Pregnancy calendar – the course of pregnancy month by month [WE EXPLAIN]


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The pregnancy calendar is extremely important for every expectant mother. In each subsequent week and month of pregnancy, not only the woman’s body changes, but also new organs and systems in the baby’s body develop. The pregnancy calendar is also needed so that the expectant mother can plan the diet, lifestyle, physical activity, examinations and medical appointments. How to take care of yourself and your baby during this very exciting time? What to look for in a specific month of pregnancy?

Pregnancy calendar – how many months does pregnancy last?

Everyone knows that human pregnancy lasts 9 months. However, this is not a thoroughly verified pregnancy time, as the standard term is 40 weeks, or almost 10 months.

However, in virtually every case of pregnancy, it is difficult to clearly determine the exact day on which the baby will be born. It often happens that babies are born earlier or later than the counted weeks would indicate. In addition, it is not always possible to determine the exact date of conception, so the pregnancy time is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, and 9 months is just an approximate calculation.

Therefore, much more is said about weeks of pregnancynot months. In our pregnancy calendar, we will describe the months of pregnancy, also indicating specific weeks.

Pregnancy calendar – first month

The first month of pregnancy it is from the first to the fourth week of pregnancy. Assuming, of course, that the counting starts from the day on which the last period was due to begin.

The age of pregnancy can be determined using the ultrasound machine that the doctor uses during the examination in first trimester of pregnancy. However, two weeks are always added to the actual pregnancy age as determined by ultrasound. This is the period from the first day of menstruation to ovulation and possible fertilization.

The beginning of pregnancy is so mysterious that very often no one knows, not even the expectant mother herself, that a new life is developing in her belly.

Characteristic symptoms in the first month of pregnancy

The first symptom of pregnancywhich is usually also the reason for a pregnancy test is a missed period or a delay in your period. Of course, it is worth remembering that it is not uncommon to have menstruation even in the following months of pregnancy. Suspension of menstruation in the first month of pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes caused by the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus.

Missing a period is not a clear sign of pregnancy. Sometimes the lack of a period is simply menstrual disorders that result from stress, improper diet, hormonal diseases or an intense lifestyle.

Early pregnancy it can manifest itself to other people as well. Many future mothers indicated that in the first month of pregnancy they were accompanied by mood changes, flatulence, cramps, nausea and constipation. Additionally, there may be lower back pain, vaginal spotting or painful and sensitive breasts. Some ladies experience nutritional cravings or do not feel like eating certain dishes that they have tasted before.

You may also feel the need to urinate more often than usual in the first month. It is also worth remembering that in many cases, early pregnancy does not manifest itself in any way, so the first step is to do a pregnancy test and then make an appointment with the gynecologist.

Changes in a woman and a child in the first month of pregnancy

In the first month of pregnancy, it is unlikely that you will notice any particular changes in a woman’s body. For this reason, many women find out about their pregnancy only in the 5th or 6th week of embryo development. For every woman, the news about pregnancy means great emotions, which is why the mood often changes.

In principle, physical changes can only affect the breasts, which become tender, larger and more supplied with blood. The blood vessels dilate and show through the thin skin, and the nipple and areola can become darker.

In a developing baby, the fertilized cell moves from the fallopian tube into the uterus, where it nests in the mucosa. The egg cell divides and an embryo is formed. Already in the third week of pregnancy, cells divide into layers that will form organs in the future. At the end of the first month, the central nervous system begins to form, including the brain and spinal cord. At the turn of the first and second months, the embryo reaches 3 mm in length and resembles a tadpole.

How to take care of yourself in the first month of pregnancy?

The first month is so specific that you often don’t know that you are carrying a new life. During this time, it is worth first of all to do a home pregnancy test, and then make an appointment with a doctor. Additionally, it is worth remembering about:

  1. the use of folic acid – it prevents serious congenital malformations of the nervous system, such as anencephaly or spina bifida;
  2. introducing the right diet – the doctor can help you plan the menu. First of all, it will recommend which vitamins and dietary supplements should be included in your daily diet. Your doctor may suggest a specific preparation, but you can also choose, for example, Pregnancy Complex – a pregnant woman Viridian, which you can take throughout your pregnancy;
  3. changing bad habits – you should definitely give up smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also worth limiting participation in stressful situations;
  4. taking care of positive emotions – you should rest and spend time with loved ones

The first month of pregnancy is 4 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 1 week of pregnancy;
  2. 2 week of pregnancy;
  3. 3 week of pregnancy;
  4. 4 week of pregnancy;

Pregnancy calendar – second month

Second month of pregnancy it lasts from the fifth to eighth week of pregnancy and is still in the first trimester of pregnancy. In many cases, it is at the beginning of the second month that women find out that they are pregnant.

Characteristic symptoms in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is when the symptoms of pregnancy are felt most strongly. Many women in the second month of pregnancy experience mood swings, morning sickness and various food cravings.

In addition, there may be ailments within the digestive and digestive system, including indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, gas and constipation. Many women in the second month of pregnancy complain of fatigue and sleepiness. Many of them also have slight swelling in their arms and legs.

The mood swings so characteristic of the first months of pregnancy are the result of an increase in the level of hormones in the body, including progesterone and estrogen. It is also these hormones that are responsible for digestive problems, muscle pain and changes in skin pigmentation.

Changes in a woman and a child in the second month of pregnancy

In the second month of pregnancy, the woman still does not notice any particularly characteristic changes in her body. The only change that may occur is that your breasts are larger and more swollen. In some women, reddish-purple varicose veins can be seen, which are caused by an increase in blood volume and hormonal changes. These varicose veins largely disappear a few months after childbirth.

The baby’s development continues in the second month of pregnancy. Around the sixth week, the embryo looks like a tiny croissant. On the ultrasound image, you can see the head and the buds of the limbs. It is also important for future parents that their baby’s heart has been beating for about two weeks at a rate of about 60-70 beats per minute.

This month, your baby’s most important internal organs are being formed, such as the lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines. The baby’s spine is also developing rapidly, and in the second month, eight to ten vertebrae can be distinguished. In the last week of the second month, the baby is about 2 cm long and weighs about 10 grams.

Tests in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is a period when you should prepare for a series of tests. Between the 5th and 8th week of pregnancy, it is worth remembering the following tests:

  1. blood count and determination of the blood group and Rh factor;
  2. cytology;
  3. tests for the presence or absence of antibodies to rubella and toxoplasmosis;
  4. general urine examination;
  5. examination for congenital fetal defects, i.e. AFP;
  6. blood glucose tests;
  7. blood test for jaundice type B and C;
  8. study of discharge from the genital tract;
  9. WR, or test for syphilis.

How to take care of yourself in the second month of pregnancy?

In the second month of pregnancy, every woman should remember:

  1. medical appointments – must appear at each scheduled visit. The gynecologist usually creates a general pregnancy plan at the first visit;
  2. a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals; if you have not done it before, you can add LittleMe Day + LittleMe Night Health Labs to your diet – for the benefit of mum and baby, a supplement containing the necessary nutrients;
  3. emotions – especially since pregnancy is a period of an emotional swing. It is worth resting a lot during this time, talking to your loved ones about your feelings or finding a support group;
  4. rehydration – a woman’s body needs much more fluids during pregnancy, especially when vomiting is frequent. It is wise to drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day;
  5. Kegel exercises – alternating contracting and relaxing the muscles of the bottom of the uterus facilitates childbirth, but also increases the pleasure of intercourse.

The second month of pregnancy includes 4 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 5rd week of pregnancy
  2. 6rd week of pregnancy
  3. 7rd week of pregnancy
  4. 8rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – third month

Third month of pregnancy lasts from 9 to 13 weeks and ends the first trimester of pregnancy. Fortunately, these are the last weeks of unpleasant ailments that were symptoms of early pregnancy. In the third month, a woman’s body gets used to the changes that take place in it, which is why the mood and well-being of the future mother improve.

Characteristic symptoms in the third month of pregnancy

In the third month of pregnancy, as already mentioned, unpleasant ailments from the digestive and digestive system are alleviated. From the 9th week on, the woman notices that some of the pregnancy symptoms are even pleasant and that the pregnancy is not only days that are difficult to endure.

In the third month, weight gain occurs, which is related not so much to the growth of the baby, but to the increase in amniotic fluids. In addition, a woman may notice vaginal discharge, changes in skin pigmentation, and varicose or spider veins on the skin. During this time, on the one hand, the woman may feel calm, but on the other hand, she is absent-minded. As in the previous weeks, you may need to urinate more often.

Changes in a woman and a child in the third month of pregnancy

The most important thing for mothers-to-be is that in the third month of pregnancy, there is a high probability that the tummy will become round. This rounding occurs at different times for each woman, sometimes even at the beginning of the fifth month. A woman in the third month of pregnancy will also notice that her breasts are larger and swollen. Changes in skin pigmentation may show up as a dark line on the abdomen, the so-called frontiers. Some women, especially those in the sun, may develop dark spots or freckles on their faces.

The third month of pregnancy is the end of the embryonic phase and the beginning of the fetal period. During this time, individual behavior and appearance characteristics can already be observed in the child. In the third month of pregnancy, the child’s reproductive organs begin to form, eyelids are formed, and a nap grows on the skin.

Between 9 and 13 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. The child is approx. 7,5 cm long and weighs approx. 14 grams. The lungs, pancreas and kidneys are ending up in shape. Elements of the auditory organ are formed and the vocal cords develop. Interestingly, in the third month, you can already observe the baby’s first movements. The child moves limbs, yawns, frowns or closes his hand.

Tests in the third month of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when a woman undergoes a lot of tests. Diagnostics to a large extent allows for the maintenance of the mother’s health and a quick reaction in the event of pregnancy complications. In the third month of pregnancy, the woman should undergo the following tests:

  1. for blood group determination – if the patient did not perform this test in the second month;
  2. the level of anti-D antibodies – in the case of a serological conflict;
  3. blood count, glycemia;
  4. general urine examination;
  5. blood test for cytomegalovirus antibodies;
  6. toxoplasmosis and rubella – if she did not perform this test in the second month of pregnancy;
  7. PAPP-A double test – non-invasive prenatal test to assess the risk of genetic disorders.

How to take care of yourself in the third month of pregnancy?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should take care of her health and well-being. In the third month of pregnancy, it is worth:

  1. plan healthy exercises during pregnancy – yoga, swimming, Pilates;
  2. take care of a healthy and balanced diet – during pregnancy you should eat a lot of vegetables, approx. 400–500 g per day and fruit, approx. 300–400 g per day;
  3. discontinue medications that were used so far – especially painkillers;
  4. take good supplements, e.g. with folic acid;
  5. talk to the child and organize the first games together – in the third month, the child hears sounds, so you can sing or play CDs with your favorite music;
  6. announce that you are pregnant – the third month is the perfect time to inform those around you that you are pregnant.

In the third month of pregnancy, there are 5 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 9rd week of pregnancy
  2. 10rd week of pregnancy
  3. 11rd week of pregnancy
  4. 12rd week of pregnancy
  5. 13rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – fourth month

Fourth month of pregnancy runs from weeks 14 to 17 and begins second trimester of pregnancy. In the fourth month, many women feel relieved because this is when the symptoms that occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy disappear completely. The fourth month is extremely exciting, because that’s when the mother begins to feel the baby’s first movements, and in addition, the parents can find out the gender of their baby.

Characteristic symptoms in the third month of pregnancy

Although the most difficult symptoms of pregnancy to bear are already left behind, in the fourth month the woman also experiences various ailments. It is worth mentioning, however, that the fourth month of pregnancy is jokingly called the honeymoon because the ailments are not very bothersome, and most of them are quite pleasant for the expectant mother.

Due to the fact that the toddler grows very quickly during this period and the volume of amniotic fluid increases, the weight gain of the future mother is equally rapid. Due to the rapid weight gain and stretching of the skin, stretch marks usually start to appear in the fourth month.

Additionally, in the fourth month of pregnancy, a woman may experience itchy skin on her stomach and breasts. In the fourth month of pregnancy, a woman may still struggle with heartburn and indigestion, and is still exposed to changes in skin pigmentation.

Changes in a woman and a child in the third month of pregnancy

In the fourth month of pregnancy, there are significant changes in the woman’s body. The pregnancy belly is more and more visible, and between the 18th and the 20th week, the expectant mother can feel the baby’s first movements in her belly. As the baby grows in the abdomen, it begins to press against the lungs, causing some women to complain of breathing problems. This ailment does not last long, however, as the pressure on the lungs will end when the baby sinks into the pelvis.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, women often radiate, because under the influence of hormonal changes their hair thickens, darkens and becomes shinier. In rare cases, facial hair may appear.

The fourth month is the time of very rapid growth of the baby. At the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby is approx. 7 cm long and weighs approx. 14 grams, while at the end of the 17th week it is 25 cm long and weighs almost 200 grams. An individual pattern of fingerprints is formed on the shaped fingers, internal organs perform many vital functions, and furrows and convolutions appear on the rapidly maturing brain.

One of the most important elements of development in the fourth month of pregnancy is the development of external genitalia, thanks to which parents can learn the sex of the child at this time. Additionally, in the fourth month of pregnancy, facial features are also visible, the skeleton ossifies, and the heart pumps around 4 liters of blood a day.

Tests in the fourth month of pregnancy

In the fourth month of pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a very important ultrasound examination, which is a half ultrasound. This examination examines the anatomy of the baby in detail to determine if the baby is developing properly. It is during this examination that you can find out the sex of the child. Half-time ultrasound examination is painless for the mother and child.

How to take care of yourself in the fourth month of pregnancy?

In the fourth month of pregnancy, you should also take care of your and your baby’s health. During this time, it is worth remembering:

  1. a diet rich in vitamins and minerals – in the case of deficiencies, you can decide on supplementation;
  2. performing body peeling and using preparations for stretch marks;
  3. physical activity – one that does not force the future mother too much;
  4. completing maternity clothes – from now on, the belly will grow even faster, so it is worth enlarging the wardrobe with appropriate pants or dresses
  5. choosing a name for the child – of course, you do not have to make a decision right away, but since you already know the gender of the child, maybe it is worth considering the name?

The fourth month of pregnancy is 4 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 14rd week of pregnancy
  2. 15rd week of pregnancy
  3. 16rd week of pregnancy
  4. 17rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – fifth month

The fifth month of pregnancy lasts from the 18th to the 22nd week and in fact it is already half the waiting time for the baby’s birthday. In the fifth month of pregnancy, very large changes occur both in the woman’s body and in the development of the baby.

The expectant mother is much more likely to sense the baby’s movements, which shyly begins to turn, kick or even lightly hit the abdominal wall. Unfortunately, these pleasant feelings are also associated with the rather nagging abdominal pain and other ailments characteristic of the fifth month of pregnancy.

Characteristic symptoms in the fifth month of pregnancy

In the fifth month, as a rule, it is no longer possible to conceal a pregnancy, as the round belly is already very visible. The second trimester is considered the most pleasant time of pregnancy, but in the fifth month there are quite bothersome symptoms that can negatively affect the well-being of a woman.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, skin changes are particularly troublesome. A woman in the fifth month of pregnancy may experience persistent itching of the skin with increasing stretch marks, spider veins or varicose veins, and a slight swelling of the arms and legs. Some women complain of shortness of breath, abdominal pain and pain in the heavily loaded lower spine.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, a woman may still suffer from problems with the digestive and digestive system. During this time, there are bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn. The fifth month can also be full of sleepless nights, as the growing belly makes it difficult to find a comfortable and suitable sleeping position.

Changes in a woman and a child in the fifth month of pregnancy

Despite the previously mentioned symptoms occurring in the fifth month, it cannot be denied that during this time the woman is full of energy. It is in the fifth month that it is worth having a pregnancy session, because then many women radiate, their complexion is smoother and their hair appears thicker and shinier. In addition, the pregnancy belly, although visible, is not too big yet, so it does not hinder free movement. In the fifth month of pregnancy, the navel very often becomes convex.

The fifth month also brings about changes in the child’s development. This month, the baby is about 30 cm long and weighs about 400 grams. The first hairs start to appear on the baby’s head, and the eyebrows, eyelashes and nails become more and more visible.

The expectant mother will surely sense the constant rhythm of the baby’s life, and more specifically the time of sleep and wakefulness. In the fifth month, the baby becomes mobile as he often turns, kicks, yawns and even has hiccups. Around the fifth month, the baby can join hands, sucks his thumb, but also touches himself, the umbilical cord or the placenta.

From the 17th week on, the sebaceous glands in the child’s skin take up work, which creates the fetal sludge, which is a protective coating on the child’s body. In the fifth month, the kidneys are already working intensively, producing the urine excreted by the baby into the amniotic fluid. In the fifth month, it is worth talking to the baby, stroking the belly or humming songs, because it calms the baby and puts him in a good mood.

Tests in the fifth month of pregnancy

In the 5th month of pregnancy, half ultrasound, urinalysis and morphology are performed. If the half-ultrasound scan was not performed at the end of the 4th month, it should be performed now. During the examination, you can see the baby and find out its gender. In addition, the doctor will measure the child and assess whether he is developing properly. During this test, the doctor will also check that the woman has the right amount of amniotic fluid.

During a visit to the gynecologist in the fifth month of pregnancy, the doctor should check the pregnant woman’s weight, blood pressure, the pH of vaginal discharge and the height of the uterine fundus.

How to take care of yourself in the fifth month of pregnancy?

As in the previous months, at the halfway point of pregnancy, every woman should take care of herself and her baby’s safety.

The fifth month on the pregnancy calendar this is the best time to enroll in birthing school. This is also the time to learn about the signs of premature labor. Knowing this will allow you to react quickly in the event of symptoms. In the fifth month, it is worth spending time establishing a relationship with your baby. During this period, the child learns to recognize his mother’s voice, so it is good if talking, singing or reading becomes a daily ritual for you.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, you should not forget about physical activity and a properly composed diet rich in folic acid and other minerals. To reduce sleepless nights, it is worth ensuring a comfortable sleeping position.

It’s a good idea to buy special croissant-shaped pillows that will help you find a comfortable sleeping position faster. In the fifth month, it is also good to buy comfortable shoes, comfortable maternity clothes, and choose a bra suitable for the changing shape of the breast.

The fifth month of pregnancy consists of 5 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 18rd week of pregnancy
  2. 19rd week of pregnancy
  3. 20rd week of pregnancy
  4. 21rd week of pregnancy
  5. 22rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – sixth month

Sixth month of pregnancy lasts from week 23 to 27 and thus completes the second trimester. These are the last days when the belly is not yet big enough to limit the freedom of movement. Therefore, it is worth using this month for the last purchases before delivery and the birth of the baby.

Characteristic symptoms in the sixth month of pregnancy

In the sixth month of pregnancy, there are symptoms that are mainly associated with an enlarged belly. The pressure on your baby’s lungs can increase breathing problems and shortness of breath. In addition, swelling of the arms, legs, feet and face is common.

A woman in the sixth month of pregnancy may experience itchy skin on her stomach, breasts, buttocks and thighs. It is not uncommon to experience back pain, dizziness, and balance disorders. Digestive problems still occur, therefore a woman in the sixth month of pregnancy may complain of heartburn, constipation or indigestion.

Insomnia is also common in the sixth month of pregnancy. It accompanies women from the moment of a more rounded belly. Finding a comfortable position is not easy and often requires the purchase of appropriate maternity pillows. In the sixth month of pregnancy, varicose veins may appear on the legs, and leg muscle cramps are also frequent.

Changes in a woman and a child in the sixth month of pregnancy

In the sixth month of pregnancy, a woman first of all notices how her body changes. Throughout the past weeks of pregnancy, the body weight increased and the skin on the abdomen was greatly stretched. This, in turn, resulted in the appearance of stretch marks, the appearance of a line on the abdomen and the bulging of the navel.

In the sixth month of pregnancy, women also complain of swelling in the feet, ankles, wrists and face. A significant proportion of women in their sixth month of pregnancy feel bored with their condition, which in turn causes frustration, anger and mood swings. In this case, it is worth relaxing, doing something just for yourself or just having a good rest.

In the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby is 34 cm long and weighs about 1 kilogram. Until six months he is still quite thin, but right now he is starting to form a layer of fatty tissue. In addition, in the sixth month, your baby’s body begins to store important minerals such as calcium and iron. The sixth month is the time of maturation of internal organs, intense ossification and growth of hair and nails.

At the end of the sixth month, the lungs also develop, and at the beginning of the seventh month they are so developed that in the case of premature birth there is a good chance of survival of the baby outside the mother’s body.

In the sixth month, the baby is very mobile – turns, kicks, rolls. Its circadian rhythm is shaping, so the expectant mother will surely sense when the baby is asleep and when it is active.

In the sixth month, the nervous system also matures, which is confirmed by some unconditional reflexes. At the end of the sixth month, the little one gradually opens his eyelids and moves his eyeballs up, down and side to side.

Tests in the sixth month of pregnancy

The most important and mandatory test in the sixth month of pregnancy is the glucose load test. This test is performed around the 25th week of pregnancy to exclude or confirm diabetes in pregnancy. If a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made, a diabetologist will take over further treatment of this condition. He or she will probably determine the rules of the diet and assess whether or not to take insulin.

In the 6th month of pregnancy, a general urinalysis should also be performed. There should be no protein, sugar, white or red blood cells in it.

How to take care of yourself in the second month of pregnancy?

In the sixth month of pregnancy, it is worth starting to think about giving birth and start preparing for it. During the visit, you can talk to your doctor or midwife about the birth plan, indicate your preferences or present your concerns. When discussing the birth plan, you can indicate the position in which you want to be born, learn about how to deal with severe pain and learn about the activities that follow immediately after delivery.

When preparing for childbirth, it is worth considering a room or a corner for a newborn baby. In the sixth month, the woman still has enough energy to devote this time to refining the details. The sixth month is also the perfect time for a baby shower. This party is a great opportunity to meet your loved ones and family.

In the sixth month, you should still not forget about a healthy diet and moderate physical activity.

The sixth month of pregnancy is 5 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 23rd week of pregnancy
  2. 24rd week of pregnancy
  3. 25rd week of pregnancy
  4. 26rd week of pregnancy
  5. 27rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – seventh month

Seventh month of pregnancy runs from weeks 28 to 31 and starts the third trimester, which is the countdown to the birth. The most important thing for parents is that from the 7th month onwards, the chances of a child surviving outside the mother’s body are constantly increasing.

Characteristic symptoms in the seventh month of pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience ailments related to quite a large belly and increasing body weight. In the seventh month of pregnancy, women most often complain of back pain, breathing problems, shortness of breath and very frequent urination.

During this time, women tire much faster, suffer from insomnia and are characterized by changing moods. It is not uncommon to experience swelling in the arms and legs, itchy skin, and cramps in the legs and feet. There may be hot flashes or heartburn. In the seventh month, Braxton-Hicks contractions also appear.

Changes in a woman and a child in the seventh month of pregnancy

In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman will certainly notice numerous purple-bluish stretch marks on her stomach. They should not cause concern, but it is worth using special creams or balms that will partially reduce the scars after stretch marks.

At the beginning of the third trimester, the uterus becomes quite cramped, so the baby moves much less than it was, for example, in the sixth month. Women in the seventh month also feel that their breasts are bigger and heavier.

Additionally, the center of gravity shifts with the growing belly, which is why it is difficult for women in the seventh month of pregnancy to keep their balance. Therefore, you have to be very careful when walking or climbing stairs.

At the beginning of the first trimester, the baby is approx. 35 cm long and weighs between 900 and 1350 grams. The baby’s nap is disappearing from the baby’s body, except for the back and shoulders. The baby’s skin, on the other hand, is wrinkled and turns a shade of red.

In the seventh month, the brain develops intensively, and at that time six layers of the cerebral cortex are already recognized. At the end of the seventh month, the lungs are finally formed. The baby grows very quickly and also becomes more and more agile.

Examination in the seventh month of pregnancy

Further tests should be performed in the last trimester of pregnancy. Many of these tests are performed by the gynecologist at the follow-up visit.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, during the visit, your doctor may measure your body weight, measure blood pressure, test blood sugar levels, and test your arms and legs for swelling. The doctor will also assess the size and position of the fetus and determine the height of the uterine fundus.

How to take care of yourself in the seventh month of pregnancy?

In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is worth spending as much time as possible to relax and rest. If you are having trouble sleeping due to difficulty finding the right position, try sleeping on your side with pillows under your belly and between your knees.

While resting, you can read publications about preterm labor. This is very useful knowledge, especially to distinguish the symptoms of preterm labor from Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Time in the seventh month of pregnancy is worth spending on meetings and conversations with loved ones. If you haven’t chosen a name for your baby yet, now is the perfect time to make that decision.

The seventh month of pregnancy is 4 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 28rd week of pregnancy
  2. 29rd week of pregnancy
  3. 30rd week of pregnancy
  4. 31rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – eighth month

Eighth month of pregnancy It is approximately 32 to 35 weeks long and involves thinking seriously about your upcoming delivery. In the eighth month, the last changes are made to the child’s room, the layette is completed, but also the bag is packed to the hospital.

Characteristic symptoms in the eighth month of pregnancy

The eighth month of pregnancy is almost the end of this wonderful state, when a new life is developing in the womb. It is safe to say that by the end of the eighth month, the baby is almost ready to be born. Only 5% of babies are born on time. In most cases, delivery takes place between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. It therefore means that from the end of the eighth month, a woman can expect labor.

Although the eighth month is almost the end of pregnancy, the woman may still feel characteristic symptoms. These include fatigue, urinary incontinence, hot flushes, sleep problems and general malaise related to the size of the abdomen.

In addition, the woman can still be accompanied by indigestion and heartburn. A characteristic feature in the last weeks of pregnancy is the occurrence of Braxton-Hicks contractions and the appearance of discharge from the breasts.

Changes in a woman and a child in the eighth month of pregnancy

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the first thing that a woman experiences is physical changes. However, an important element of everyday life in the eighth month of pregnancy are very strong emotions. Mood swings are influenced not only by internal factors, but also by the environment.

Many people advise pregnant women on how to prepare for childbirth, what to eat, how to breathe, how to spend time or what name to choose for the baby. This causes frustration, anxiety, nervousness, impatience and irritability. The mood swing is very characteristic of the last weeks of pregnancy, so it is worth finding time for a quiet rest at home or in the bosom of nature.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby is almost half a meter long and weighs about 2,5 kilograms. This means that he gained a lot of weight within a month. Every day your baby gains another 14 g of fat, so his weight will increase by the day he is born.

In the 8th month of pregnancy, the central nervous system, digestive tract and lungs are almost fully developed. The kidneys are working so well that the child is able to pass up to half a liter of urine during the day.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the placenta collects immune antibodies and transports them into the baby’s blood, thanks to which it will acquire immunity for the first few months of life. By the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, your baby may already be turning its head down, positioning itself to be born.

Tests in the eighth month of pregnancy

The tests that should be performed in the eighth month of pregnancy include:

  1. blood count;
  2. general urine examination;
  3. vaginal cleanliness test;
  4. HBs antigen;
  5. HIV testing;
  6. inoculation from the genital tract.

In the eighth month, the third ultrasound scan is also performed, in which the doctor assesses how big the baby is, what is his health condition and how the placenta is located.

How to take care of yourself in the eighth month of pregnancy?

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the last preparations for childbirth take place. At this time, it is worth finalizing your birth plan and preparing and packing the bag for the hospital. It is worth finishing all the things that were planned for the baby’s birth. It is important that the woman can relax, rest and take care of her health during this time. In the eighth month of pregnancy, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises or breathing exercises. It is worth eating healthy and properly hydrating the body.

The eighth month of pregnancy is 4 important weeks of changes in your body and your baby’s development. To find out more about the pregnancy calendar, be sure to read:

  1. 32rd week of pregnancy
  2. 33rd week of pregnancy
  3. 34rd week of pregnancy
  4. 35rd week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar – ninth month

Ninth month of pregnancy lasts from week 36 to week 40 and ends the third trimester, which means there is not much time left until the baby is born. The ninth month is the waiting time for the first contractions, because despite the set date of delivery, you never know when labor will begin.

Characteristic symptoms in the ninth month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy can also cause problems for the mother-to-be. Symptoms that may appear in the ninth month of pregnancy include frequent urination, pressure on the pelvis, discharge from the breast and mucus plug departure.

Many nine-month-pregnant women complain of persistent back pain or itchy skin. Relief, however, is the relief of shortness of breath and easier breathing as a result of the child falling down the pelvis. In the ninth month of pregnancy, there is vaginal discharge and frequent contractions. Some women may develop facial hair growth.

Changes in a woman and a child in the ninth month of pregnancy

This is the last month of pregnancy, so in the world a woman feels tired, big and weary in the last trimester. The important change is that in the ninth month the woman experiences contractions. It’s a good idea to write them down because predictive contractions are different from labor contractions.

If the baby is not born by week 42, pregnancy induction will be needed to overcome potential perinatal complications.

The ninth month is basically the end of a baby’s fetal period. At the end of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and prepared for life outside the womb. At the end of pregnancy, the baby is approximately 52 cm tall and weighs just over 3 kilograms.

Tests in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the 38th month of pregnancy, especially between the 39th and XNUMXth week of pregnancy, the following tests should be performed:

  1. blood count;
  2. general urine examination;
  3. CTG examination;
  4. ultrasound.

How to take care of yourself in the ninth month of pregnancy?

The ninth month is the countdown of the days to delivery. During this period, it is worth thinking about what will happen after childbirth. Therefore, there is a need to think about who can help with the care of a newborn, especially if older children are already present in the home. In the last days before childbirth, the expectant mother should first of all rest, get a good night’s sleep and calm down her emotions.

The ninth month is the last important week of pregnancy. Read more about the last five weeks of pregnancy:

  1. 36rd week of pregnancy
  2. 37rd week of pregnancy
  3. 38rd week of pregnancy
  4. 39rd week of pregnancy
  5. 40rd week of pregnancy

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