Pražačka (Pražečka)

Pražačka means “Pražanka” in Czech. This beer is produced at one of the best breweries in the Czech Republic. The drink is supplied to Russia, USA, China, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, Israel.

Historical reference. Since 1997, the Russian Tradition group of companies has represented the most famous foreign beer brands in Russia. But in the XNUMXst century, distribution became less profitable: foreign concerns refused direct imports, transferring part of the beer production to Russian enterprises.

In 2004, the leadership of the Russian Tradition decided to create their own brands. One of them was named Pražečka, a misspelled Czech word. Andrei Brailovsky, who headed the Russian Tradition, did not attach any importance to the grammatical error in the title: the beer was intended mainly for Russia anyway, they were not going to sell it in the Czech Republic.

The best Czech specialists worked on the Prazhechka recipe. At first, beer was produced at the Platan plant in the city of Protivin, but the demand for the drink outstripped supply, and soon Russian Tradition signed a contract with a plant in Czech Budejovice. On the wave of success in Moscow, even the Prazhechka brand restaurant was opened.

In 2010, Russian Tradition acquired the Tradiční pivovar plant in Rakovnik, which was on the verge of bankruptcy and had been operating since the middle of the 45th century. The enterprise was completely re-equipped, and soon the production of Prazhechka began here. In just one year, the volume of production of this beer increased by XNUMX%.

Pražečka beer was exported to 20 countries, but before it went on sale in the Czech Republic, a grammatical error in the name had to be corrected. Since 2012, the drink has been called Pražačka.

In 2016, at the Czech Beer Print competition, where 1250 beer brands were presented, Prazhechka took first place in the light beer category. The decision on the results of blind testing was made by independent experts from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and France.

Types of beer Prazechka

Pražačka lager is a light lager with 4% abv. The taste is refreshing, with a slight hop bitterness.

Pražačka unfiltered – beer with a strength of 4%, a density of 11,5%.

Pražačka dark festival – beer with a strength of 4%, a density of 11,5%. The drink has a honey-malty aroma, honey sweetness in taste gives way to a hoppy aftertaste.

Pražačka pomegranate is a dark ruby ​​beer with 4,7% ABV. Sweet cherry notes are felt in the taste, the aftertaste is dry.

Pražačka (Pražečka)

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