Pregabalin for epilepsy. The action of Pregabalin on the nervous system

Pregabalin (pregabalin) is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and belongs to anti-epileptic drugs. It does not bind to plasma proteins. The drug has been shown to cross the placenta and into food in animals. Whether this is the case in humans is not known, but the drug is not indicated during lactation and should be used with caution during pregnancy (only if the benefit to the mother outweighs any possible risk to the fetus).

Pregabalin – indications and contraindications

Pregabalin is used for conditions such as:

  1. generalized anxiety disorder in adults
  2. peripheral and central neuropathic pain in adults,
  3. supportive treatment of partial epileptic seizures.

Also used in the treatment of:

  1. fibromialgii,
  2. social anxiety
  3. alcohol withdrawal syndrome,
  4. preventively against migraines.

Contraindications to the use of Pregabalin

  1. hypersensitivity to the active substance or any other component of the drug,
  2. in patients under 12 years of age due to the lack of established safety of the drug in this age group,
  3. galactose intolerance (primary lactase deficiency),
  4. diabetes,
  5. old age of the patient (due to the possibility of falls and injuries caused by increased sleepiness and dizziness caused by the drug),
  6. cardiovascular diseases, there is a risk of developing congestive heart failure,
  7. people who have thoughts of suicide (take special care with Pregabalin treatment).

Pregabalin – side effects of the drug

Like all medications, Pregabalin may pose a risk of side effects. They can be:

  1. dizziness,
  2. somnolence,
  3. increase in appetite,
  4. irritability,
  5. entanglement,
  6. coordination disorders,
  7. speech disorders,
  8. memory impairment,
  9. attention deficit disorder,
  10. blurred vision
  11. double vision
  12. gastrointestinal complaints: vomiting, constipation, flatulence,
  13. erectile dysfunction,
  14. walking disorders,
  15. fatigue,
  16. weight gain.

Uncommon undesirable effects include anorexia, panic attacks, hallucinations, mood changes, depressed moods, depersonalization, apathy, fainting, abnormal dreams, increased libido, anorgasmia, burning sensation, eye pain, amblyopia, dry eyes, tachycardia, dyspnoea , hot flush, acid reflux disease, sweating, rash, joint pain, pain in extremities, urinary incontinence, pain when urinating. Rarely, neutropenia, hypoglycaemia, hallucinations of smell, dilation of the pupils, bright colored vision, menstrual disorders, decreased potassium levels, decreased white blood cells may occur.

Drug interactions

The drug may increase the effects of ethanol and lorazepam.

Pregabalin reviews

Pregabalin is a drug that, in the opinion of people taking it, helps significantly with social anxiety, improves mood and has a very good effect on sleep. Increased sleepiness, problems with balance and concentration were observed in the first days of use. These symptoms subside after a longer period of use.

Name of the drug / preparation Pregabalin
Wstęp It belongs to the anti-epileptic drugs.
Manufacturer Zentiva
Form, dose, packaging hard capsules; 75/150 mg; 56 caps.
Availability category Prescription drug
The active substance Pregabalin
Indication Generalized anxiety disorder in adults, peripheral and central neuropathic pain in adults, supporting the treatment of partial seizures.
Dosage Depending on the condition; the daily dose is 150–600 mg / d in 2-3 servings
Contraindications to use Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any other component of the drug in patients under 12 years of age due to the lack of established safety in this age group, galactose tolerance disorders (primary lactase deficiency), diabetes, old age (due to the possibility of falls) and injuries caused by increased drowsiness and dizziness caused by the drug), cardiovascular diseases, there is a risk of developing congestive heart failure, people who have thoughts of suicide (be especially careful when treating with Pregabalina).
Interactions The drug may increase the effects of ethanol and lorazepam.
Side effects Dizziness, drowsiness, increased appetite, irritability, confusion, impaired coordination, speech disorders, memory impairment, attention deficit, blurred vision, double vision, gastrointestinal complaints: vomiting, constipation, flatulence; erectile dysfunction, difficulty walking, fatigue, weight gain.
Other (if any) May affect your ability to drive or move machinery.

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