PPM – definition, what it depends on, increase, decrease, designation. What is basic metabolism? WE EXPLAIN

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PPM stands for Basic Metabolic Rate. This abbreviation means the amount of energy that must be provided to the body to ensure the proper functioning of the body in conditions of complete physical and mental peace, on an empty stomach and in appropriate conditions. The body uses this energy for all life processes, such as breathing, heart function and cell growth.

PPM is about 50-70 percent. total metabolism. This indicator is given in kilocalories (kcal). On average, it is assumed that PPM for humans is approx. 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per 1 hour. The PPM amount depends on many different factors.

What is PPM?

Basic Metabolism (PPM) is another name for basic metabolism. It is the lowest level of energy transformations that determines the supply of energy needed to perform basic life functions. However, it should be considered within the framework of optimal living conditions, i.e. a state in which a person is provided with both physical and mental peace.

PPM is an indicator that is measured in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. The measurement is performed lying down, and no stimulants or smoking should be taken 12 hours before the test. If a person fails to meet these conditions, the doctor calculates the so-called resting metabolismwhich is about 10 percent. higher than PPM.

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On what factors does the Basic Metabolism depend?

The most important factors that determine PPM are:

  1. Gender – Women naturally have less muscle and more fat. In their case, the basic metabolism is lower than in men.
  2. height – basal metabolic rate is higher in tall people.
  3. body weight – basal metabolism is higher in heavier people

Basic Metabolism it also depends on the physiological state of the body, e.g. in the case of women it is influenced by pregnancy and menstruation. Other factors influencing PPM are lifestyle, diet, climate, health status and the related intake of certain medications. Moreover, genetic factors also influence the PPM value.

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Basic Metabolism – Growth

PPM value increases during:

  1. intensive growth and development of the organism – this applies especially to young children and adolescents. The energy costs associated with growth and development have a huge impact on the body’s energy requirements. Tissues can even store energy. For example, in the first months of an infant’s life, energy costs related to its development account for approx. 35%. total energy demand. However, already at the end of the first year of life, these costs drop to 1%, and after 5 years of age they are only 2-1%. total energy expenditure;
  2. increase in body temperature – each increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius causes an increase in PPM by 12%;
  3. excessive thyroxine production by the thyroid gland;
  4. excessive production of adrenaline by the adrenal medulla;
  5. pregnancy – increase in PPM is associated with the growth and development of the fetus and placenta. The growth of PPM is also responsible for the growth of the uterus and mammary glands, as well as changes in the woman’s metabolism. In addition, there is also an increase in PPM after childbirth related to the production of milk by the mother, as well as ensuring the appropriate nutritional value of the food. This increase is partially covered by the fat accumulated during pregnancy;
  6. hyperthyroidism, which causes up to 80 percent. increase in PPM.

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PPM – decrease

PPM may also go down:

  1. during sleep, there is then a decrease of even about 10%;
  2. in periods of malnutrition and starvation – the greater the malnutrition, the lower the basic metabolism;
  3. in people living in tropical climates;
  4. in people over 40 – with age, PPM gradually decreases. It is also worth noting that women have lower PPM than men, and that this rate continues to decline after the menopause;
  5. in the elderly – in the elderly there is a decrease in lean mass, which also affects drop in PPM;
  6. in the case of hypothyroidism – PPM may drop by as much as 30-40%;
  7. in people taking drugs containing amphetamines or ß-blockers.

PPM – determination

The PPM height can be determined using direct and indirect methods, as well as using theoretical formulas. The indirect and direct methods are used in pathological conditions. These methods consist of:

  1. direct method – this method consists in measuring the amount of heat emitted by the body of a given person in a calorimeter, at the same time determining the amount of oxygen consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide and water produced;
  2. indirect method – calculates the amount of oxygen consumed, assuming that 1 liter of oxygen produces 4825 calories and produced carbon dioxide. On this basis, the amount of heat given off by the body during the day is converted.

In other cases, others are used to calculate the Basic Metabolism ways to calculate PPM. However, it is always worth taking into account individual differences in the rate of metabolism. Therefore, PPM values ​​may differ by +/- 10%:

  1. on the basis of the conducted research, it is assumed that an adult human produces an average of 1 calorie per 1 hour per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. 24 calories for every kilogram of weight;
  2. the surface of the skin is taken into account – the surface of the skin is read from the nomogram or its area is calculated on the basis of a special formula.

How to calculate PPM?

Calculating the Basic Metabolic Rate is indicated for people with nutritional problems, such as overweight, obesity, malnutrition and emaciation. The PPM value is measured in kilocalories (kcal) and in a healthy person it is 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per 1 hour. It can be calculated using the following formulas:

  1. Harris Benedict’s formula

PPM in women – 655,1 + (9,567 x body weight in kg) + (1,85 x height in cm) – (4,68 x age in years)

PPM in men – 66,47 + (13,7 x body weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm] – [6,76 x age in years]

  1. Mifflin’s formula

Male PPM = (10 x body weight in kg) + (6,25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years) + 5

Female PPM = (10 x body weight in kg) + (6,25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years) – 161

  1. Katch-McArdle pattern

PPM for women and men = 370 + (21,6 x lean body weight in kg)

  1. Cunningham’s formula

PPM for women and men = 500 + (22 x lean body weight in kg)

How to speed up your metabolism?

In the first place, it should be ensured that the menu is adapted to the daily needs and provides enough calories to be able to perform daily activities. It is worth knowing that a person working in an office will have different requirements from, for example, a blue-collar worker – in the latter case, the daily caloric requirement may be as high as 3200 kcal. To speed up the metabolism, you should eat as needed, but move more at the same time to bring the caloric balance to zero.

You can speed up your metabolism by eating 4 to 5 small meals a day on a regular basis. This allows the body to get used to the regular production of digestive juices and more digestive enzymes will be produced when you eat. Food will also be converted into energy and will not stay in the digestive tract. It is definitely inadvisable to snack between meals.

When the body does not receive nutrients in the morning, it starts to use its resources more sparingly. Therefore, people who do not eat breakfast regularly have a slower metabolism. In order to maintain the proportions of the diet, it should be based on complex carbohydrates that provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. It is also worth limiting the consumption of animal fats and eating fruits and vegetables instead.

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