Pregnancy Calendar. 27 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy Calendar. 27 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy Calendar. 27 weeks pregnant

At the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby is almost ready for birth. Of course, it is still very difficult for such kids to breathe on their own, their immune system and thermoregulation system are also not sufficiently developed. However, in 85% of cases of babies born at this time, doctors take care of them with minimal risk to their health.

Pregnancy Calendar. 27 weeks pregnant

At the 27th week, a woman enters the final period of pregnancy – the third trimester of her “interesting position” begins.

Fruit size

At the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby is about 34 cm long. Its size can be compared to a salad.

Crumbs weight

This week the weight of the fetus is about 1000 grams.

Fetal development

All internal organs are already formed, and on the 27th week they fall into place. So, the heart is already on the left, the liver on the right. The lungs continue to improve (now they are taking the desired shape), the brain is growing. The baby’s breathing is still provided by the placenta, due to which gas exchange occurs between the blood of the fetus and the blood of the mother.


At week 27, the focus is not on the heartbeat as such (the frequency of contractions, as before, is 140 – 160 beats per minute), but on the correct location of the heart, which should be on the left and occupy about 1/3 of the chest.

What does the fetus look like?

A baby at 27 weeks looks more and more like a newborn, but his skin remains wrinkled due to the constant presence in intrauterine waters. He is now starting to turn and will soon assume the optimal head flexion position for childbirth. This means that the fetus will be positioned with the head down and the bottom up, while its neck will bend in such a way that the back of the baby’s head will appear first, facing forward, while the arms and legs will be pressed to the body. If the child’s head remains “unbent”, the doctors will tell the mother about the incorrect head presentation of the baby – this position, along with the pelvic one (buttocks or legs down), is considered as an indication for a cesarean section.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

In the second half of the “interesting position”, women may find swelling in their arms and legs. In some cases, this is a sign of the appearance of such an unpleasant condition as preeclampsia during pregnancy. In addition to edema, the occurrence of gestosis (it is also called “dropsy” or “late toxicosis”) is indicated by the excretion of protein in the urine and high blood pressure. Gestosis is formed as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels, due to which part of the blood, together with the protein, goes into the tissues – this is how edema occurs. The amount of blood in the body decreases and there is a narrowing of the vessels through which it circulates, which in turn leads to an increase in blood pressure.

The most unpleasant thing for the fetus with gestosis is that the placenta swells along with the arms and legs, which reduces the access of oxygen to the baby. And for the mother, gestosis is fraught with heart attack, stroke, pulmonary edema, placental abruption, and also renal and hepatic failure. How to prevent the development of such an unpleasant complication? The main advice is not to overeat! Obesity is a direct path to gestosis. In addition, a woman must pass all tests on time and be sure to listen to the advice of specialists.

Weight gain

At this time, the expectant mother recovers by an average of 350 grams, but not more than 500 grams per week. By the end of the 27th week, the total weight gain is about 8,5 kg. 

Mom’s belly

The abdomen continues to grow in size. All the woman’s attention is riveted to him. And this is not surprising: now a practically formed baby is growing up there. At the same time, a woman may be disturbed by some discomfort associated with the abdomen. One of them is its petrification, which may be a sign of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. It happens that not the whole stomach turns to stone, but only part of it – often this is a consequence of the uncomfortable position that the woman has taken. In any case, be sure to tell your doctor about your discomfort – he will help to cope with the problem.

Analyzes and ultrasound

Before your next visit to the HC, do not forget to pass a urine test to prevent the development of possible complications (for example, preeclampsia or diabetes). If there is a risk of Rh-conflict, a woman’s blood can be taken for a study of the amount of anti-rhesus antibodies (a similar procedure, for medical reasons, is carried out repeatedly throughout the “interesting situation”). An ultrasound scan at the 27th week of pregnancy is usually not prescribed.


The fruit is growing. Now more than ever he needs a “building material” – a protein. The need for it at week 27 increases to 100 – 110 grams per day. Foods that contain protein are cottage cheese, eggs, lentils, cereals, liver, beef.

But the consumption of carbohydrates (pasta, white bread, corn, sweets, crackers) should be limited – this leads to gigantism of the fetus and obesity of the mother.

As for fatty foods, its amount is also recommended to be minimized, especially if the pregnant woman is prone to overweight. But you cannot completely abandon fats – they are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of brain cells, the central nervous system and the retina of a child’s eyes.


Two months before childbirth, the woman’s need for vitamins and mineral complexes increases. Do not ignore the advice of your doctor and regularly take the vitamin supplements prescribed by him for the 27th week.


Do you know what American doctors advise pregnant women with gestosis, the symptoms of which were described above? Oral sex. Americans believe that the possible ingestion of male semen in the stomach has a beneficial effect on the female body in general and on the state of blood vessels in particular. So experiment with making love healthier! The main thing is that it brings pleasure to you and your partner. But rough sex and sex toys should be canceled anyway!


Childbirth is just around the corner, and a woman, like at the beginning of pregnancy, is often overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety: how everything will go, what kind of baby she will have, and so on. How can I help the expectant mother? If no persuasion works on her, perhaps objects related to the unreal, one might say the mystical world, will help her. So, parapsychologists believe that stones have incredible energetic power and that among them there are special ones designed specifically for pregnant women.

The best charm for mom is a jade pendant. In ancient China, jade was called a sacred mineral. He was credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, to provide him with longevity and family well-being. The wise people of East Asia recommended that pregnant women wear green stone products on their stomachs to facilitate childbirth and prepare successfully for them. Of course, you can not believe in this, but for those who constantly doubt something, we recommend pampering yourself at week 27 and making a gift in the form of a jade jewelry – what if it helps ?!

Beauty and accessories

At the 27th week, some mothers ask the question, do they need to prepare their breasts for feeding the baby? Almost all specialists answer this question in the affirmative. This, in their opinion, is necessary so that the woman does not subsequently experience any discomfort when feeding the baby, and her breasts remain beautiful and fit. Air baths are very useful for the breast, as well as a light massage of the nipples – for this it is enough to wipe them with a rough and damp terry cloth or a washcloth. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, it is already possible to lubricate the skin in this place with special emollients. In addition, if you have not done this before, you should definitely get a more closed and durable bra made from natural materials with wide straps and wired.

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