Pregnancy: changes in our body

Pregnant, our physical changes under the microscope

The hair

During pregnancy, hair changes nature, they are less dry, less forked thanks to the contribution of estrogen. We lose them less, hence a larger volume. But this state of grace does not last, and during the weeks following childbirth, we may lose a lot of hair. These are in fact those who did not fall during pregnancy.

If you have oily hair, there is a chance that this problem will worsen. Advice: wash frequently with a mild shampoo and if possible, avoid the use of the hair dryer which reinforces the phenomenon.


From the start of pregnancy, breasts swell under the effect of hormonal hypersecretion. However, on this part of the body, the skin is very fragile. Suddenly, it may happen that your breasts are not quite the same after our pregnancy.

Tip: to prevent the weight of our breasts from distending the skin, we wear a well adapted bra, with a deep cup and wide straps. If it is really painful, we wear our bra at night too. To strengthen the tone of the skin, take showers of cool water. You can also massage yourself, with special creams or sweet almond oil. Hands placed flat, light massages are carried out going up from the nipple to the shoulder.

The belly

Sometimes, a brown line (linea ligra) appears on the abdomen. It is the hormones that cause hyperactivation of skin pigmentation in some places, like here. It is a normal phenomenon. Don’t panic, it gradually disappears after childbirth.

During pregnancy, the skin loses its elasticity. Stretch marks can appear, especially during the last trimester. These traces are very difficult to remove.

Advice: from the start of our pregnancy, apply an anti-stretch mark treatment morning and evening to the stomach, hips and buttocks. Above all, we avoid gaining weight too quickly, it is still the best prevention.


All swollen, our legs are unrecognizable. Why ? It’s water retention ! It is a classic for pregnant women.

Tip: Drink lots of water and eat diuretic foods like melon. We avoid staying too long standing, and when you are sitting or lying down, we raise our legs. Swimming can provide relief because water massages and relaxes.

Massage : we massage from the ankle to the thigh, going up along the muscles, as we do to put on tights. For the thighs, massage from the inside to the outside, from bottom to top, with large circular movements.

The face

Thinner skin

The skin of the face beautifies. It is thinner, more transparent. But it also tends to be drier under the effects of hormones. Tips: avoid alcoholic tonic lotions and apply a moisturizer.


Some of us may suddenly suffer from acne which usually settles down after 2-3 months. Once again, it’s the hormones that are responsible. Tip: we clean our face properly, and to hide a pimple, nothing like a touch of concealer one tone below our complexion.

The pregnancy mask

 Sometimes brown spots appear in the middle of the forehead, on the chin and around the mouth as well as at the tip of the nose, this is the mask of pregnancy. It settles between the 4th and the 6th month. Usually, it appears under the effect of the sun. It is often the most marked dark skin. Most of the time, it goes away after childbirth. If it persists, consult a dermatologist. To avoid it: protect yourself from the sun with creams, hats, etc.! If it’s too late, vitamin B treatment has a reputation for limiting the pregnancy mask. Some dermatologists prescribe a depigmenting ointment to be applied to the largest spots. Avoid alcoholic tonic lotions and do not expose yourself to the sun, or with high protection sun protection. 


 It is essential to monitor your teeth and go to the dentist so that he can establish a balance at least once when you are pregnant. An oral examination is also reimbursed, so take advantage of it! . Indeed, during pregnancy, the immune defenses decline in some women, hence the risk of infection and cavities.


The back

The back is the part of the body that pays the greatest price during pregnancy. The extra pounds aren’t the only culprits. The center of gravity shifts forward and suddenly the back is hollow. Tips: if you work seated, take the right posture, back straight, buttocks propped up to the back of the chair, feet on a footrest. We do not cross our legs too much and we do not stay for hours without moving, it’s bad for traffic. If you work standing, you wear comfortable shoes and you sit down regularly. 

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