Pregnancy after 35 years: the prognosis is optimistic. Video

Pregnancy after 35 years: the prognosis is optimistic. Video

Many women become mothers for the first time after 35 years. However, in this case, there are risks of all kinds of complications. Basically, this is due to an insufficient amount of hormones, tissue changes, and a severe course of pregnancy.

Possible risks in pregnancy after 35 years

Women who carry a pregnancy beyond the age of 35 may face multiple risks:

  • miscarriage
  • preeclampsia (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy)
  • premature or post-term pregnancy
  • weakness of labor
  • premature birth
  • premature discharge of amniotic fluid
  • stillbirth
  • fetal hypoxia
  • arterial hypertension
  • bleeding
  • childbirth by cesarean section
  • difficult childbirth
  • genetic disorder in the fetus
  • mental retardation of the child

After 35 years, women who decide to become a mother often have problems in the postpartum period: infections, bleeding, difficulties with breastfeeding

The risk of many complications is caused by the fact that by the age of forty, body tissues lose their elasticity. The uterus, as a muscular organ, works less intensively. As a result, during childbirth, the full opening of the birth canal does not occur, there is a risk of suffocation and death of the child. To avoid this, late childbirth is carried out mainly by caesarean section.

In the event that the pregnancy took place without pathologies and the woman gives birth herself, the process can be longer and more difficult due to a decrease in muscle elasticity and joint mobility.

How to prevent the risk of complications in late pregnancy

In the antenatal clinic, expectant mothers over the age of 35 are automatically assigned to a special group due to the increased risk of various chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The program of perinatal diagnostics for them includes, in addition to ultrasound, a study of placental tissues recommended by geneticists. It is carried out between the tenth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy, the chorionic villus sampling is taken from the woman, which determines whether the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities.

Chromosomal diseases of the fetus are also detected by analyzing blood serum for the presence of alpha-fetoprotein. The study is performed at 16-18 weeks of gestation. At a period of 14–20 weeks, an additional examination is required – an analysis of the amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) or an analysis of the umbilical cord blood (cordocentesis). This diagnostic method helps to identify possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

To eliminate the risk of congenital malformations, the anatomical features of the internal organs of the fetus are studied for the period from 22 to 24 weeks

In addition, in order to exclude or reduce possible complications during pregnancy after thirty-five years, you should take prenatal vitamins, regularly visit a doctor, and monitor your health. It is imperative to include in the daily diet foods that contain a large amount of nutrients, observe a sleep pattern, avoid stress, and of course, give up bad habits. These measures can be taken already during the planning and preparation stage for pregnancy.

It is also interesting to read: “Turboslim” for weight loss.

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