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Pre-infarction is a colloquial term for unstable angina, a disease caused by ischemia of the heart muscle. This is the moment when too little blood is supplied to the heart, causing it to malfunction.

  1. A heart attack tops the list of emergencies that can lead to death
  2. It is also one of the most common
  3. A heart attack is predictable to some extent. Especially when the patient discovers symptoms of pre-infarction
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is a pre-infarction state?

An exacerbation of coronary heart disease occurs when an artery is narrowed or completely occluded. Lack of patency in the blood vessels is usually caused by a build-up of cholesterol, so obese people are at risk. The following are also particularly vulnerable to it:

  1. people with diabetes,
  2. people with arterial hypertension;
  3. cigarette smokers.

State before heart attack portends dangerous changes in the cells of the heart muscle. Without an appropriate response, it leads to their death and necrosis, which may result in a heart attack. In some cases, it is difficult to determine exactly whether there is an exacerbation of ischemic heart disease or a history of infarction.

Heart failure should be consulted with a cardiologist. Regular monitoring of disorders and appropriate treatment can save the patient from serious consequences, such as pre-infarction. Make an appointment with a cardiologist today via the portal.

Pre-infarction condition – symptoms

In angina, symptoms most often appear during physical activity. Pain in the middle / left side of the cage in a pre-infarct condition is burning, pressing and choking. This pain also gives a feeling of a strong pressure on the chest, sternum. It radiates to the left shoulder, the fingers of the left upper limb, and even the lower jaw.

Pre-infarction occurs frequently with exercise, but it is not the only determinant. The feeling of distraction may also appear when you are resting. The pre-infarct state is characterized by severe pain that lasts up to about 20 minutes and may be accompanied by shortness of breath. This duration of pain may be indicative of unstable angina or already having a heart attack, you should also call for help immediately.

Other symptoms include nausea, malaise, fatigue and even profuse sweating. It happens that pre-infarct state in women it becomes more difficult to recognize as it manifests itself quite atypically. It is accompanied by epigastric pain that does not go away after taking medications. Vomiting and stomach pain, which are mistaken for menstruation or pregnancy. The resting ECG traces show no or uncharacteristic abnormalities in the majority of patients with an exacerbation of ischemic heart disease who have not had a heart attack. However, it’s important to remember that, regardless of gender, if your chest pain lasts more than 20 minutes, is acute, suffocating, and overwhelming, you should seek immediate medical attention.

You can arrange an ECG examination at a private Arkmedic clinic. This is the easiest way to check your heart rate. Also check that your heart is healthy. Buy the “Heart under control” research package at Medonet Market.

Pre-infarction status – causes and symptoms in young people

An important information is that with a healthy lifestyle, adequate physical activity, pre-infarction and heart attacks should not appear in young people. Pre-infarction and the infarction itself are a deviation from the norm in people under forty, sometimes the cause is hyperthyroidism or a lipid metabolism disorder. Another cause of pre-infarction it could be Kawasaki disease that has been mistaken for other infections.

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases in which the pre-infarction state already occurs in twenty-year-olds. The sedentary lifestyle, the occasional dose of exercise and obesity undoubtedly contribute to this. This is a disturbing phenomenon, which is why educating the public about a healthy lifestyle plays such an important role.


The symptoms of pre-infarction in young people are the same as in older people, except that these symptoms can be more severe in people between the ages of thirty and forty.

Pre-infarct condition – treatment

Treatment is primarily prophylaxis, taking care of your health. We can effectively combat the pre-infarction state by changing our eating habits. Diet has a huge impact on our health. It is recommended to limit products that contain large amounts of salt and animal fats. Instead, you should use vegetable fats, and you should include both vegetables and fruit in your diet. Fish, which are a treasury of unsaturated fats, are also a good choice. Whole grain products are also essential.

  1. Read more: Diet after a heart attack. What should recovery look like?

Pre-infarction status i the likelihood of a heart attack we can neutralize by regular physical effort adjusted to our abilities. Pre-infarcts are also treated with vasodilators and blood pressure stabilizing agents, angioplasty or bypass implantation are the last resort.

To reduce the risk of a heart attack and thrombotic disease, it is worth systematically drinking Coffee from hemp seeds, which you can now buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

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