Powdered Beer Myths

According to rumors, manufacturers have learned to make beer from powder, not adhering to traditional brewing technology. Consumers are indignant, they want to drink natural or even better live beer, and not a set of chemicals of unknown origin. In fact, the truth was not so frightening. Next, I will prove it.

powder beer is a concentrate of finished beer wort from which water has been removed by vacuum. The extract is sold in powder or paste form. To make beer again, it is enough to dilute it in water of a certain temperature and add yeast.

The powder method is used by small private breweries and restaurants that prepare their own draft beer. It is unprofitable for them to comply with the full technology, which uses special equipment and expensive ingredients, so they make do with concentrate.

The final taste of such drinks depends on the quality of the concentrate. With proper preparation, it is almost impossible to distinguish powdered beer from live beer. It is like in the case of powdered milk, which is absolutely identical to natural in taste and color.

Использовать порошок на больших заводах нерентабельно, поскольку к традиционной технологии производства пива добавляется еще один этап – выпаривание, требующий больших энергетических затрат. Утверждение, что все известные российские предприятия варят пиво из порошка не более чем миф. С точки зрения доходности это невыгодно.

The opinion that powdered beer is more harmful or healthier than regular beer is also not justified. Both drinks are identical in composition. In most cases, powdered beer is not pasteurized, so it can taste even better. It all depends on the quality of the extract and the degree of its dilution with water.

Powdered Beer Myths
Often the reason for feeling unwell after beer is the wrong snack.

To drink or not to drink powdered beer, everyone decides for himself. The only problem is that the consumer is not always informed about the origin of the drink. If you buy draft beer from restaurants or small breweries, it is possible that it is made from powder, but you do not know about it.

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