Pregnancy by a girl: how to find out in the early stages by ultrasound, abdomen, difference
You have always dreamed of a daughter and now you cannot wait for the first ultrasound, which will declassify, who will be born to you? In fact, there are signs that allow you to understand at the very early stages whether you are expecting a boy or a girl.
However, let’s make a reservation right away that an ultrasound scan is the most accurate way to determine the sex of a child. All other methods are unscientific, but have proven themselves for hundreds of years, when our ancestors predicted who would be born without any technical devices.
1. High tummy
If you feel that the main weight falls on the center of the abdomen or slightly lower, then this is a sign that there will be a girl. Boys are usually located at the very bottom of the abdomen. When a girl is pregnant, the waist and hips quickly blur.
2. Toxicosis
Here we have bad news: pregnancy with a girl is often accompanied by severe nausea in the morning, which does not even think to go away after the first trimester. This is due to the high levels of hormones responsible for the female sex of the infant.
3. Heart rate
A girl’s heart beats more often than a boy’s. 140-160 beats per minute is a sign that there is still a girl under your own heart.
4. Taste preferences
Pregnant girls are more often attracted to sweets: chocolate and ice cream, pastries and sweets. But those who are expecting a boy go crazy over sour foods.
5. Skin condition
Due to the same hormones that make you suffer from toxicosis, rashes appear on the skin, the intensity of the sebaceous glands increases. Do not worry, acne will go away after childbirth – it will remove it by hand. Like age spots, peeling – they are also frequent companions of pregnancy with a girl.
6. Mood swings
Irritability, depression, anger – it would seem that these emotions are more typical for men. But no, the expectant mother is rewarded with them by the future daughter.
7. Dream
If you sleep on your right side most of the time, then buy a rosy one. Future mothers of boys often sleep on their left side.
8. Hair
That is why they say that the girl takes away the beauty from her mother. Not only the condition of the skin is deteriorating, but also the hair: they look dull and thin. But the girl’s future mother does not have a headache and there are practically no problems with the vascular system.
If a boy is the first in a family, the second child is likely to be a girl.
9. Urine color
This method of predicting the sex of a child has been used for thousands of years. Usually, a bright yellow urine indicates that the girl is pregnant. But just in case, it is better to check in the laboratory if there are any deviations.
10. Movement
It has been noticed that mothers waiting for a girl are more graceful, flowing and graceful than mothers waiting for a boy. And here’s another: stretch your arms forward. Stretched out? If the palms are facing up, it means that it is like a girl.
11. Breast size
The breast grows in all pregnant women, but if the bust increases dramatically in size or the left breast becomes larger than the right one, this predicts the birth of a girl.
12. Garlic test
The foods we eat change our body odor. But, if a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell of her skin does not change, then there will be a girl.
13. Prophetic dreams
They say that we dream of children of the opposite sex to our own: if we dream of a boy, then a girl will be born and vice versa.
14. Baby’s interest
This sign is for those who are expecting a second child. If you have a son and he is very interested in your tummy, this is a sign that there will be a girl. If not, there will be a boy. Conversely, a daughter who shows no interest in her mother’s pregnancy will soon get a little sister.
15. Father’s weight
Many dads during their wife’s pregnancy behave as if they themselves are in a position: they are capricious, even get fat. So, if your faithful person began to gain weight, then this suggests that a girl will be born.
The girl takes the beauty from her mother – this omen is justified less and less often
16. The shape of the nose
It is believed that the shape of the nose of the boy’s future mother is changing: it becomes a little wider than before pregnancy. If nothing happens to the nose, then it is more likely to wait for the birth of a girl.
17. Dark line
The line that appears on the belly and leads from the pubis to the navel can also be an indicator of the gender of the unborn baby. If it ends below the navel, there will be a girl. If a little higher, a boy will be born.
18. Facial features
Mothers expecting girls are usually very worried about swelling. This also affects the face: the eyelids, chin swell, the face seems to blur a little. All this will pass, do not worry.
19. Baby movements
A popular omen says that girls are more likely to push their mother on the left side. They are usually very active, and their mobility can be uncomfortable. But they start pushing later than the boys.
Right to make mistakes
More precisely, the sex of the child is determined by ultrasound. But there can be mistakes. Most often, the sex of the child is determined incorrectly if:
Ultrasound was done in the first trimester. Until the 14th week, the sex of the baby is more difficult to determine.
There are genital anomalies. Congenital malformations of the reproductive organs can make it difficult to determine gender, and in some cases make it completely impossible.
The genitals are hidden. The kid can turn away, hide behind his palm and completely refuse to demonstrate gender characteristics.
Inexperienced specialist. He just misinterprets what he sees.
By the way
The accuracy of sex determination for a period of more than 14 weeks is 100%.
For a period of 11 to 14 weeks, the ultrasound accuracy is 75%.
With a gestational age of less than 11 weeks, the accuracy of the results was 54%.