“We were told it was going to be difficult to have children, because of my wife’s endometriosis. We had stopped contraception in April-May, but we thought it could take time. In addition, we were focused on the preparations for our wedding. After the ceremony, we went on vacation for three days. And I don’t know why or how but I felt, I felt that there was something changed. I had a hunch. Was it already the instinct of the future father? Maybe… I went to get the croissants, and since there was a pharmacy next door, I said to myself “I’m going to take advantage of it, I’m going to buy a pregnancy test… You never know, it could have worked. ”
I go inside and hand him the test. She looks at me and asks me why. I tell her, ‘Do it, you never know.’ She gives me the test back and asks me to give her the instructions. I answer him: “You can read the instructions, but it’s positive.” It was hard to believe it! We had breakfast and we went to the nearest analysis laboratory to have a blood test, to have the pregnancy confirmed. And there, it was a great happiness. We were really very, very happy. But I still had this fear of disappointment at some point. We didn’t want to tell the family. We told parents all the same when they got back from vacation, because they were going to suspect it in terms of changes in daily life, in food, drink, etc. My wife was arrested right away, as she was making long train trips every day. From the start, I got very involved during the pregnancy. Just back from vacation, we were already wondering how we were going to do with the room, because it was a guest room… Remove, sell everything that there was… I took care of it. to move everything, to put everything away, to make a nice place for the baby.
I attended all the appointments. It was important for me to be there, because as the baby was in my wife’s womb, I couldn’t feel it. The fact of accompanying him, it allowed me to be really involved. This is also why I wanted to attend childbirth preparation classes. It allowed me to know how to best support him. This is something, I think, that it is important to live together.
Overall, this pregnancy was nothing short of happiness! It was a nice thumbs-up to the predictions of the doctors, who had said that we only had a slim chance. Despite this “endometriosis crap”, nothing is played, natural pregnancies can still happen. Now the only problem is that our daughter is growing up too fast! “