Pregnancy announcement
The announcement to the dad
If the pregnancy test was done on the sly in the bathroom, the future dad is, logically, the first person to announce the pregnancy. Some future mothers will simply show the pregnancy test, others will write a letter, still others will prepare little slippers …
Announcement to family and friends
Some couples prefer to wait until the end of the first trimester and the first pregnancy ultrasound, performed around 12 weeks of gestation, before announcing the pregnancy to those around them. However, there is no rule in the matter: the main thing is to come to an agreement within the couple. As for how to announce the news, there are no instructions for use either: some couples will do it in simplicity while others will script the announcement with a snapshot of the ultrasound, a riddle. , etc. In any case, this is a highlight of pregnancy, especially for future grandparents.
Announce your pregnancy to your children
It is better not to delay too long to announce your pregnancy to the eldest (elders) who surely felt that something was happening. Just tell them about your pregnancy. Tell them your love for them, which will never change. Value them in their future role of great! For the youngest, a pregnancy is long. Show her on a calendar when the baby brother or sister will arrive.
The announcement to the employer
The Labor Code (article L1225-2 (1)) neither obliges nor imposes a time limit for announcing your pregnancy to your employer. The only obligation for a pregnant woman is to inform her employer of her absence for maternity leave via a medical certificate.
In practice, however, it is advisable to inform your employer at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, once the declaration of pregnancy has been established. This announcement can be made orally but it is preferable to do it by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by letter delivered by hand against discharge. When making the announcement, it is important to give your employer the date of departure on maternity leave, as well
he can best organize the replacement of the mother-to-be.
Once the announcement has been made, the future mother will be able to benefit from the legal advantages provided for pregnant women, namely:
- the possibility of going to the compulsory medical examinations provided for by health insurance during working hours
- protection against dismissal: the law (article L1225-1) prohibits dismissing a pregnant woman as soon as her pregnancy is medically established, except in the event of serious misconduct on the part of the employee (except if related to the pregnancy) or in the impossibility to maintain the contract for a reason unrelated to pregnancy or childbirth (economic reason for example).
The future mother will also be able to benefit from any provisions provided for in her collective agreement.
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10 original ways to announce a pregnancy
- Offer future uncles a packet of Uncle Ben’s rice by crossing out Ben’s and replacing it with the name of the future uncle.
- To warn a future dad, draw a question mark on your stomach. To discover at bedtime!
- Send a letter from the future baby to future grandparents.
- Offer personalized chocolates “We will be 3 in 9 months”
- If you already have a child, put on a piece of clothing that says “I’m going to be a big brother” or “I’m going to be a big sister”
- Organize a special future dad treasure hunt, where from clue to clue he understands that he will soon be a dad!
- Offer future grandparents plastic table corners, a baby monitor …
- Send the dad an SMS “1 + 1 = 3”. It also works with “4 + 1 = 5”!
- Offer your loved ones a rebus or a crossword puzzle to help them discover the words “I’m pregnant”
- Build a family tree, with a new branch!