Pre-pregnancy tests

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Planning a pregnancy is a very important moment in every woman’s life. This is when she pays more attention to her own health, focusing on making the planned pregnancy successful.

Pre-pregnancy tests – what

At the beginning of planning your pregnancy, talk to your gynecologist. It is he who knows best the condition of the body and whether it is ready for pregnancy. In addition, she will answer any questions bothering a woman and dispel doubts by proposing specific tests before pregnancy. Very important is performing tests for infectious diseases. It is necessary to perform tests for rubella, hepatitis B, chicken pox, toxoplasmosis, cytomegaly, and HIV. A woman planning a pregnancy must undergo a blood type test with her partner to rule out the risk of a serological conflict. Additionally, a morphology, urinalysis, lipid profile and kidney profile are performed. Sometimes it is worth extending the research with a thyroid panel. It is the thyroid gland that is often the main culprit of female fertility problems. In addition to performing laboratory tests, you should also not forget to visit the dentist. The teeth during pregnancy will be significantly weakened, which is why it is so important to heal them before it.

Pre-pregnancy tests – for a man

If a man suffers from any specific ailments, it is worth determining their cause. It may turn out that they foreshadow some disease that the child may inherit. It is also worth carrying out semen tests, and if necessary – some genetic tests. In addition, a man can take supplements that will supplement any deficiencies of substances that affect the quality of sperm. It will be a great idea to exclude stimulants – at least for the duration of trying for a child. Future dad should also take care of physical activity.

Pre-pregnancy tests – National Health Fund

If your visits to the gynecologist are reimbursed by the National Health Fund, most pre-pregnancy tests will be for free, but a referral will be required. Doing research privately can be quite costly.

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