Powdered milk

Now in supermarkets on the shelves you can see a variety of jars, bags and other bright packaging with the inscription “milk”. But inside there is not a product familiar and familiar to everyone since childhood, but an unknown white powder. So what is it really? But in fact, this is really milk, only prepared by drying ordinary natural cow’s milk. In order to get a delicious drink out of it, this dry mixture is simply diluted with warm water. By the way, many types of baby food also contain a dry analogue of a popular product.

The story of

Milk is everyone’s favorite and healthy drink. Its use has a wonderful effect on the body. That is why the question often arose: how to increase the shelf life of this wonderful drink, because natural whole milk sours so quickly. And it was not advisable to take it with you on various long military campaigns or travels. A breakthrough in this area occurred back in 1802, when a certain doctor Osip Krichevsky achieved a dry substitute from a whole product that was not inferior in nutritional and beneficial properties to his natural counterpart.

But his undertakings were not taken out of thin air, because back in 1792 such milk was mentioned in the scientific works of Ivan Yerich “Proceedings of the Free Economic Society”. There is a record that the inhabitants of some eastern regions obtained this product by freezing ordinary cow’s milk. Thus obtaining, as he put it, “great reserves of milky lumps.” Based on the developments of Krichevsky, in 1832 the famous Russian chemist Dirchov began the production of powdered milk for commercial purposes, and a little later, in 1855, the process of its production was patented in England. The production of these products reached industrial volumes only at the end of the XNUMXth century.

Product manufacturing process

The basis of the manufacturing process of this product is the evaporation of water from ordinary milk. Before starting production, fresh milk is pasteurized, brought to sufficient fat content and thickened. After that, the product is homogenized and then dried in spray or roller type dryers. Moreover, the former are much more popular with industrialists, since their productivity is many times greater, and the quality of the product is not lost. On such installations, drying is carried out at temperatures from 150 to 180 degrees.

But initially, preference was given to roller dryers, the process in which took place with the help of conductive drying. To do this, a concentrated whole product is fed to the dryer, which has been evaporated in multicyclone devices. The content of solids in such milk is approximately 40%. The powder thus obtained contains approximately 3% residual moisture. Due to the fact that condensed milk is caramelized when it comes into contact with the heated surface of the dryer, the finished product has a sweetish caramel flavor. It contains a lot of free fats in its composition and due to this it is an indispensable product in the production of chocolate. Such caramel milk replaces expensive cocoa butter. The only disadvantage in the production of milk on roller dryers is low productivity.

After drying milk of any kind, it is sifted and cooled. To increase the period of use, the product is packaged using vacuum or inert gases. For the production of a dry drink, there are two GOSTs: 4495-87 “Whole milk powder” and R 52791-2007 “Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications”.

Classification and chemical composition

There are two types of milk powder: whole milk powder (WPM) and skimmed milk powder (SMP). Depending on the variety, its nutritional value and content of nutrients and vitamins change.

The mineral complex in both types of product is the same, however, in skimmed milk, the content of substances is slightly higher.

mineral complex
MineralSkimmed milk powderFull Cream Milk Powder
Sodium442 mg400 mg
potassium1224 mg1200 mg
Calcium1155 mg1000 mg
Magnesium160 mg119 mg
Phosphorus920 mg790 mg
Hardware0,5 mg0,5 mg

As can be seen from the table, milk is rich in minerals such as potassium (about 48% of the daily requirement), calcium (100%), phosphorus (about 98,8%).

The energy value varies depending on the type from 350 kcal to 479 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Vitamin composition is presented:

  • vitamin A;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin V1 (retinol);
  • vitamin V2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B4 (choline);
  • vitamin B5;
  • vitamin B12;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin PP.

The fat content in whole milk is about 25 grams, in skimmed milk – about 1 gram. Proteins and carbohydrates, respectively, are contained in the amount of:

  • whole milk – 25,5 grams and 36,5 grams;
  • skimmed milk – 36 grams and 52 grams.

The product also contains all the vital amino acids necessary for protein synthesis, saturated fatty acids and more omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. In general, we can say that the vitamin and mineral composition of powdered milk is in no way inferior to the composition of a natural pasteurized product.

There is also instant milk powder, which is obtained by mixing two types of milk powder. This mixture is then doused with steam, forming sticky lumps. Then again subjected to the drying process.

How to choose and store

In terms of shelf life, whole milk powder is inferior to skim milk. The fats included in its composition are prone to rancidity, which is the reason for their rapid spoilage. It is necessary to store such milk in a dry room at a temperature of up to 10 degrees Celsius. The average shelf life of the product is 8 months. A fat-free product can be stored for three years.

When buying milk powder, you need to pay attention to several indicators. Be sure to check the shelf life, the integrity of the packaging and the absence of artificial preservatives and vegetable fats in the composition. A quality product should consist of whole natural cow’s milk.

Powdered milk is a white or light cream powder. If it contains impurities of other colors, this indicates damage to the product, or poor-quality production. The powder should be of a homogeneous consistency, not stick together and not form lumps. When dissolved in water, precipitation is not allowed.

Useful Properties

The benefits of powdered milk are equivalent to the benefits obtained from the use of its natural counterpart. First of all, it is of course the prevention of osteoporosis. The use of this product significantly strengthens bones and teeth.

Due to the presence of a complex of B vitamins in the composition of the dry product, it has a positive effect on the nervous system, has a calming and anti-stress effect. The amino acids included in it actively fight insomnia and headaches. Milk is useful for both the cardiovascular system and the organs of vision.

The use of milk powder in bodybuilding is very widely used. It is used by athletes to build muscle mass. It is often included in protein shakes. Almost all infant formulas, which are an analogue of healthy mother’s milk, are produced using a dry product. Skimmed milk powder is highly valued by nutritionists and cosmetologists.

The use of such a drink has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalizes the bowels;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • regulates the acidity of the stomach.

Cooking application

The dry product is often used to restore milk. After that, it can be used like regular natural milk. With the help of milk, various pastries, confectionery, creams are prepared. It is irreplaceable in the chocolate industry, taking the place of expensive cocoa butter.

To dilute or restore milk from a dry mixture, you will need:

  • warm water;
  • powdered milk.

It is necessary to dilute the product in a ratio of one to three, gradually pouring water into the powder and stirring to avoid sticking and the appearance of lumps. After leaving the milk to infuse, to allow the proteins that make up its composition to swell.

Dietary properties of the product

A fat-free product is considered especially valuable in the dietary plan. It can be used as a substitute for real milk during fasting days, used in complex diets. On its basis, various dietary dishes are often prepared: cereals, cakes, all kinds of sauces and drinks.

For dietary purposes, it is useful to use reconstituted milk powder at night. It is quickly absorbed by the body, activates the rest centers in the brain. The use of such a product will help you fall asleep easily and quickly, without feeling hungry.

Smoothies with powdered milk

For cooking you will need:

  • any fruits and berries;
  • diluted dry milk – 1 cup.

Mix fruits and milk with a blender. This product is very rich in vitamin C and calcium. It can be used both before training and as a snack. You can also completely replace them with dinner.

Used in cosmetics

For cosmetic purposes, milk powder is also widely used. It is used as a raw material for the preparation of various masks for all skin types and all ages.

Nourishing Face Mask

For preparation it is necessary:

  • egg yolk – 1 pcs;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry milk – 1 tablespoon.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Too thick a mixture can be diluted with a decoction of chamomile or warm milk. Apply the product on the face and keep for 15 minutes. Rinse the rest of the mixture after the procedure with warm water.

This product will appeal to owners of dry and normal skin.

Purifying face mask

The use of this composition will make the skin of the face radiant and smooth.

For manufacturing it is necessary:

  • dry milk – 1 tablespoon;
  • oatmeal – 2 teaspoons.

Mix the ingredients and add water, bringing the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the face and keep for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the remnants of the product with warm water. If the skin is too dry, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture.

Anti aging mask

For preparation it will be required:

  • dry milk – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon.

Dilute the ingredients with water or milk until a thick mixture is obtained. Spread it on your face and rinse it with warm water after 15 minutes.

Such a product significantly smoothes wrinkles, saturates the skin with nutrients and eliminates the signs of aging.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

Powdered milk, like its natural counterpart, should not be included in the diet of people suffering from lactose intolerance. It is not recommended to use it if you suspect an allergy to dairy products. Of course, only a high-quality, not expired product should be used in food. An important role here is played by the raw materials from which it was made and the production technology.

There is an opinion that the dry product contains a higher amount of cholesterol than natural milk. Substances contained in oxidized cholesterol cause serious damage to blood vessels and can provoke atherosclerotic exacerbation. In favor of milk, we can say that the content of such cholesterol in it is extremely small. For example, egg powder contains about 6 times more of it.


Powdered milk is an analogue of pasteurized cow’s milk. It retains all the useful and valuable components and qualities inherent in a real drink. This product is successfully used in the field of cooking, medicine and cosmetology. With its help, infant formulas are prepared, which are a full-fledged substitute for mother’s milk. The fat-free drink is widely used in the diet menu, replacing a more fatty natural counterpart. In home cosmetology, nourishing, exfoliating and anti-aging masks are prepared on the basis of a dry milk product. This product is not recommended for people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk.

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