A photographer celebrates the bodies of 7 pregnant women
After her series of photos entitled “Honest Body Project”, in which she invited young mothers to show off their post-pregnancy silhouette, without artifice, Natalie McCain puts women’s bodies back in the spotlight. But this time, the american photographer was interested in the bodies of future mothers. The artist photographed 7 pregnant women with completely different stories and silhouettes as part of his latest project called ” The Beauty in a Mother ».
As for “Honest Body Project”, the artist collected the testimony of his models. On her site but also on her Facebook page, you can read the stories of these women, who talk openly about their weight gain, the problems they may have encountered in getting pregnant, how others see them, and how their lives has changed since the start of their pregnancy. ” For the first time in 35 weeks, I felt beautiful, and I was really looking forward to sharing this moment with my friends and family. (…) I posted the photos on Facebook thinking that they were going to find them beautiful and that they were going to like them, but that was not the case. On the contrary, I only received negative feedback: how fat I was and how unhealthy I was. They also think my baby will be around 5 kilos given my weight. I took refuge in the bathroom and cried for hours (…) If I am happy and accept my body, why can’t others be happy for me? One of them wonders. Another says: “I feel beautiful when I’m pregnant”. Through these pictures and pretty stories,Natalie McCain wants to help future and new mothers to assume themselves as they are but also to accept the transformations of their bodies, despite the criticisms and diktats of beauty that reign in our society.
Discover all the photos of Natalie McCain on website but also on her Facebook page.