PR is a delicate matter: how to wake up popular?

Every day you see on TV screens, in magazines and news feeds successful, wealthy and enterprising, but you cannot understand why you are still not in their place? You are no worse, but you are not trumpeted on every corner and from every iron. The answer is trivially simple — competent self-promotion. So literate and versatile that you can literally wake up famous.

PR is a delicate matter: how to wake up popular?

«Black and white» variety

Whatever marketing or economic tasks you face, popular media will help you solve them all in one fell swoop. You can attract the attention of the media community without even getting up from the couch: no “connections”, expensive specialists and other costly options! An ordinary computer with Internet access is enough. They say that politics is a dirty business … But in front of skilled PR people, sometimes even hardened politicians look like mere children. All means are used — both noble and very dubious. Indulging in all serious, just make sure that your name and company name in the media are not misrepresented and written correctly! It doesn’t matter how — off topic, with subtext, openly — but your name should sound everywhere. The most ridiculous and inappropriate PR increases sales by at least 10 percent.

Classic or killer modern?

In matters of promotion, as in many other things, there are ways that are recognized as classic. This is, so to speak, a phased evolution, systematic and proven. It can take up to 3 months to build up, and you will have to wait about a year to get the first results. And there will not be so many publications during this time — no more than 30 per month, given the list of interested media. What results are we talking about? Such PR is unlikely to raise your sales, but rather make the brand and you at the same time more recognizable.

For an instant increase in profits, the answer is the so-called explosive PR, which increases the number of mentions — up to 50 per day immediately after the PR campaign, which should not last longer than five days. That is, the number of references per month can reach 200! This may not affect the reputation, but it will affect sales.

PR is a delicate matter: how to wake up popular?

How does it work?

There is no need to hope for some kind of murky acquaintances in the media, because even the presence of your close school friend or second cousin of your wife in any editorial office can only help if it is his personal media. The information «bomb» will still have to be planted on its own, and how loudly it will «explode» depends on the quickness of the journalists!

In the list of the most likely options to attract attention:

  • «Reality show» — you shoot the staged video you need with a claim to reality. It doesn’t have to be positive. A street fight, a small incident, dissatisfied customers or a satisfied courier who ate the rolls you entrusted without delivering them to the client …. Anything will go.
  • We make a scandal. It doesn’t matter if it’s a large holding or a tiny store, scandals work great in any format. More than that, the larger the office. The more profit is brought by mentions of it in a negative way. After all, this good is quickly forgotten, and the bad is remembered for an absurdly long time! You need to learn how to use in your favor any, even the most insignificant scandal, and learn how to bring even the simplest situations to the point of absurdity. The media loves hot stuff.
  • Social means great! Everything that in one way or another concerns the social sphere is a homing missile. She will inevitably hit the mark. Do good — this is the case when it will definitely return to you with profit.
  • Something new. Do you have an unusual offer for your clients? Super original product or service? Perfectly! Not? Urgently come up with and be sure to tell about it in all social networks and on your website. New items perfectly attract the attention of people who are looking for something to write about so as not to be repeated …

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