Prediabetes: what to know before it’s too late

Article written by Réginald Allouche, doctor and researcher in the field of overweight and diabetes prevention.
Prediabetes is diagnosed by a blood test which indicates a fasting blood sugar level of between 1,05 and 1,26 g / l. It is good to have 2 samples taken a week apart to confirm the diagnosis of prediabetes.
Some good truths to say about prediabetes:
- Prediabetes is relatively new to doctors because it is more about prevention than treatment. It is still unknown and it can be difficult to know what advice to offer to your patient.
- There are several solutions to prevent this prediabetes from turning into type 2 diabetes.
- It takes 5 to 10 years for untreated prediabetes to develop into type 2 diabetes.
- 80% of untreated prediabetes turn into type 2 diabetes.
The best “treatment” for prediabetes is proper nutrition and regular exercise. Gentle physical activity lasting at least 45 minutes, 3 times a week is ideal. However, be sure to practice a warm-up of at least 5 minutes and end the session with 10 minutes of stretching.
Some figures on prediabetes:
In the United States, prediabetes affects 78 million of the 310 million people living there: it is a real scourge. 80% of these Americans are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Considering that a diabetic costs an average of $ 5000 (around € 4000) per year, the burden ahead for the country seems worrying. It therefore appears essential to prevent type 2 diabetes.
In France, there are around 1,5 million prediabetics. This data is probably underestimated insofar as many French people do not take blood sugar tests, despite the risks associated with their lifestyle. Prevention is not a reflex today. It is almost certain that the impact of type 2 diabetes in France will be very significant in the coming years and that the number of diabetics is likely to increase considerably.
In Canada, we do not have exact data, although the figure of 6 million prediabetics is put forward. 80% of these people will eventually develop type 2 diabetes. Once again, the fight against prediabetes is definitely a national cause.
Why focus on the prevention of type 2 diabetes?
Complications of type 2 diabetes are so frequent (and sometimes serious), after 10 years of established disease, that the prevention of this pathology is truly problematic.
Among the most formidable complications are:
- Kidney failure
- Blindness
- Amputation (s) of non-traumatic origin
- Neuropathies (loss of sensitivity to shocks, heat and cold, etc.)
- Impotence for men
- Cardiovascular disorders
In front of a proven prediabetes, it is essential to seek advice from your doctor, and particularly concerning your diet and the physical activity which you must practice. Note that these tips are also applicable in cases of proven type 2 diabetes.
Why wait for illness when the process can be reversed with simple measures?
Medicine in France and Canada is effective medicine focused on therapy, but it is still too rarely preventive medicine. In the case of diabetes, many disasters could be avoided if the right measures were taken in time. Especially since the time necessary to pass from the stage of prediabetes to installed type 2 diabetes is at least 5 years, on average! So, wait no longer, everything can still be saved by a good diet and a little physical exercise.
Our doctor’s opinion When I hear some of my colleagues say that diets are useless and doomed to failure, I get full of anger and wonder if we are doing the same job. Indeed, certain reasonable diets, adapted to the needs of the patient and well managed, have proven and published their effectiveness on health, when they are combined with a regular physical activity and an overall nutritional rehabilitation. Besides, what does a doctor do when his patient presents with proven type 2 diabetes with high fasting blood sugar levels? He subjects his patient to an adapted diet, for life … |