Pregnancy after IVF: how to count by week
Pregnancy and motherhood are the most amazing times in the life of any woman. In vitro fertilization is an effective method for women who, for a long time, according to any indicators, cannot have a child naturally. Pregnancy after IVF allows childless couples to find a long-awaited baby.
To correctly determine the duration of pregnancy and childbirth, the beginning of the last menstruation is taken into account, as well as the first tremors of the fetus. The maturation of follicles lasts for 14-15 days after the start of the menstrual cycle, during this period the fertilization of the egg takes place.
Pregnancy after IVF has a number of features and increased attention from doctors
Gynecologists calculate the period using a calendar, where the last menstruation, the onset of ovulation and the first tremors of the fetus are noted. The term of childbirth is determined by the lunar calendar, where one month lasts 28 days, the period of pregnancy itself, respectively, lasts 280 days.
The term for in vitro fertilization is counted from the moment of puncture, but obstetricians add 14 days to the date of embryo transfer, since before it is transplanted into the uterus, it develops within 1-3 days
An ultrasound scan can detect pregnancy and give the most accurate results. Based on the results of measuring the distance from the coccyx to the crown of the embryo using a table, the gestational age is calculated. The expected birth is determined from the moment of the first fetal tremors, which occur in the fifth month, 140 days are added to this date.
The calculation principles laid down in special programs make it possible to correctly determine the gestational age and the expected date of birth after IVF. But all these formulas are adjusted for various factors that affect both the development of the fetus itself and the general condition of the female body.
Most babies are born at 38-40 weeks of gestation, small discrepancies are not the cause of any pathology
Using the calculator, you can calculate the gestational age, the size of the embryo itself and the expected due date. Regardless of the method of conceiving a child, with normal development, the duration of pregnancy lasts the same. A pregnant woman can independently calculate the date of birth, for this it is necessary to add 270 days to the day of embryo transfer.
With the onset of pregnancy, changes occur in the female body, they are more clearly manifested in the second month. The development of the fetus contributes to the swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in the size of the uterus. Correctly calculated weekly pregnancy is necessary for:
- going on maternity leave;
- determining the expected date of birth;
- monitoring the development of the fetus;
- corrections for pathology;
- to support the emotional connection of a woman with an unborn child.
Carrying a baby after IVF is a risk group and has its own characteristics. This is often associated with the threat of late miscarriage and minor abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Nevertheless, any pregnancy is individual in its own way, and the date of birth of a baby largely depends on the health of the mother, the correct development and the desire of the baby to be born as soon as possible.