Turovsky refers to the “mother fit” dilemma that accompanies today’s times. The BabyBoom.pl community has also joined the project. Its creator, Anna Ślusarczyk, presents the results of her research conducted among mothers on lactation. The Conscious Mother Project also provided its educational contribution. The originator, Dorota Jaworska, encourages every reader to participate in parenting workshops.

The face of the campaign is Polish journalist Paulina Sykut-Jeżyna, a happy mother and wife. This edition is also accompanied by famous moms of bloggers: Bakusiowo, Mamine Skarby, Mother Madman and Buuba. All the ladies with their stories would like to inspire other mothers, persuading them to pursue their passions and interests. The campaign accompanies the National Series of Picnics for Mums, organized by My Mums, where it will be attached to the picnic bags that will be given to each of the picnic participants. The media patronage was taken by: Super Moms, Mama Klub and Baby-Shower.

The campaign is a source of knowledge about the influence of vitamins and minerals on the development of the fetus and the health of every mother. It confirms the facts and debunks myths about pregnancy and breastfeeding. Thanks to the participation of the above-mentioned experts, the campaign gives the opportunity to obtain the most interesting information about the course of pregnancy, proper preparation of the body and changes taking place in it, and provides valuable advice on how to effectively deal with ailments and ailments typical of pregnant women, as well as to recover after childbirth.

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