Pregnancy. A delicate solution to a delicate problem

All pregnant women are beautiful with a special, spiritualized beauty that accompanies the emergence of a new life. However, the end result is not easy – after all, in order for the baby to be born healthy, the expectant mother has to work hard for 9 months.

From the very beginning of the pregnancy period, which doctors have divided into trimesters, a woman may feel discomfort, nausea and the urge to vomit in the morning, a feeling of insufficient bowel movement and constipation. However, not everyone knows that in the early stages, the intestines deliberately behave sluggishly and inactively!

This happens because in the first trimester, the hormonal system of the female body begins to intensively produce progesterone. He is responsible for reducing the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs so that the embryo can properly be fixed in the uterus. The influence of this substance also has a side effect – the work of the digestive tract slows down, intestinal motility worsens, and constipation may begin.

A decrease in the physical activity of a woman, and an increasing body weight of a pregnant woman and a load on the spine also play a role. In the later stages, constipation can be caused by an enlarged uterus that compresses the intestines. In addition to changes in the hormonal background, the active activity of the intestines can also be affected by changes in the emotional nature, anxiety before childbirth, and a decrease in appetite.

Why the problem of constipation in pregnant women should not be ignored from the very first days? First of all, because in the absence of regular bowel movements, the remnants of digested food accumulate in it. They can become a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, and this can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby.

It is also very important that the feces that do not leave the body in a timely manner do not thicken and cause exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which most pregnant women are prone to. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the regular stool of the expectant mother and prevent constipation. However, this must be done with extreme caution!

Pregnant women are not recommended to use laxatives that cause bloating and cramps, as this can damage the health of the expectant mother and child. During this period, it is better to avoid laxatives, which include senna, buckthorn and other substances with an irritant effect. What should pregnant women do to deal with digestive disorders?

First of all, the daily diet should include as many vegetables and fruits containing fiber as possible. Dried fruits, prunes and dried apricots are allowed, and in addition, you should drink 1,5 liters of clean water per day.

However, not all foods containing fiber are suitable for the expectant mother, some can cause bloating, severe cramps and discomfort. Therefore, it is better to refuse vegetables containing a lot of “coarse” insoluble fiber for a while. And it is not always possible to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.

In such cases, a natural biocomplex can help. Fitomucil®, which includes the shell of the seeds of a special variety of plantain Psyllium and the fruits of the house plum – natural sources of soluble fiber. Phytomucil® will help replenish the required amount of soluble fiber, which is so necessary for the intestines for its active and productive work.

The mechanism of action of the complex is simple: soluble fiber swells in the intestines and turns its contents into a gel that is easily and painlessly excreted. To do this, it is enough to dissolve the contents of a sachet of Phytomucil® in a glass of juice, yogurt or kefir and drink during breakfast and dinner.

The use of this biocomplex safely helps to restore the work of the intestines of a pregnant woman, without causing sharp spasms and painful urge to go to the toilet. Bowel emptying occurs gently and effectively, without causing discomfort.

With Phytomucil®, the intestines of a pregnant woman will be able to work like clockwork!

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