Pre-diabetes can be reversed. Six important tips

Pre-diabetes, the transition between high blood sugar and full-blown type 2 diabetes, can be reversed. However, it requires some effort, dietary and lifestyle changes. So let’s stick to six key rules.

  1. Diabetes is a disease called the non-communicable epidemic of the XNUMXst century.
  2. In Poland, about 2,5-3 million people suffer from it, and about 0,5 million are not aware of it at all
  3. The full-blown disease is preceded by pre-diabetes, which can be reversed. Whether it can be reversed is up to us
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Pre-diabetes – what is it?

Pre-diabetes occurs when the blood sugar level exceeds the norm, i.e. above 99 mg / dl on an empty stomach, and is still low enough not to give full symptoms of type 2 diabetes. It is such a state between maintaining normal blood sugar and diabetes, which gives clinical symptoms.

There are certain factors that can accelerate the development of the disease and we have influence on them. Therefore, it is worth taking your health into your own hands so that it does not turn out that we are in a dead end and the time for intervention is over. It is important to react in time. If we allow the carbohydrate metabolism disorders to develop, the disease will manifest itself sooner or later. What to do then?

Six tips to reverse pre-diabetes

Also, remember that a simple blood sugar test will give you an answer to what stage you are at. If it turns out that you are at risk, it is worth following six tips that give you a chance to slow down the development of the disease. There is even a high probability that you will successfully prevent it.

Lose weight

It doesn’t have to be a huge and sharp drop in kilograms. Already dropping 7 percent. body weight, with a weight of, for example, 90 kilograms will give six kg less. It will certainly be felt for the body. All you have to do is change your current diet, limit the daily amount of calories. You will start living more actively.

Eat healthy

It is worth adding more vegetables to the diet. What kind? In a diabetic diet, it is best to use half of the plate with those that do not contain starch. These include carrots, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and asparagus. On a quarter, put starchy foods: groats, potatoes, whole grain rice.

And for the rest, products that are a source of protein, i.e. fish, beans or meat, preferably white. It is better to limit the consumption of bread and pasta because they increase glycemia.


You can’t go without it. You will burn the most calories by walking, running, and practicing any sport. It can even be a half-hour walk with the dog. If you need mobilization, make an appointment with a friend, get someone from the family.

Any form of exercise is recommended as it is a good way to burn calories. Both strength exercises, e.g. push-ups, pull-ups, and aerobic exercises (jogging, swimming, dancing) are recommended. In addition, exercise improves mood and lowers blood sugar levels.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is also good for glycemia. It allows you to keep it at the appropriate level. Insomnia, trouble falling asleep and waking up too quickly, and sleeping less than five hours a day are at risk. They increase the likelihood that diabetes will catch us.

Pre-diabetes may be asymptomatic for years. Therefore, it is recommended that adults are regularly screened for diabetes.

Don’t wait – do a package of tests to see if you are at risk of diabetes. You can buy it on Medonet Market.

We should sleep at least seven or eight hours a day and try to fall asleep at the same time. In the afternoon, do not drink coffee or strong tea, which has a stimulating effect. Calm down before going to bed.

Drop your cigarettes

People who smoke cigarettes are at risk of 30-40 percent. more at risk of developing diabetes than nonsmokers. It is worth quitting smoking not only because of diabetes. If you don’t do this and you get sick, your ailments may get worse. It will also be more difficult to control diabetes.

Take medication

Follow your doctor’s instructions. If he prescribes medications, take them because they can help fight blood sugar, overweight, and regulate cholesterol and high blood pressure. The risk of developing these disorders increases if you have pre-diabetes.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to epigenetics. What is? How can we influence our genes? Do our elderly grandparents give us a chance for a long and healthy life? What is trauma inheritance and is it possible to somehow oppose this phenomenon? Listen:

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