Prebiotics, probiotics – who need them and should they be taken, what are they in?

Already Hippocrates noted that all diseases begin in the intestines, and he was not at all wrong. The composition of the bacterial flora affects not only our metabolism, but also our mood. Meet the friends of our gut: probiotics and prebiotics.

Gut allies

The name probiotic comes from the Greek words pro bios, which means “for life”. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms that, when taken in an appropriate amount, have a beneficial effect on our body. They occur naturally in the human digestive tract, in the mouth and on the skin surface. The source of probiotic bacteria for the newborn is also mother’s milk, known as the “gold standard” in infant nutrition.

The main task of probiotics is to take care of the appropriate bacterial flora in the digestive tract, including the prevention of colonization and multiplication of “bad bacteria” and fungi. Probiotics are recommended primarily to people with reduced immunity, smokers, leading a stressful lifestyle, using a poorly varied diet, as well as women who often suffer from intimate infections. You will find good bacteria not only in capsules produced by pharmaceutical companies (medicines and dietary supplements), a mandatory supplement to any antibiotic therapy, but also in everyday food.

The most beneficial bacteria are found in super trendy silage, kvass, as well as yoghurt, kefir and curdled milk. There are also probiotic dietary supplements specifically for children on the market, such as Pro + Pre Biotic For Children – Doctor Life dietary supplement.

You must deserve the name of a “probiotic” by meeting certain standards. A probiotic product should contain at least 1 million units of Bifidobacterium or at least 10 million Lactobacillus in 100 gram. Therefore, pay attention to the product label when buying yogurt. As a general rule, choose yoghurts that have as few ingredients as possible, preferably only two: milk and bacteria. Look for the name of the genus, species and strain of the bacteria on the packaging, eg Bifidobacterium (genus), lactis (species) DN-173010 (strain). As for the silage, check that the product has not been thermised, i.e. heat treated, to increase its shelf life and that it does not contain preservatives.

To support the gut microbiota, you can also use some herbs, such as a herbal prebiotic mixture of chicory, dandelion, couch grass and Jerusalem artichoke.

Do you have symptoms that suggest an imbalance in your digestive tract? You can now perform a mail-order examination to assess the intestinal microflora from the Medonet Market offer.

What do bacteria eat?

Prebiotics, unlike probiotics, do not contain any microorganisms, only stimulating substances. It is simply undigested carbohydrates in the digestive tract. Among them, there are oligosaccharides (fructooligosaccharides, lactulose and soy oligosaccharides) and polysaccharides (inulin, resistant starch, cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins). Some of these compounds occur naturally in food as fiber, while others are obtained through chemical processes and then added to food products or made into supplements.

Inulin – polysaccharide with a wide range of applications

Prebiotics primarily increase the amount of beneficial bacteria from the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Bacterioides families in the intestines, but there are many more positive effects of their action. They reduce the risk of developing diarrhea, inflammation, polyps and neoplastic changes in the digestive tract. They increase the absorption of calcium, iron and magnesium from food, and also have a beneficial effect on glucose and protein metabolism in the liver. By increasing their volume, they stimulate the intestines to excrete unnecessary metabolic products. Additionally, they have a positive effect on the immune system.

If you want to look for prebiotics on your plate, include onions, asparagus, wheat, bananas, potatoes and honey (a natural source of fructooligosaccharides), soybeans (a source of soy oligosaccharides), chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, and potatoes (a source of inulin). Also try the cabbage sourdough with a probiotic effect. Inulin is also a natural prebiotic. On Medonet Market, for example, Pro Natura chicory inulin does not contain preservatives and additives.

Prebiotics from the pharmacy in the form of liquids, sachets and capsules are worth reaching when we have problems with defecation, diarrhea, have undergone antibiotic therapy or our diet is monotonous. The market also offers two in one, i.e. synbiotics (preparations that combine probiotics and prebiotics). Recommended when it is necessary to rebuild the intestinal microbiota, especially after treatment with antibiotics and in digestive problems in the lower sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

At Medonet Market you will find at attractive prices, incl. Nº1 KidsBiotic – a probiotic preparation for children, Lactibiane ALR – a probiotic for allergy sufferers or Advanced 40+ Acidophilus – supporting the digestive system. Also try other available probiotic dietary supplements for people of different gender, age or activity, such as Probiotic + Prebiotic Oxeo GG.

See also:

  1. This powder can reduce the risk of bowel cancer, atherosclerosis, and diabetes
  2. Do not ignore this symptom! This is the first sign that your gut is not working properly
  3. Colorectal cancer develops slowly. At first, the symptoms are not very specific

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