Pre-period spotting – causes. Spotting, pregnancy and birth control pills

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Pre-period spotting is a symptom that something is happening to a woman’s body. Perhaps it is a harbinger of menstruation or quite the opposite – pregnancy. It’s a positive outlook. There is, however, the other side of the coin, which is disease.

Pre-period spotting – causes

Spotting before your period can be interpreted in two different ways. First, it does not have to mean a disease related to the female genital tract. We have no cause for concern if your period is shortly followed by or is related to ovulation. If we want to be sure that we are okay, it is worth going to the doctor. Likewise, nothing bad happens if it follows intercourse at the beginning of sex life. The hymen has been ruptured. Spotting before period it can also happen to women who have a regular sex life after intercourse. Then you only need to apply a good moisturizer. However, this type of disease should not be underestimated under any circumstances, because it may indicate health problems, cause miscarriages, make it difficult to get pregnant, and to maintain it.

If, on the other hand spotting (Brown) before the period occurs in women who have not yet complained about problems with the period, its cyclicality, it may herald the failure of the corpus luteum, also called luteal insufficiency. This, in turn, is associated with the secretion of too little progesterone or its production too short. If there is not enough of this hormone, changes in the endometrium occur, which prevent the embryo from properly implanting in the uterus. If a woman has problems with the corpus luteum, she also suffers from PMS, i.e. premenstrual syndrome, scanty periods, and too long or, conversely, too short menstrual cycles.

Uterine fibroids cannot be excluded, especially if pre-period spotting accompanied by painful menstruation. When you experience cramping abdominal pain and fever instead of painful periods, it may be a sign of inflammation of the appendages. Spotting referred to here may also indicate a genital tract infection, erosion, developing cancer, venereal disease or cervical polyps. It also happens that brown pre-period spotting results from the start of hormone therapy. In such a situation, it is important to observe and note how much time it takes. If it is too long, you have to react immediately.

Another cause of spotting before menstruation may be hypeprolactinaemia, which is an excess of prolactin.

There is one more explanation if a woman is over 40 and shows up in her pre-period spotting – it is probably about the menopause. Then it is the result and symptom of decreased progesterone production.

There can be many causes of pre-period spotting. However, this is a disturbing symptom and requires consultation with a doctor. Now you can do it online and without leaving your home. offers online teleconsultation at a gynecologist. Make an appointment quickly and safely and get all your questions answered.

Pre-period spotting and pregnancy

Spotting before your period is due it can also be an announcement pregnancy. We are then dealing with the so-called implantation bleeding that occurs a few days after the end of ovulation, i.e. from the 6th to the 12th day. There is nothing in it that should worry us, because the fertilized egg nestles and the blood vessels are slightly damaged. However, you should be aware that such a physiological symptom does not apply to every future mother. One woman is simply there, the other is not. Of course, this does not mean that you should not observe your own body.

Pre-period spotting and pills

As already mentioned, pre-period spotting it can also be associated with ingestion tablets contraceptives or when you change them to another. It most often occurs in the first three months after we start using them. If this condition persists for up to six months, it is quite normal. If, however pre-period spotting is still going on, and it has even gotten worse, you have to go to doctor. He will replace the pills we have with other pills. Exactly the same can happen with an IUD.

Spotting may also appear when we forget to accept tablet or the contraceptive patch comes off the skin.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

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